

Acrotics Game

Rowena Ravenclaw

T & R : Secret

No Sunting
No No No

P. Hufflepuff

Kenzie Madley+ Huffle1*



@LitSmiles lumosity c: btw I got the peace tea holy jeezus


Brain Games for the Atari 2600


Just signed up for Lumosity. Finna get that brain well trained.


Lets play the alphabet game. For every letter of the alphabet give me a word thats HP related that starts with that letter! The first comment will get the points! 10 house points each!

A- Arthur
B- Behaving like a bumbling band of baboons
C- Cauldron Cakes
D- Diddykins
E- Erised
F- Felix Felicis
G- Goblins
H- Herbology
I- Igor
J- Jigglypuff
K- Karkarov
L- Lumos
M- Mad Eye
N- Norberta
O- Obliviate
P- Petrificus Totalus
Q- Quidditch
R- Ravenclaw
S- Snakes
T- Treacle tart
~Weasley (TA)
P.S come on I want some other people to play too!:DDD I want some Ravenclaw kids to play and Hufflepuff too! I know your out there! Give it a try!


Lumosity : Eagle Eye 14281 Kus


Abanyooma emirimu entanda yiino


Emmwaanyi zokeddwa lwa mutindo


The http://t.co/HwnePzjNWP commercials sound more promising than college.


@AnumJangda lumosity?


Agafa mu Batale 13.10.2012


Lumosity : Rotation Matrix 17070 Kus


Harry Potter alphabet game. only
1st comment will be accepted.
~TA potterologist
A: Accio, h
B: Black, g
C: Crabbe, r
D: Dobby, r
E: Expelliarmus, r
F: Flobberworm, r
G: Goyle, s
H: Hogsmeade, r
I: Incendio, r
J: James, r
K: Knotgrass, r
L: Lumos, r
M: Maurader, r
N: Nox, s
O: Obliviate, s
P: Poltergeist, s
Q: Quidditch, s
R: Remus, s


This PHC is for Stephanie Lynette. *It may not be extraordinarily good but no hate please. And reviews are welcome*

Ron was sick of this. Ever since he broke up with Lavender, no, before that even, there had been a sort of distance between him and Stephanie. Why couldn't it be normal? Why didn't Stephanie fight with him anymore? He enjoyed being yelled at, scolded, fussed over, slapped, and even hit over the head with a textbook as long as Stephanie did it.
His feet were up on the table, his arms dangling uselessly beside him, his mouth hanging open and his eyes staring hopelessly at the ceiling. No, there had to be this, this WALL between them, this chain pulling them apart, this invisible barrier blocking their—
"Pondering tomorrow's paper?" Stephanie asked wryly.
Ron looked up, startled. His legs jerked off the table and his mouth snapped shut.
"Er, well, umm, you see, it's just, well, uh, hmm, you know, I mean, do you, no wait, ugh, well, it's just this."
"Yes?" Stephanie asked patiently.
"Well, ugh, no, I mean, umm, ahh, well, oh, grr, umm, well, YES," he finally burst out, exhausted.
Stephanie gave him the look, rolled her eyes, and pulled up a chair next to him.
"Alright," she said, "but I'm only going to correct your work, not do it for you."
Ron took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. He was NOT going to think about how her chair was touching his, or about how he could feel her warm breath against his cheek, or about how very beautiful she really was, or about the fact that she herself had volunteered to help him with his homework, or about SHUT UP! He told himself. What was he supposed to be working on anyways?
Stephanie sighed. "The paper is supposed to compare Muggle flashlights to the spell lumos," she explained, "You could start by pointing out that a flashlight is an object but lumos is a spell.
Ron shook his head, blinked, and jotted down what Stephanie had just said. He looked back at Stephanie expectantly.
"You fool," Stephanie complained, "I said I would CHECK your work, not do it myself."
Ron groaned.
"What." Said Stephanie, warningly,
"Why does there have to be this distance?" he complained, banging his head against the table.
"I don't know WHAT you're talking about," said Stephanie, icily. "Don't you appreciate my help?"
"Sure," Ron muttered.
"THEN ACT LIKE IT!" Stephanie almost shrieked.
Ron half hoped that Stephanie would hit him over the head and scold him, but she marched stiffly up to her room without looking back. Ron sat back and sighed. That had certainly gone all wrong. He'd lost another chance to break the ice with Stephanie. He even felt as though he might have made the ice thicker. Worse, he didn't have his paper ready yet, and he was almost positive Stephanie was not going to help him with it. If only girls had an owner's manual explaining how they work.
Wait maybe that was it! He couldn't be the only boy in this predicament, and perhaps someone who understood girls had written a book or something about them. He grinned as he thought of Stephanie.



@angeladarlingg lumosity commercial she has short hair and white!




Spongebob uses dogshit for her complexion. That is the exact reason why she looks so shitty. XD


¿Eres flexible, tienes buena memoria,tu capacidad para resolver problemas es?http://t.co/xSu4Bwjuom


http://t.co/8lGuXMNF8J http://t.co/G6fguaNylZ


@MeditationOasis @lumosity Dr Rick Hanson speaks and writes extensively on this subject http://t.co/jB3PlhO7uy also http://t.co/WEWcdlqsGJ


maligo daw me pool ... naa mo ika suggest?


Smarter than a Chimp


you don`t have to say lumos maxima to turn me on Daniella Luiza


@cdesangles @beebrite_ Gracias, ¿ya @lumosity tiene versión en español? Es uno se los motivo por el cual en Latinoamerica no mola.


The other day I saw a mother with a new born baby. The baby was crying constantly and she was pushing the pushchair back and forth, thinking that it would help the baby. What so many parents dont get is that babies need touch. Touch and hugs and picking them up when they cry is essential for them to develop well. Babies are not born with the skill of attachment. Attachment is love and is nurtured into them. Even to leave a baby crying can traumatize thier little minds. For the parents who think that leaving them to cry toughens them up, it doesnt. Every time I hear a baby crying for too long, it angers me so much. It is neglect.


Lumosity Ep 3 | Blame Lumo


Lumosity - Division Storm - ~122k pts


Abawagizi ba Bukedde bajjuzza ku Pope Paul


Potterheads, the final alphabets are here. *Drumrolls*
A: Accio, h
B: Black, g
C: Crabbe, r
D: Dobby, r
E: Expelliarmus, r
F: Flobberworm, r
G: Goyle, s
H: Hogsmeade, r
I: Incendio, r
J: James, r
K: Knotgrass, r
L: Lumos, r
M: Maurader, r
N: Nox, s
O: Obliviate, s
P: Poltergeist, s
Q: Quidditch, s
R: Remus, s
S: Snape, g
T: Tonks, g
U: Umbridge, s
V: Voldemort, s
W: Weasley, s
X: Xenophilius, s
Y: Yaxley, s
Z: Zabini, r

Well done everyone, but Ravenclaw totally rocked this game c:
~TA potterologist


Unya ug mo I LOVE YOU d.i ko nimo be? :*


@lumosity Given this press, are you considering more promotion or applicability of your research? http://t.co/01AGC93EC0


7075 brain shift 99% 1620-bpi __ Overall 1428-bpi 98%


Lumosity: Penguin Pursuit High Score


@_franksguitar faccio esercizi per la memoria et simili su http://t.co/jgH9NQJk7G sono utili uwu


Sorry this is a couple days late…the winners of the March House Cup are…


Coming up second is Hufflepuff!!!!!

Sadly, Gryffindor and Slytherin bring up the rear, tied with a resounding 0 points…

This month, I would love for Ravenclaw to take the crown again considering two things: Ravenclaw is my House (ob……viously) and my birthday is this month! So comment away to earn 10 points for your House, and I'D BETTER SEE SOME EAGLE PRIDE!!!!! KBYE~Luna


The girl on the Lumosity commercial is so cute.



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