
horses grand national

Long Beach Mounted Police - Rose Parade 2013
horses grand national



I would personally like to take a riding crop to whoever endorses the Grand National.

Lets see how they like it. -_-


Bring Your Horses, Bring Your Men
horses grand national


Mama Horses with their Babies
horses grand national


advice needed. is 10 quid a bit excessive on the grand nation?


More horses with Christine
horses grand national


For the love of a horse
horses grand national


well done to the jockeys in the John Smiths Grand National on getting all the horses home safely yesterday


HORSE HUMP @itsgrantcasual
horses grand national


Horses on the loose on Atlantic City Expressway
horses grand national


#freechen Aintree officials say they will still review safety despite all Grand National 2013 horses ... http://t.co/AnH6R5oXhE #freecgc undefined


@LottieSadler YOURE A LITTLE CUNT, wishing death upon innocent horses who worked really hard for this grand national .


ATTENTION OKLAHOMA GUN OWNERS! Senator Tom Coburn is rumored to be working on a deal that would expand federal background checks on gun owners. This week, he's hosting a series of Town Hall Meetings throughout Oklahoma. Please take the time and show up at one of the following meetings. Ask Senator Coburn this question: "Will you OPPOSE the motion to proceed on Harry Reid's Gun Control Bill - S. 649 and will you SUPPORT Senator Rand Paul's filibuster of Reid's gun control bill?" Your activism is needed now. Please attend one of these meetings. Take a camera if possible. and record his answer. LIKE and SHARE!

April 1
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
East Central University
Bill S. Cole University Center – Estep Multimedia Center
1100 E. 14th Street
Ada, OK

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Ardmore Convention Center
2401 N. Rockford Road
Ardmore, OK

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Red River Technology Center
Health Career Center building
3300 W. Bois D’Arc
Duncan, OK

April 2
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Cameron University
McCasland Foundation Ballroom
501 NW University Drive
2nd floor
Lawton, OK

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Western Oklahoma State College
2801 N. Main Street
Altus, OK

3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
City Hall
320 W. 3rd Street
Elk City, OK

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Canadian Valley Technology Center
6505 E. Hwy. 66
El Reno, OK

April 3
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Guthrie town hall meeting
Oklahoma Sports Museum
315 W. Oklahoma Avenue
Guthrie, OK

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
The Hall at the Railhouse
102 W. Eufaula Street
Norman, OK

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Metro Tech Technology Center
1900 Springlake Drive
Oklahoma City, OK


Speed Of Light Racing Horses
horses grand national


the most strong horses
horses grand national


So funny on the grand national when all the horses who have fallen or unseated their riders continue to race and do really well


Fabiancsics Horses January 2013
horses grand national


Grand National protesters accuse Channel 4 of exploiting deaths of horses http://t.co/bmlaAMUxVh undefined


Horses breaking from starting gate at Fort Erie race track
horses grand national


horses grand national


Glad to have enjoyed a safe Grand National & backed better horses than my family! xD


GN12 Promo
horses grand national


@sophieanncarter no horses died in grand national yesterday !!! Best 10 minute of sport (apart rovers and Dunn) going shah x


horses grand national


todays thought of the day is going out to the horses and jockeys and trainers who make the grand national the best race in the horse racing calender and lets all have a punt on it today and hope they all get round safely ....... and for all those who dont approve of it bugger off and do something else while the nation has a good time


Happy Birthday From Kyoto Horses Foundation to DJTavox
horses grand national


#horseracing Ayr Encore on the agenda for National hero Auroras: SURPRISE Grand National w... http://t.co/r51poO82sc #racingpost #horses undefined


Caballos Culeando _ Horses Breeding
horses grand national


picture of horses falling and people falling off horses
horses grand national


2001 De Vere Gold Cup Handicap Chase
horses grand national


As grand national fever grips the nation and wee all have a wee flutter the horses line up ,every one patiently waiting to see if it's going to be champagne to nite for ant and decs takeaway or a 2l of irn-bru . As wee do all these animal lovers come crawling out the wood work shouting the usual about horses this horses that ban the national it's the only time you ever hear of these people . Get a grip man it's a years old ancient tradition and i'am all for it . Have a good day people and good luck with your betting .


Drafty Manor Horses
horses grand national


slow down for horses
horses grand national


Special and the New Horses
horses grand national


Why Africa is Fed Up with Africa

To be sure, the West’s relationship with Africa was built on a history of oppression, exploitation, slavery, etc. and African leaders have exploited Western guilt and milked this iniquitous relationship to the hilt in demanding more foreign aid and concessions from the West. More than $700 billion in aid has been pumped into African since 1960.

However, the fact that we were oppressed, exploited and enslaved by the West in the past gives no African leader or government the right to oppress, exploit or enslave his own citizens. Nor does it provide any African government with an excuse for failing to provide basic social services -- clean water, electricity, education, health care, etc. -- for its citizens.

The anti-US or anti-West has now been pushed beyond the absurd by some African leaders and their intellectual cheer-leaders. And if you disagree with them, then you are a “lover of the West,” a “traitor,” an “imperialist lackey,: an “apologist for neo-colonialism,” or worse. It has gotten so bad that they can no longer tell what is right or wrong. Nor can they tell what is good or bad for Africa because, in their scheme of things, anything that is BAD for the U.S. or the West, must be good for Africa. So they must oppose anything – just anything – the U.S. or the West says or seeks to do in Africa.

Tell me this: What crisis has the African Union been able to resolve? The Somali crisis? The Congo crisis of 1998? Darfur crisis in 2005? The Ivorian crisis of 2010? The Libyan crisis of 2011? The answer is NONE!

Each time a crisis erupts in Africa, the instinctive reaction of African leaders is to look for a neo-colonial finger-print and appeal, appeal, appeal to the international community for assistance. But the moment the U.S. or the West gets involved, BUEEEEI! All hell breaks loose. “It is a cover for a mad grab of Africa’s resources,” “The U.S. covets Libyan oil,” “It is another episode of neo-colonialism,” etc.

The most classic case is the indictment of Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto by the ICC for crimes against humanity for their role in the perpetration of political violence that claimed over 1,400 people and rendered oer 640,000 homeless after the Dec 2007 elections. The Kenyan government, of which Kenyatta and Ruto were part of, was given ample time and urged to set up a local tribunal to try these butchers. But it did the Moi “Nyayo massamba” and scuttled the idea. The case then was referred to the ICC. The moment the ICC became involved BUEEEEI! It was an insidious Western plot to deny Kenyatta – son of Kenya’s liberation hero, Jomo Kenyatta – the presidency.

Indeed, Kenya and Ruto hatched an alliance of convenience and contested the March 4 presidential elections on a virulent anti-West and anti-neocolonial platform. The alleged “win” by them has been seized and interpreted as a “rejection of the West in favor of Kenyan sovereignty,” “a slap in the face of the West,” “Kenya says No to Western neo-colonialism,” etc. A petition challenging the results has been filed by Raila Odinga before Kenya’s Supreme Court. Naturally, Odinga is being dismissed as a “neo-colonial stooge.”

All this brouhaha presupposes that Africa has no value system or sense of justice. That Africa on her own cannot determine what is right or wrong or what is good for herself and that what is bad for the West must be good for Africa. Look, in Africa’s traditional system, butchers don’t get away with murder – whether they are pro or anti-US. Furthermore, if you do not want neo-colonialists or imperialists to be involved in solving your crisis, then solve the damn problem yourself. Africans are fed up with never-ending excuses for incompetence and mismanagement.

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