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After some consideration, I have reached a decision...

I would be REMISS in my duties as an admin to withhold the following experience:

At the conclusion of my 4 hour set, the dance floor was rocking, the bar was making $$$ hand over fist and the venue was packed. However, only one thing missing...THE DJ THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO RELIEVE ME. Luckily, I wasn't booked for another set that night so I told management that I could spin the next set too and they were like "absolutely." Long story short, just as I was about to text the promoter to let him know I would take the other slot as well, dudes shows up 25-30 minutes late. Okay cool, now I will be free to go barhop and show love to my bros that came down to spin right? Not exactly...

After spinning an extra HOUR AND A HALF while this guy attempts to get his controller and PC laptop working, he finally gets his setup working. Two songs into his set the floor goes from packed to CLEARED. Not my problem at this point, as I'm walking out with my cases. Then he says the words to me that makes EVERY DJ cringe when a stranger asks them this:

"Can I borrow your headphone adapter?"

Nope. I bounce and have a PHENOMENAL night listening to all my DJ buddies KILLING IT. Later on across town I run into the promoter (who's also a DOPE DJ) and he doesn't look too happy. Turns out, minutes after I left the DJ's PC laptop quit working and he couldn't perform. In a panic, the venue's manager had to switch to "canned" music (which even they will admit at BEST their corporate music selection is HORRIBLE) at 11:45pm!!! The beginning of PEAK TIME. Who the hell waits in line at a club, PAYS A COVER only to come in to find a DJ struggling with shoddy equipment that doesn't work and TORI AMOS blaring through the house system?!?!?!

OUCH...I can only think of how much $$$ the bartenders and the venue lost last night due to the horrible circumstances brought on by an inexperienced and unprepared DJ during one of the biggest spring nights in that market.

I feel bad for the DJ but when you start fucking up the venues $$$ because you are unprepared and late. That doesn't sit well with me...

Consider yourself ON BLAST... //sweetlife


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Aw! Snap! This brings back terrible memories as someone I use to know use to say this all the time.
My facebook keeps crashing, and I have to keep killing pages... reloading & restoring and replacing all that was stolen from me and all this crashing is due to all that is requested from me by way of game and app requests that I have no intentions of accepting the same as his proposal to me...
There is one, a preacher who calls me bitter, oh no, just smarter & wiser for all that the Lord teaches me and now I will always remember never to make that mistake again... too bad he, that preacher, signed him on to be the assistant minster... , but as we are instructed when there is trouble, conflict or corruption in the church... we walk away as I did as I tried every other remedy and they would not see...
"For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." ~ ❤ 2 Timothy 3: 2 - 7 KJV ❤


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I find it troubling that the POTUS has to apologize for saying something that was evidently apparent.....she WAS a good looking woman.....sheesh....these POLICTICALLY CORRECT assholes make what once was normal and "free" speech, now a thinking "chess-game" of what to say that makes EVERYBODY happy.....I give the frick up!!!!!


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Omg SwiftKey typing is so bloody good! How did I not try this earlier??

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