

Chess Training is begin.,
now its the time,.
join us.,
learn,practice,fight your new skill.,
meet us today at.,



@Shaggy_Rogers13 better than some of their movies i think. Id rather watch that old dude play chess with himself than Wall-E or Cars 2 tbh


We were suppose to play chess


Chess Strategy: Kasparov Crushes with the Initiative


Titi deng juwi *panako mmng..! "@TweetMDO: Sapa ngana pe teman SD yg so Pucat pas lia ada suster2 dtg diskolah mo ba suntik? #Flashback"


@ShaunMooney11 saw you talking about Football & Chess. Is it a good read?


Chess openings: Ruy Lopez vs Italian Game


#CyberSciences Echecs & Livres : Echec et mat - CE2 http://t.co/3u6uELRX9E instant 0-0-0


Chess match #thisgame


Hello Phillips parents,
yearbook staff is currently in search of photos of Pajama day, awards ceremonies, girls and boys basketball 2012-2013 , girls and boys swim team 2012-2013, chess club, RIF. If anyone has any pics they would be willing to share to be considered for publication in this years yb please send them to faziofamily1@verizon.net by this Wednesday April 10,2013. Would could really use your help.
Teri Fazio


"fuck em we ball"- all city chess club makin moves


Spectacular game by Chess Titans: A. Alekhine vs E.Bogoljubov 1914


Tin Knight piece captured by hero04 in Chess


Magnus Carlsen vs Loek Van Wely - Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2013 - Round 3


True love is like a man playing chess, always afraid of losing his queen...GM


i cant get off the bed.thank God its a holiday.


"@StefyArmendariz: "The queen protects the king, just like in a game of chess" ❤"


Make ya next move ya best move.. Play it smart lika chess move.. rt


#iney "@TweetMDO: sapa ngana pe teman yg prnh bakalaeng deng ngana wktu SD? #Flashback"


"I got to my lowest point where i learn to live without errthing even people cuz i didnt have nobody wen u get to dat point u dnt have nobody because they look at u different cuz they dont look at u as a asset they look at u as a liability an wen u become that it jus like u worthless to errbody around thts how they look at u cuz they dont think u can generate for them cuz they lookn at u situation now but i make chess move i kno im fuckd up rite now but i will succeed because of all the work im putting in" #future


Hoping to buy a nice chess set soon, pretty excited.


"DM's Daily Motivational Breakfast"


In a game of CHESS. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices just to "CHECKMATE" your opponent and WIN the game.

In a game of LIFE. You have to make sacrifices too.
Postponed your gratifications.

Put your 100% time and effort in building the result you want. Don't do the things that average people does.


Chess Openings: Fried Liver Attack


Armenia: Compulsory Chess | European Journal


ACHARIYA Attempts 150 World Records

Achariya has always believed that when it comes to factors motivating students, there is nothing greater than self-accomplishment. This reflects in the everyday schooling in Achariya where a student is motivated not with the marks he would secure in the exams, not with the cosy job he would land up in eventually and not with the other material comforts that education would guarantee him. In Achariya, Self accomplishment is the only motivating factor for all students. Taking this a step forward, Achariya has every year been creating world records through its students and staff members and presently has 29 world records to its credit, including 22 guinness records.

This year the number of records attempted by Achariya is in itself a record of sorts. 150 world records would be attempted between 14th April and 25th April by the students and staff members of Achariya Siksha Mandir and Sri Sampourna Vidyalaya in Villianur and Achariya Bala Siksha Mandir in Thengaithittu. The successful completion of these 150 world records would make Achariya the organization with the highest world records to its credit, across the globe.

The list of attempted records would require a range of skills and talents and would test the endurance of the students both physically and mentally. Records like “Most number of times Rubiks Cubes solved by a minor in three hours”, “Most number of times solving mental arithmetic problems in one hour”, “playing chess with maximum number of opponents simultaneously” and similar others test the logical intelligence of the students. It is interesting to learn that most of the record attempts were proposed to the organisers by the students themselves.

There are also records like “Longest time riding on a horse by a minor”, “Most number of yogasanas performed by a minor male”, “Most number of taekwondo kicks by a minor in three hours” and “Most number of coconuts broken using Ninchaku in thirty minutes” to stand testimony to the physical strength and agility of the students.

Attempts like “making the maximum number of paper bags in 12 hrs” would stress the importance of and how we can save the planet. There would also be a dash of patriotism collectively demonstrated in the record attempt of “most number of national flags made by hand prints”.

Dr.J.Arawindhan, Chief Mentor and Managing Director of Achariya Group of Institutions said “Initially, 150 world record attempts in one go seemed so humongous and even crazy a feat to many around me but I had not an iota of doubt that our students will accomplish this at ease. Eventually, once we started working with the students, it so happened that we had to restrict ourselves to 150 as the organisers expressed their inability for anything more than that. Such is the strength of the ‘Dasavadhani’ formula of schooling followed in Achariya, where the ten intelligences of a child are individually nurtured. I wish all the students attempting the record all their very best”


Chess Tactics- Windmill


Is like u nuh answer first time or sumn

P.s. You will never be completely happy in life until you start living for yourself. You're an amazing woman, a great friend, an even better mom and a constant rock that's been their for me. I excepted your daughter as apart of our relationship because I felt this could be a life changing relationship but unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype your words made it out to be. Instead you let your parents own you and for anyone reading, you know it as well that is not love when you control a persons actions, that is control and you're a fucked up set of individuals and I be dead b4 I let my children become a piece in that chess match. You will make mistakes and fall sometimes and I wanted to be their to catch you, you came to me with a horrible addiction that I was their for u with, I was their for your daughter, forgave your dad knowing in my heart I should have outed his pathectic ass, but for you my pride was swallowed. I'm a father and I struggle to make ends meet At times but I'm no less of a man. The streets had alot to do work my mentality but atleast I don't had behind fake friends, and patents that don't a fuck about me or my daughter. We have way different back grounds you had life given to you worn a silver spoon and I had to take that silver spoon sometimes to get fed. I feel sorry for people like your parents and your becoming them. Their is a reason why I only have respect for certain people. Daryl McPherson, curt Curt Kokaine, Marcierra Crockett, RIO, GA, Clifton Moore. I hope you wake up megan bc this is your life live it to satisfy yourself and in return because of the heart I know you have your daughter will admire your will and strength that's one of the sexiest things about you. I've never hit a woman, abused a woman or acted in a way to jeopardize the safety of a woman. I have respect for woman bc that's where each and every one of us came from. Straight or gay, bi or not. Please start respecting yourself as a woman, a person that has free will and the ability to stand on your own two feet. You failed me so yes you lost a real person that was true to you. And I'm still going to beat your babies dads ass because he is a piece of shit father. Your daughter is a princess and full of life I could never not see my kids and neither can any real man!

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