

The RIT crew on the Gettysburg building fire Monday evening. http://t.co/jWciWRnUWl



Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre. On April 9, 1948 Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin killing over 100 Palestinians including women and children. According to Israeli historian Benny Morris after the massacre took place many others including women and children were taken prisoner and paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem where they were spat on and stoned and then finally killed. A year later the Jewish neighborhood of Givat Shaul was built upon the ruins of Deir Yassin.

This has made Deir Yassin a symbol of the greater Palestinian dispossession. (also known as the Nakba) For Israel was built upon the suffering of the Palestinian people, the destruction of their villages, and theft of their lands. A fact that Israel continues to deny to this very day.

I sometimes find myself questioning how we can move forward when Israel refuses to recognize the greatest tragedy in the history of the Palestinian People.


Gettysburg was awesome. I definitely have to go again.


could anybody tell me some things to tour up in gettysburg for the day? thinking about going up there for a day trip in august on my vac


hey everyone im still hoping to see more ppl come to my tattoo party it would be grately appreciated I hope to see u all there I still need 10 ppl sp plz feel free to come and bring ur friends as well itll be in Gettysburg message me for the address and the ppl who live close to me that don't have a way to get there and want to come u guys can ride with me I will pick u up I have no problem in doin that again plz come itll be a good time thanks everyone who are still comin again :).


I need a good speech to critique for my public speaking class :/. Drawing a blank on this one.


Just got back from Gettysburg


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/IwzmmCPtdR via @Heather_Curley


The scene from Gone with the Wind where they ate getting the casualty lists after Gettysburg makes me cry every time.


@grease2 oh really?? Sent it 2 weeks ago, hope he gets it soon... Have a big event first week of way with more Gettysburg stars 2 sign it.


Gettysburg Ghostly Images Tour



In reading and thinking about an event/era in history, we hopefully get our own sense of historical time and how that event or era affects us in the today.

When I read history it is easier to understand if I create a timeline putting places, events, and people into chronological and geographical perspective. Maybe the words "linear" for time and spatial for geography are more appropriate. It is much like reading a novel or short story only in those instances we use terms like setting, character, and plot development.

Most of you know the Civil War holds my interest. It spans 5 years from 1861 to 1865, encapsulates, a group of people who each by themselves are historically significant, and covers geographically half of the United States. In turn, that half of our country was divided in half as well. Differing ways of believing created white hot emotion that have not left us. We are still reading and fighting the Civil war, living with the resulting consequences.

It is difficult to read about the military war because the chain of command and the corresponding divisions of combat units can be overwhelming. For example unless we understand the difference between a brigade, a division, or a corps it is hard to appreciate the magnitude of all the movements and mini-dramas during any given battle.

Also there is the overarching design and strategy of the war which make each individual battle unique in its geographic placement as well as the time in those five years that it was fought. The Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania in 1863 is significant because Lee was making a bid to invade the North after a year of success in Virginia thus breaking with a defensive approach to the war. It was also a significant defeat as Grant had just captured Vicksburg in the west and opened up the Mississippi River for the Union, thus sealing it for the Confederates.

The strategy also lends significance to individual battles. Each battle usually had a purpose in the grand design of each side. For example there were two theaters of war, the eastern and western. Each side had a reason for prosecuting the war where it did and in the end, the Northern strategy and depth of resources prevailed. However, to win the war Northern mission of invasion and capture was more difficult; the South just had to resist and draw the war out until the North got tired of fighting.

I find the study of this war interesting on many levels. It is more than a five year span of strategies, battles, people, and geography. It is as Shelby Foote says, about defining us, defining what our constitutional laws meant. It is that time in history that wears the face of Janus looking both forward and backward. In our American history much of what happened before the Civil War was prologue and after it epilogue. It was a war the founders saw coming and it took Abraham Lincoln to complete the founding mission.

The Civil War is the centerpiece of what historians call the "American Experiment" because afterward we were supposed to live under a common set of laws. However, the struggle is still a work in progress. It took more than a war and change of laws, it took a change in the way of thinking. During the 1960s, a hundred years after the war, we were still battling Jim Crow laws and defining civil rights. Yale historian David Blight has delivered a whole series of lectures on the 1960's and the Civil War but that is a subject for later.

I hope you have enjoyed this little reflection. Feel free to agree, disagree, or add further comments and reflection.


On the Agenda of things to do once I get more freedom:
1. Watch all of Supernatural
2. Catch up on The Walking Dead
3. Begin srs P.T
4. Continue current dietary changes to have #3 be extra beneficial
5. Visit: Harper's Ferry for Hike & noms, Gettysburg, Finally go to Antinem, and other places


You know it is spring when you can come to Gettysburg and have lunch outside at your favorite burger place!!!


Peter & Jake started reenacting the Civil War at the Red Mill in Clinton, NJ this past weekend it was great....Going to Gettysburg, Pa on Apr 19th to get the rest of there Civil War outfits...then its off to Neshaminy state park for another reenactment....


Gettysburg College #relay4life #pancakes melrebecca9323 http://t.co/glqwiIpkEe


Would really like to end this not timing things up tomorrow against Gettysburg #TimeToRake


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/82PDSuKkDJ via @Heather_Curley


Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube (http://t.co/AQDzHLdiEi - GETTYSBURG 01 THE HISTORY CHANNEL EN ESPAÑOL).


Nice ride to see Tracy Smith Files with Jeff Stike dropping off the Gettysburg CD job.


The B&B we booked in Gettysburg is an old civil war hospital and haunted...gotta get a recorder for EVPs! @Wrecker17 @KatieMarie773


Just had exactly the kind of "meeting" that rekindled my love for what I do. This new project has so much potential for awesome that my hands were literally shaking with excitement as I fumbled for my keys on the way out the door.


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/Vst822nM3T via @Heather_Curley


Gettysburg here I come!!!! Hurry up 830


I wanna go to the Gettysburg right now


#liberals Bowdoin College intolerant of conservatives! What would Gettysburg hero Col. Joshua Chamberlin think? http://t.co/N5LFmUNo15


What piece of advice for the new RVer would you share about living in your RV?


Eric picked these for me out of the Gettysburg hotel garden. Lolol.


New Milford Library

Sunday ~ May 5, 2013 * 2 PM

New Milford in the Civil War

As part of our month-long celebration of Our New Milford, an American Town, we are proud to present Dr. Walter Powell, Adjunct Instructor, Graduate Program in Applied History, Shippenburg University and past Director of
Planning – Historic Preservation, Borough of Gettysburg who will present a program on New Milford in the Civil War.
This program is for ages 12 and up.

For more information or to sign up please call 860-355-1191 x201.

24 Main St.
New Milford, CT

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