
full tilt

Is Joe Scarborough a hater or dummy or both?



Glad my little munchkin Grace is feeling better today....we spent a few hours in the hospital last nite after she ran full tilt into door handle....took it right on the hair line above her left eye


interesting week this has been. Lost my cousin Johnny a week ago today. the most gregarious, magnanimous, larger than life cousin anyone could have.
And also had a none stop full tilt visit from Peter & Alex Tamil Pullano. And when I say full tilt I mean a bottoms up kinda full tilt!


A woman riding in the Grand National, what the fook is all that about? Surely her bladder will burst or summit? This is a PC world gone mad! I don’t mind ladies doing jobs like lollipop lady and dinner lady and even Needle Point Instructor but this has gone too fookin far!


really fedup. its being 5months since my operation and a month post my radiation and my leg is worse now than ever. speiding day in bed today as I can harldy walk...not funny...


Funny moment when I was goin 4 the ball an this lad from lake come running in full tilt tryed 2 smash me in the ribs an some other idiot from lakes yells out see he shit him self say about me I jumped up laughed what boi take more then a bump from a little bitch like him hahh if the ump had to laugh a that


Left Hope at the vet for a while and came to work. Pick her up before 12 and see what they say. That hemotoma still needs to drain.


OK here is our plan. My dentist in Indiana was closed all this week so I could not make an appointment. The antibiotic course will be done middle of next week. We will leave friday and drive back. Start the dental work the following week. Middle of June I will come back down to get the hurricane shutters & security camera put up while Laura is at yearly cousins vacation in FL panhandle plus sometime in June I have to go to JJ Keller to meet new manager who controls our contract. Phew busy! Oh got to


The Full Tilt Ceilidh band this evening. Tonight after 9. (Of the kilt obviously)


Full Tilt News: Billy The Kid.
Would be a yankee today. The way his party is today.
Most likely kill, a few of them. Lol


The Full Tilt Ceilidh Band is playing in the Chlachain Inn tonight!


YALL REMEMBER,,,,FULL TILT BOOGIE???? Herb needs to stop this morning,,,got me wanting to hit a social early this a.m


o.55$ full tilt :)) ----->>> loc 1 / 360 ....50$ in cont :))


Any one going to the grill tonight to see full tilt..


Come on over to The Grill tonight, and cap off a beautiful Saturday with some great music!! For the first time in a long time we won't be freezing when we load in our gear!! Got to love that!! Have a great Saturday!! FT>


My allergies have hit me full tilt boogie.

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