
pax east

@eric2dx I saw this article while searching for headsets http://t.co/7MbP8YNUJd I was impressed by your write up, & thought you should know.



Edited photos from Pax East 2013!! Photos taken by "BigBoss" Stephen Cosentino & "R0bskii" Roberto Bayde photos... http://t.co/fluyUsFalC


I posted 223 photos on Facebook in the album "Unveil NYC @ Pax East 2013" http://t.co/DdBdu3eVUg


PAX East Day 1 - NBA Jam and Recap
pax east


I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/R0ZuJPsvL0 PAX East: Pokket interviews Mike Donatelli of Wildstar (with exclusives!)


PAX East Day 2 - The Fans...they touched me (Ze did too)
pax east


Pax East 2013 - Borderlands 2 Krieg first gameplay footage
pax east


Thanks much to Wyatt, Grendel, and Alton for joining the recording of our PAX East recap! Recording success! Episode gets uploaded and released this Wednesday, April 3.




I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/OmYbIrRmqf Sanctum 2 - First Person Tower Defense - Pax EAST 2013


PAX East interview! Just Press Start chats with me about Blackwell and Gemini Rue iOS: http://justpressstart.net/pax-east-2013-wadjet-eye-games-dave-gilbert/

Recently hit 600k Subscribers!!! Thank you guys so much! We were at 500k like not even 3 weeks ago! :o


This Hymn is sang in Daytime Prayers of the Divine Office today. It is one of my favorites and I wanted to share a little history with everyone. The hymn begins with the words that the angels sang when the birth of Christ was announced to shepherds in Luke 2:14. Other verses were added very early, forming a doxology, which in the 4th century became part of morning prayers, and is still recited in the Byzantine Rite Orthros service.
The Latin translation is traditionally attributed to Saint Hilary of Poitiers (c. 300–368), who may have learned it while in the East (359–360).The Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible was commissioned only in 382. The Latin hymn thus uses the word excelsis to translate the Greek word ὑψίστοις (the highest) in Luke 2:14, not the word altissimis, which Saint Jerome preferred for his translation.

Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father
We worship You
We give You thanks
We praise You for Your glory

Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father
Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sins of the world
Lord, have mercy on us
You are seated at the right hand of the Father
Receive our prayer

For You alone are the Holy One
For You alone are the Lord
For You alone are the Most High
Jesus Christ
With the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God the Father



HERE IS $300. Take it or return it? - PAX EAST STORY: http://t.co/SRSwlZETul via @YouTube


Halo Multiplayer: Past, Present and Future - PAX East
pax east


Rise of the Triad - Oldschool Drunk-Missile action - PAX East 2013
pax east


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/nEMoTvgUEI SlyFox vs. PAX East 2013 Part 2 "The Conclusion"


StreetPassing at PAX East http://t.co/QxSyUha3XC


pax east


I liked a @YouTube video from @mcsportzhawk http://t.co/PY5GhYKXCp HERE IS $300. Take it or return it? - PAX EAST STORY


Splinter Cell: Blacklist Preview | CheatCC: CheatCC says - "During PAX East 2013, we had a behind-close... http://t.co/Fx37NPqHuZ #PCGiA


PAX East photos finally came!
pax east


Strip Search Panel - PAX East 2013
pax east


PAX East Powerpoint http://t.co/kadJCQE92w


TGS Podcast PAX East Edition warmup
pax east


George got me thinking. I've been saying all week how busy I am, so let's break it down. Outside of my full-time day job, by the end of Sunday I will have...

1.) Recorded & edited the return of Storm of Words (Game of Thrones podcast);
2.) Produced & edited a regular episode of Good To Be A Gamer;
3.) Recorded & edited 2 bonus episodes (At the Con: PAX East);
4.) Recorded 2 guest appearances on Shauncastic;
5.) Recorded a guest appearance on RevolutionSF RevNews;
6.) Worked on design for a website build;
7.) Vlogged every day for VEDA;
and I still have articles to write.

To think, those are just the projects I will have physical results for. There are plenty of projects in pre-production (2 more audio podcasts & 2 more possible videocasts), plus many more thoughts marinating. Is it any wonder I'm an insomniac?


Sanctum 2 - First Person Tower Defense - Pax EAST 2013
pax east


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Ij2iKuWadu PAX East, New Computer, Stuff


I liked a @YouTube video from @GuudeLP http://t.co/I9hNgYuiRz PAX East Day 1 - FTB Tourney


Apple to Begin Production of Next iPhone This Quarter http://all-apple-updates.blogspot.com/2013/04/apple-to-begin-production-of-next.html

The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple will begin production on the next iPhone this quarter, setting the stage for a potential launch this summer.
Apple Inc. plans to begin production of a new iPhone similar in size and shape to its current one in the second quarter of the year, according to people familiar with the device's production, teeing up a possible summer launch for the next version of its flagship device.
At the same time, Apple continues to work with its manufacturing partners in Asia on a less expensive iPhone that could be launched as soon as the second half of this year, these people said.

In line with some previous rumors, the report claims that the lower-cost iPhone will include a 4-inch display like the iPhone 5, and like make use of plastic case. The report claims that Apple has been testing "different color shells" for the lower-cost iPhone but that its ultimate plans remain unclear.Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories
• Firefox 20 for Mac Adds Download Manager and New Private Browsing Features
• Apple Slashes Prices on iPhone 4/4S by 15-25% in Brazil
• A Roundup of Upcoming Games from GDC and Pax East
• Apple Issues First Beta of OS X 10.8.4 to AppleSeed Members
• Feedly Updated with Improved Search and New 'Must Read' Section
• Denial of Service Prank Crashing iMessage App for Targeted Developers
• Piracy-Crippled Game From Hunted Cow Returns to App Store as 'Battle Dungeon: Risen'
• Vine Updated with Web Embeds, Third Party Sharing on Facebook and Twitter


Middle East expert/author Fouad Ajami spearheads our newest Caravan series (re: World Order after the Pax Americana) http://t.co/9GsNIyN37N


Keep those photos and likes coming, the more photos and likes the better the PAX East slideshow will be.


@pedro6285 I think that Central East Cost needs some love. No conventions are EVER there. Even Pax east. It should be in DC, US Capital!! :D


Minecraft Feed The Beast: Pax east challenge map part 1
pax east


I should cosplay as Jesus one of these days.


SkyDrive 3.0 Appears in App Store Following Apple-Microsoft Conflict Over Subscription Options http://bit.ly/XXZj7h

As noted by The Verge , Microsoft today launched version 3.0 of its SkyDrive iOS application for accessing and managing files stored in the company's cloud service.
New in version 3.0
- Updated to support iPhone 5 and iPad Mini
- Download full resolution photos to your iPhone or iPad
- Improved support for opening SkyDrive files in other iOS apps
- Improved support for uploading files to SkyDrive from other iOS apps
- Updated app icons and visuals
- Other bug fixes

Back in December, it was reported that Apple and Microsoft were at odds over SkyDrive, with Apple refusing to allow any updates to the app after Microsoft launched paid storage tiers for the service. Apple's rules require that developers offering any sort of paid content or service through their apps use the company's In App Subscription mechanism, which nets Apple 30% of revenues. Developers are also prohibited from including external sign-up links in apps to direct users to external addresses where they can purchase such plans without going through Apple.
It is not entirely clear how Apple and Microsoft have settled their dispute over SkyDrive, but version 3.0 does not provide any external links to allow users to sign up for the SkyDrive service, simply presenting users with a sign-in page for existing accounts. Users who do not have accounts are required to manually navigate to Microsoft's SkyDrive website in order to sign up for an account with 7 GB of free storage and access options for additional paid storage.
Microsoft declined to comment to The Verge about the dispute with Apple, noting only that Apple approved the app earlier this week and that each app store has its own set of rules to satisfy.Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories
• Rovio to Bring Facebook Game 'Angry Birds Friends' to iOS
• Wacom Releases New 1.85-Inch Bamboo Stylus Mini
• 500px Updated with Performance Enhancements and Flow for iPad
• Firefox 20 for Mac Adds Download Manager and New Private Browsing Features
• Apple Slashes Prices on iPhone 4/4S by 15-25% in Brazil
• A Roundup of Upcoming Games from GDC and Pax East
• Apple Issues First Beta of OS X 10.8.4 to AppleSeed Members
• Feedly Updated with Improved Search and New 'Must Read' Section

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