

[No.249 루기아] 잠수포켓몬, 속성: 에스퍼/비행, 키 5.2m, 몸무게 216kg, "깊은 해구의 밑바닥에서 헤엄치는 무사태평한 포켓몬이다. 세상에서 제일 약한 포켓몬이다." http://t.co/0aliRaM4jy



Me volví a perder :@ estúpido pokedex


@pokedex_chaos なにそれこわい


I finally found a hack of Heart Gold to make it more like Red/FireRed. Finally! Thank you Pokemon Fire Gold. Thank you Obama. Thank you.


@BlackHoleLights ぜんしんから あふれでる ポケモンへの ラブで ポケモンを かいせつして あげたい


What Pokedex entry is your favorite Pokemon?


i found my togepi has serene grace my sister told me its a rare ability ~shiny oshawott


My favourate digimon in the pokedex, is Goku~


ニドラン♀ どくばりポケモン ちいさい からだを まもるため きょうりょくな どくばりが はったつしたと かんがえられている。おこると ツノの さきから もうどくを だす。


@tetwo_bot 珍城テトゥー tetwo_botポケモン いつも めを こくししているため めが かわきやすい ポケモンだ


@pokedex_chaos もっといえ!


@Danae_BM Necesito completar la pokédex del Rubí. Es un reto personal y para ello me falta una DS con la q intercambiar pokemons.


@nakayo322 nakayoro nakayo322ポケモン みずからを ダメだと ひげしている ポケモンであり たにんからも そうなのだと おもわれている。 そのけっか さらに だめになっていくという なさけない ポケモンなのだ


So I had this dream where bandai made an application for the 3DS. It was like Pokedex 3D Pro, but for Gundam.


What is bulbasaur?
A: a turtle
B: a frog
C: a pokemon idiot
D: a dinosaur
E: what's wrong with you why would you even care enough to think of this retarded question?

Please answer this is an important question.


@Pokedex_Swain @skinnehpants @gamesare4girls lol smooth.


[NO.472 글라이온] グライオン Gliscor 송곳니전갈포켓몬
타입:땅/비행 키:2.0m 몸무게:42.5kg
적절히 바람의 흐름을 잘 타면 한 번도 날개 치는 일 없이 이 별을 일주할 수 있다.


@daisbino daisbino(1391~) daisbinoポケモン なにか よくないことがあると つづけて すこし わるいことが おこっただけで きょうは うんがわるいと おもいこみやすい ポケモンだ


If only pokemon released proper merchandise. They made a gen1 pokedex but stopped at that. How awesome would it have been to be able to buy the gym badges and maybe a few food range items like moomoo milk or lava cookies.


Facebook is like a pokedex for people


Jap ditto, legendaries caught, and a few pokes i wanted so much :D FREAKING GREAT DAY!!


I criticized Pokemon's story/plot on my personal account and someone from my school got extremely pissed off at me and told me that anyone who plays Pokemon for the story is retarded so it doesn't matter.

Jesus Christ, what the HELL kind of response is that? Saying "It's okay that the story is shitty most of the time, because if you play it for the story you're retarded" is just fucking damage control. Either the story is shit and it needs improvement, or the story is good and it doesn't. They've been using the same formula for YEARS and it has gotten stale and boring, not to mention it wasn't even very impressive to begin with. Just because you think the rest of the game is good does not excuse critiscm on one part of the game that is lacking. If you CAN improve upon it, you SHOULD improve upon it.



I am a god damn Pokemon Master.

I have a complete Pokedex, all 8 gym badges, AND I beat the elite 4.

Come at me, bro.


3 gym badges deep in Pokemon HeartGold, uh-oh, incoming Pokemon addiction phase! Good bye social life, hello selective breeding.


タブンネ ヒヤリングポケモン おおくの トレーナーに いじめられすぎた タブンネは けたはずれの ちょうりょくで じぶんの しんぞうの おとが きこえなくなるのを かくにんし いきを ひきとるのだ。


@makeboxinkg Yamasaki よ なにか がっこうで つらいことでも ありました? にんげんかんけいで くるしいことでも ありました? でも わたしに しねと いっても なにも かわらないですよ?


@pokedex_chaos モジャンボ


No.403 コリンク せんこうポケモン 0.5  m 9.5  kg でんき : きんにくが のびちぢみ することで でんきが はっせい。 ピンチになると たいもうが まぶしく ひかる。 (特性) とうそうしん いかく (タマゴ) りくじょう


@Pokedex_Swain OK.


@bicylecome 木之竹@出費ヤバい bicylecomeポケモン いつも あしたから ほんきをだすと いっているが けっきょくは なにもしないポケモンだ。 このポケモンの ほんきは ないと いわれている


@pinocchio403 pinocchio403 ぴのきーポケモン ムンナの なかま いつも みんなに げしげしと けられているよ


Kids nowadays have them iPhones.. When I was a kid, I had my very own Pokedex. #Yesss. http://t.co/092xi6wRH8


@HildaTilde ....Yeah, that sounds like group therapy. You should get lots of fun stories from it though! #NotReally


So, I'ma go ahead and say it. I think White and White 2 have been my favourite games so far. The story was so much more detailed and in-depth than previous games, it engrossed you. The characters and rivals/friends were recognisable, not just in looks, but in personality. They all acted differently.
Also, the games broke the mold of previous games. You didn't just, as usual, go to the professor, get a starter, have a rival who is too cocky for his own good, and go through the game. They changed things up.
The new list of pokemon was impressive, as were the legendaries.
The games succeeded each other brilliantly.
The back story of the gym leaders is actually interesting.
The little things, as well, like TM's being re-usable, the wi-fi system being sorted out, and max-repels automatically being re-used: No more delving repeatedly into the depths of your bag to find the repel to use it, over and over.
Finally, for once, the games (especially 2) were challenging. Every other game I have played, I played through getting beaten once at the most. They were so easy. White two, the first gym took me two goes, the poison 5+. Wild pokemon were sometimes a challenge! I really had to work at it.
I think the games were generally well laid out and well excecuted, and I applaud Gamefreak. I can only see pokemon games getting better, too, so the future looks bright.
Rant over, what do you guys think? -Umbreon


@Masaru8Nameko MaSaRu Masaru8Namekoポケモン パソコンを そうさするのが とくいな ポケモン。 ざんねんながら あたまはわるい


I just found my old Pokedex!!


Finally, I Finished first 3 generations of pokemon games!!
* Elite Four / Pokedex, Completed (Not National Dex!)



@Pokedex_Swain I thought you were going to bed. >_>


Kyurem is a Zombie according to its Pokedex Entry.
Its also said to have a Hunger for Human Flesh.

...How the **** do these games retain their "Rated E for Everyone" Rating?


Oh shiz! adventure time is on Netflix


My sisters reading a pokemon book in the voice of the person who reads pokedex entries on TV #Done


playing pokemon emerald on my phone.. fuck life..
im bout to get my torchic on some level 10000 type shit..
nigga already evovled to combusken...
& i chose a girl character to play as.
who i REALLY want is typhlosion! that motherfucker was my NIGGA from the Zygote days... nigga said once i fill up my pokedex from Hoene, THEN i receive cynderquil.... soo i know what ima do.. ima train my torchic to like level 50ish, & by then my shit should be filled up.. cuz all my pokemons gonna be either Fire or Ghost.
im looking @ the list to see what new ghost pokemon out there & shit..

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