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Just Cause 2 Review by //Erro:r
This game might have been released a good few years ago, but due to my low-spec computer and only recently purchasing a Xbox 360; it has only been since late last year that I have been able to play this masterpiece of a game.
There are a few errors with this game though, there are usually lots of vocal glitches between the characters (they sound like they are stuttering as if they are the beats from the Digitalism song Blitz) and sometimes a few enemy or passive characters enters a crucifix pose as if they are a texture editing pose. Another problem is that the large city district in the west of the game map has a slight drop in frame rate compared to the rest of the game.
Now onto the good bits; the game is absolutely fantastic, even the demo shows enough justice (it is based on a large part on one of the smaller islands surrounding the main island). The game area is absolutely massive, and once you have completed the demo you can free roam ANYWHERE on the islands. There are no barriers and you can fly, drive and sail across the greatest terrain in any video game. You trek across tundra, deserts and through cities and into the depths of military bases and airports.
Just Cause 2 is a very explosive game, to advance through the game you aim to blow up the whole island whilst completing story missions inbetween goals. The game also boasts an awesome grappling hook and parachute system which works almost perfectly.
4.7/5 This is an absolute masterpiece, this is definitely one of the best games I have ever played.
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Thatcher/Reagan were free market phonies. Spoke a great game all while enriching cronies, going to war & keeping status quo broadly intact
La Maggie est mort, long live the... Ed Miliband said Lady Thatcher had been a "unique figure" who "reshaped the politics of a whole generation". He added: "The Labour Party disagreed with much of what she did and she will always remain a controversial figure. But we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength."
Lady Thatcher died, today, aged 87, barely months off the age of Queen Elizabeth, the still reigning monarch after more than 60 years. Diana, Thatcher, the Queen - who will be remembered more, and for what?
In the political game of thrones, Maggie was the Iron Lady, not dissimilar to von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor, whom Kissinger called "The man of blood and iron". At the end of our lives we are more blood than iron, there is strength and humanity in us all, hard decisions done, mistakes made, in the end death prevails and what is our legacy? Many now would look back less fondly than the excitement at the time at having a first and still only UK female PM who won three elections, despite eventual historical unpopularity, not least for ending free school milk for children. She became known as the milk snatcher, but actually said, "I think that the complete withdrawal of free milk for our school children would be too drastic a step and would arouse more widespread public antagonism than the saving justifies." She was then just education secretary and under pressure from the PM Edward Heath to deliver austerity cuts, much as now. Under the 30 year rule documents released in 2006 showed that she had actually fought to save the grants but was overruled by Heath.
As a schoolkid, and one who spent 3 years in the army cadets, I will always remember the Falklands. Every country wants a strong leader - and we got one, perhaps we hoped with a woman at the helm we might also get a compassionate leader, something the public found in Princess Diana instead. Ironically, it is Argentina's Kirchner, often seen as another Perón, who is the strong and compassionate lady of South American politics, taking on the G20 over EU austerity, bringing the Falklands debate back to the fore, and yet introducing the lauded universal child benefit, which boosted school attendance and reduced poverty. She is also acclaimed for having brought in equal marriage back in 2010 and as being the first country in the world last year to allow gender reassignment surgery for trans without psychiatric hoop-jumping and funding-restraints.
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