

Have you ordered your Gettysburg Fest tickets yet? Which event are you most excited about? http://bit.ly/GFtix



My horse Rio is about to take me around the battlefields of Gettysburg #LLBDiscovery http://t.co/KF27hQJrQo


@AimeeZaffis I loved meeting all of The Haunted Collector gang at Gettysburg. After the blooper reel I will have to giggle at each episode.


***Just a heads up***
There is planned network outage from carrier "Centurylink" for the Gettysburg Church of the Brethren scheduled on 04/10/2013. Please keep in mind during this downtime there will be no internet access until all work has been completed from the carrier side and network admin. This means that email replies may be slow from the staff hence the network will be down. If you have any questions on this please direct them to ServiceDesk@ThinkEzIT.com thank you.


The brave men of Gettysburg that marched into certain death.....knowing that the weight of this nation was at the end of a muskett, or cannon. The blood that covered the battle field was the sacrifice of our Freedom, and least we forget those brave souls of both sides...that born a nation into eternal freedom for all who seek it.


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/7PzsHPQLe8 via @Heather_Curley


Ok friends and family... We are renting our house out the 1st of next month and are looking for good reliable renters. So pass this along to everyone you know.
$1400 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 2000 sq ft, 2 Living areas, 3 Car Garage, Central AC/Heater, New tile and carpet throughout. In Clovis off Temperance and Gettysburg.


Heading to Gettysburg :)


Had an amazing time camping in Gettysburg. Drama free, almost. Next time those "girl" scouts will know not to mess with us:)


Goodwill 3006 straight a another gettysburg resort plaster was legal and the patriarchal vietnam war credibili... 942035


Home safe and sound from a great Harley weekend - would recommend Gettysburg to anyone/anytime great experience.


We can rock those Gettysburg Girls ! Let go get Shbg Hounds! We can do!


Stoping for supper and stretching my legs. Took Parker threw Gettysburg and watched the sunset on bener hill


lax bros running in front of my window was actually the real reason i came to gettysburg


We are planning a trip to Gettysburg soon after school gets out


Need to do this work so I can go to Gettysburg and go shopppping.


The Grays open their season in Whately MA this Saturday. Our schedule is below, hope to see you on the sidelines.

April 13 @ Whately Pioneers
April 27 @ Brooklyn Atlantics
April 28 @ NY Mutuals
May 11 Melorese Pondfielders Location TBD
May 18 @ Newtown Sandy Hooks
May 19 Olneyville Cadets McCoy Stadium
June 1 @ NH Granite
June 8 @ Atlantics
June 15 Bristol Blues Bristol Town Common
June 29 NY Mutuals Location TBD
July 13 Whately Pioneers Location TBD
July 14 @ CT Pick 9 Hartford
July 20 @ Gettysburg Weekend
July 21 @ Gettysburg Weekend
July 28 NH Granite McCoy Stadium
Aug 3 @ Bethpage Weekend
Aug 4 @ Bethpage Weekend
Aug 17 Atlantics Moses Brown School
Sept 7 @ Melrose Pondfielders
Sept 14 Newtown Sandy Hooks Fort Adams
Sept 21 Olneyville Cadets & Liberty / Red Onion Location TBD
Sept 28 NH Granite Borderland St. Park, MA
Oct 5 Olneyville Cadets Valley St. field/Donigian Park
Oct 19 Atlantics Salem Town Common


30 days till the start of L-580 in Gettysburg! http://t.co/FULekpl2Kc


150 Aniversario de la batalla de Gettysburg - lemag http://t.co/HOygtnGCJa [EuroNews] #Noticias #YouTube


La billboard appealing auscultation so that the aimed hell over gettysburg.:


If you had the opportunty to investigate any place in the United States where would it be and why?


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/FQUPuaj2PN via @Heather_Curley


Some pic in Gettysburg from this morning


More from Thomas W. Bradley (1905) in which he discusses the the many siblings that served together in Co.H:

"And the Bodine brothers, one dying and the other twice wounded in three different actions; the Youngblood brothers, one of whom was wounded; the Post brothers, both wounded; and the Judson brothers, one wounded and the other "Ches" long yellow-haired twenty year old boy handsome and fair as a girl killed in the trenches of Petersburg. There were the Homan brothers, one killed on the Penninsular and "Jim" mortally wounded at Gettysburg; and the Farichild brothers, both leaving wife and young children, Lyman was fatally wounded at the Wilderness and "Will", a splendid type of Christian manhood, was killed beneath the colors he guarded: the first man of the Walden Company to die in battle. There were the Baker brothers, the latter being severely shot; and the Gowdy brothers, Captain "JIm" of the Fifty Sixth and Lieutenant Henry Gowdy of Company H who died of wounds. Also the Hawley brothers, three of them, the youngest receiving many serious wounds; and the Kidd brothers, John Egbert twice hit. Then came the Dawson brothers Thornton and William H., seriously wounded and taken prisonerwas soon exchanged, it being thought he could not recover, while Josiahtwice wounded, was on his last casualty, captured and nearly starved to death in the prison stockade at Andersonville. The Duffie brothers, John and Nathan; and the Carmen brothers, Angus dying of fever, and "Dan" wounded at Chancellorsville and again at the Wilderness. Also Henry and Charles Seaman the last named killed in battle."


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/QYVdrDWcLp via @Heather_Curley


i need good weekend trip getaway ideas. let me have em!


Getting on the horse to ride the battlefield at Gettysburg tomorrow afternoon!


Random road trip to Gettysburg...just because it was a good idea at the time


legs aching again. 7 hours in gettysburg, now on the road again to alexandria!


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/LsGX2Jjlmt via @Heather_Curley


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/n2HBx79sEU via @Heather_Curley


Long drive back to Gettysburg. If anyone gets bored over the next 6 hours, give me a call! :-)


Things are finally starting to warm up! Gorgeous day in Gettysburg today.


Great trip this weekend to Gettysburg Military National Park!! A great experience that I think every American especially those who r or have worn the uniform should should experience for themselves. Very educational. Many pictures to follow.


Photoset: hoppys: amildlookingsky: Favourite Movies:  ↳ Gettysburg (1993) ”What we’re fighting for, in the... http://t.co/u0wBfhlWUa


So blessed and so excited!!! The kids and I get to travel with Russ on a living history adventure through Pennsylvania at the beginning of next month, liberty bell, Gettysburg! And visit his family! Then at the end of May the husband and I are going to Puerto Rico, sans kids!!!! Time to get myself ready for a bathing suit, too bad Bryce broke two of my toes last night!


Entrance 1047 la suspended gettysburg gambling house imputation was pigeonholed and the accommodating athena a... 526701


Steam Feed Radio on Gettysburg Gerry will air 04/11. http://t.co/noa5WqIlQa #BlogTalkRadio


“People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.”

― Dr. Kent M. Keith


#ISPI13 - Keynote Speaker: Steven B. Wiley | Lessons from Gettysburg: The Human Side of High Performance - Tuesday, April 16 -...

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