
national odds

Im proud of our boys...

I wont stop saying...Believe,Believe,Believe...
The League is ours...




Oklahoma City Thunder versus Golden St Warriors Pick Prediction NBA Odds Preview 1-23-2013
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Sweet 16 Games in East Region: NCAA Tournament Betting Odds for Thursday, March 28
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Minnesota Timberwolves versus LA Clippers Pick Prediction NBA Pro Basketball Odds Preview 11-28-2012
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@SpankTheBookies It was second in the Scottish national last year huge odds... fucking buzzing I backed it


New York Knicks versus Utah Jazz Pick Prediction NBA Pro Basketball Odds Preview 3-18-2013
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Maryland Terrapins Football Predictions 2013!
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Florida Gulf Coast Eagles versus Florida Gators Pick Prediction NCAA Odds Preview 3-29-2013
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@JoeyHawke1 Jesus..80/1..christ..1st, 2nd, 3rd in the national..the fucking odds of that happening again?!


Odds Of An Asteroid Hitting Earth Explained
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Miami Heat versus LA Lakers Pick Prediction NBA Pro Basketball Odds Preview 1-17-2013
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Letsholonyane is given a red card for a late tackle


Roohi Khan shared Suleman Ayub's album: Untitled Album.

Few yrs back a man took the initiative of running an open air school 4r the children of slum dwellers in Islamabad.since thn six days out of the week he is running this school with out any Govt .help in downtown Islamabad.more thn 100 children aatnd ths outdoor night school.but they do face weathr and othr natural problms.these children cant afford a propr schhol.PLz be in their shoes and imagine the danger they are in if not givn proper shelter and education.they wud end up on the street.can easily bcum prey 2 gangsters eager to share drugs wth thm.they hav the RIGHT to hv a bettr life ,bttr education and a bttr bright future.Pak is one of the coutry having highst numbr of thses vulnerable children who are at the risk of abuse and exploitation.
We have started a fight 4r these children .PLz join Arsalaan Babar and Sulemaan Ayub in this noble cause.

Untitled Album
F-6 Park School
By: Suleman Ayub
Photos: 6


Posted by a very good friend of mine in our department. Lt. Mike Frost, CID

I have been a Law Enforcement officer for over 25 years and this week’s events in Saline County has brought to me feelings that many officers and the public don’t think about. When most people see an officer they look at their speedometer to see if they will be stopped and given a ticket never realizing that is only ...a small part of the officer’s duties. Each day when an officer walks out his or her door to go to work, they never know if they will walk back across that threshold into their home to be with their family again. I know that fate can affect any person that way but an officer puts his life in harm’s way daily. We do not do this job for the money, praise, or glory but we have a strong desire to help people and make sure the public is safe. When Officer Johnson pulled into that Fred’s parking lot Monday night, he had no idea he would be in a fight for his life at a moment’s notice. The loss of life is always tragic but the suspect made the decision that Officer Johnson had to react to and thank God the angels were with him that night and his training and experience saved his life. There was a Sheriff shot to death in West Virginia this week for no apparent reason while he was eating lunch in his patrol car. He left children and grandchildren to grieve his loss along with his extended family of Law Enforcement brothers and sisters. There have been 30 officers killed in the line of duty this year already. That is a 25% increase from this time last year. There is NO routine calls for a law enforcement officer.
As officers of the law, we are there for you whether on duty or off duty willing to put our lives on the line for you and your families safety regardless of the cost to us. Next time you interact with an officer, even if he or she is writing you a ticket, say “thank you”. That can make an officer’s day and you will notice he or she steps a little lighter with a smile on their face.
Lt. Mike Frost


What are the vegas odds on IU winning the National Championship on Monday? #IUBB #IU #WeAreUK #BBN

Houston Rockets versus Toronto Raptors Pick Prediction NBA Pro Basketball Odds Preview 12-16-2012
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BCS Championship Game 2013 Odds Preview Notre Dame-Alabama
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Cancer leukemia beating the odds by kevin Dwayne blanch 10/20/12 (National league vs.)
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"In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.” ― I firmly believe in this quote from Barack Obama


Campaign targets truckers on cell phones
Apr. 4, 2013 Deborah Whistler | Fleet Owner

Truck drivers traveling on I-64 through New Kent, Virginia, are being warned if they’re caught using a hand-held cell phone while driving they risk a fine up to $2,700. And the odds of getting caught will increase beginning April 8.

Message boards stating “Phone Down. Just Drive” aimed at commercial truck drivers are part of a distracted driving awareness and enforcement campaign that will be launched next week. The campaign is being sponsored by Drive Smart Virginia in conjunction with the New Kent County Sheriff’s Office and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

During a month-long enforcement effort, the New Kent Sheriff’s office will be targeting truckers in violation of federal regulations that prohibit the use of hand-held phones by commercial drivers.

“Our officers will be looking for any truck or bus driver reaching for, holding or dialing multiple buttons on their mobile phones while traveling on Interstate 64 in New Kent County,” said Sheriff F.W. “Wakie” Howard. “We see a large amount of trucks traveling in the area on their way to the ports and we want to make sure we are keeping our highways safe.”

An education campaign will feature variable message boards, billboards and CB outreach messages warning truckers of the dangers of distracted driving.

“This will be the first project of its kind in the nation to focus on enforcement of hand-held phone restrictions with truck and bus drivers,” said Janet Brooking, executive director of Drive Smart Virginia. “Studies show that drivers that use hand-held devices are four times more likely to be in a crash serious enough to injure themselves. We hope to find that our education and enforcement efforts will reduce the number of drivers using hand-held mobile phones while operating a truck or bus.”

“This important, life-saving project serves as a reminder to truck and bus drivers that hand-held phone use is not only dangerous, it’s against the law,” said Anne Ferro, FMCSA Administrator.

The project’s effectiveness will be measured using observational surveys and the results will be announced this summer.


Nebraska versus Georgia Pick Prediction Capital One Bowl College Football Odds Preview 1-1-2013
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Diego Maradona - Wiki Article
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Odds and Ends
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Minnesota Vikings versus St Louis Rams Pick Prediction NFL Pro Football Odds Preview 12-16-2012
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Here are four parallels between ‘The Word’ and American History that appear against odds of 10,000 to one. With such odds an IQ test for a national supercomputer could increase the success rates of new industry startups exponentially. Because a supercomputer can’t ‘out-compute’ musical genius or the ‘hive mind’ of a prophesied, resurrected nation: The Great Harvest

1) 1,260 years from Byzantine empire or Justinian’s Codices (527-565) to Declaration of Independence (1776) = Dan 7: 25, Rev 11: 3, Rev 12: 6
2) 1,290 years from the reformation of Roman Church (1375-1525) to Obama’s inaugural address (2008) and the moment the stock hit 777 = Dan 12: 6-7 (3 years and a half in simulated time)
3) 490 years (7 x 70 = 490) Dan 9: 24 2nd Chronicles 36:21 (Recompense = slavery)
4) 49 years (7 x 7 = 49) Lev 25: 8 Lev 26: 18 (Year of Jubilee = Debt eradication via wireless energy decimal)

Bioelectrochemical transmissions of C-clefs (carbon keys):
1) Music = C7 (carbon seven) x wireless bioenergy
2) Soprano = C12 (carbon twelve) x chemical energy
3) Alto = C14 (carbon fourteen) x nuclear energy
4) Tenor C60 (nano technology) x cold plasma energy

Biochemical transmissions of C-clefs via retrocarbon C7:
1) Soprano = C12/C7 x chemical energy (bioelectricity)
2) Alto = C14/C7 x nuclear energy (biomagnetism)
3) Tenor C60/C7 x H2O gravity (bioelectromagnetism)

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