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Help a Mom Out: She writes: My son who is 11 and has Down Syndrome. Most days he is the happiest, sweetest child I know. On occasion, he has fits of anger, meltdowns , when he does not want to do something. This morning was the first day back to school after Spring break. He did not want to get up so I let him have a 5 minute "rest". As soon as he got up, he fell apart. Throwing things in the bathroom, screaming and trying to hit me. It took awhile for him to calm down, after holding him twice. He is pretty strong for his small size. I am so afraid that I will not be able to hold him... in order to calm him down. I am small myself. Most mornings he is great, gets up, goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth & gets dressed. After he got on the bus, I broke down in tears. I could really use some advice. Thanks so much.


Who the hell would pay to see Spain play Ireland at Yankee Stadium? I can see 6-0 games on baseball fields for free every weekend.


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Sr Night tonight at the @CameronBCM!! 730!! High school Sr. I wanna see you there!! Free food games and fellowship!!! See ya tonight!!!


With the first week of the baseball season behind us what did you like or dislike about what you saw?


Standing inline for our shirts!!!


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Had a discussion last night and here are a few solutions to a few of our issues.
1) Stop giving money to every other country around the world.
That way we can properly take care of our vets, the homeless and solve a few other financial issues we have.
2) Stop buying oil from other countries and keep the oil we produce here and sell to other countries. Makes up more self sufficient and lowers gas prices.
3) To solve our immigration issues. If your a company who bites illegals. You loose the right todecide own your company. It is then sold to the highest bidder so long as its no one related to you or friends with you.
Coming to this country and having kids no longer gives any of you a right todecide stay here. All of you are deported. When your child teaches 18 since the y are a citizen they are completely welcomed back. And some will say that mean. When one considers most other countries either kill you or put you in prison for life. This is a good alternative.
4) We over haul welfare to a one and done system. To get your benefits you will be randomly drug tested 14 times a year. If you fail your out. We make cities and counties responsible for checking up on these people. If your getting free breakfast and lunch on the tax payer yet dropping g your kids off in a 50 or 60 k vehicle, your investigated. We make it impossible to purchase lottery, booze, drugs, or tobacco products with welfare. If a store is caught selling these products. They arr fined 50 grand and closed for 30 days.
Site people need help from time to time but the system was never meant to be lifetime.
5) We should not need to be taxed twice. We pay a tax on pr pay checks, lottery winnings, benefits, and money from inheritance. That should be it. Bo more of this paying mote tax a second time at the end of the year. No where did we ever agree to be taxed twice. Matter of fact our country was founded on over taxation and our dislike or tolerance for it.
6) No more pork in bills that are voted on by any level of government. No more addons to gain votes for a bill. All government should be see through every level. All town city county state and federal agencies will have a page anyone can go see salaries, bills to be voted on ,perks of the job, where our money is spent and there direct phone number.
7) If you live in a city in north carolina you pay a city tax only. Not a city and county tax. Again over taxation.
8) We make being voted or appointed to a city county state or federal job so that we can get the best person for the job in office. Not those who have the most money or most contacts or influence. There are do many people who could run our little slice of heaven far better than those who run it now.
We eliminate the sides. No longer will there be parties of any kind. No more blame game between republicans democrats independents or tea party.

Its high time we put real change into effect in this country. We have real issues and real problems that aren't getting solved in any way shape or form.
Its time as citizens we take charge of our country , fate and direction once again.


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1178)The National Sport of India is
a. Cricket
b. Hockey
c. Badminton
d. None of the above


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@Turntablez That would be the most unintelligent business move in the history of games. I got PSN Plus last week and LOVE it. FREE GAMES FTW


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