

In another note, we hit the 2nd snag of the trip. The RV that we had purchased had issues. Fridge died and a couple of other things. So we were given another RV with less miles and a better looking. But it will not be ready until Tuesday so Rene, the awesome RV guy, gave us a $40k RV to drive around for the day and spend the night while the other one is ready. Nuttiness. 8o)



If the page reaches 40K in the next week, we upload a picture of all admins :D


Beliebers, if you care about this page as much as you say you do, please help us get more likes. Katie wants 40k by tomorrow. We have 219 likes to go. Get all of your Belieber friends to like our page. Share us. Do whatever you have to do to keep this page alive.

*Jess ❤ [:


Anyone have a client that wants to jump through some hoops to buy a new home and 40,000 in down payment assistance?


okay beliebers ask your friends to like us this is really important to Katie & you guys say you love this page well show your love & help us get to 40k by tomorrow please beliebers!


BTW good job on helping me reach 40k today on Sunsets! Big s/o to all my #RRR #iDTV fans!


"Fair enough" most annoying conversation killer ever.


to all my friends out there who like the world of warhammer 40k...if you could be any model, hero, villan, vehicle commander...what would it be?


Its interesting that the Federal and State Government of SA can throw $267 million at Holden and then they still lay off 500 people, yet the Kurri Kurri smelter received $40K for a Jobs Market day when 500 plus people lost their job and an industry closed as a result of poor government policy. Many of these people are yet to find work.


does any admin a 40k+ pageee that wants to do specials with a 1d 140k+ pageee?


i need as many sponsers as possible please help me so i can get a scholarship for school i just need u to follow directions my email is kk14sh88@yahoo.com Sponsoring:

Sponsors enable participants to have more chances to win the scholarship. There is no cost to be a sponsor although registration is required to authenticate entries.

There are two ways to sponsor someone:
1.Register and go to your GotChosen profile page, type in the e-mail address of the person you wish to sponsor just below “Whom do you want to sponsor?”, then click the “Sponsor!” button.
2.Respond to an e-mail or social network post from someone inviting you to sponsor them.

Sponsoring Bonus: The GotScholarship $40K Give Away is transferable so if you choose to apply for the scholarship and win you have the option to transfer the winnings to your friend (must be 18 years or older).


Well I get my car this week :) a De Lorean lol


Could Kettering handle Dylan? Valve Sound in Rehab was a dream that never came true :(


Looking into the fine details of war hammer 40k, war machine, and hordes.


This is a page for those of you who want some 40K humor now and then. WE NEED MORE ADMINS. If you are interested please message the page :)


Sag som an bat pho chat ne.40k

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