
cool math

Day A or B tomorrow?



Mod E - Graphing an inequality with test points - Cool Math
cool math


Ah jai devoir de math demain tro cool


Coolmath run 2 - Level 25
cool math


I hate when pundits want to cut funding for schools and science. Cool, let's do that, and have every country in the world continue to laugh at us when we fail to keep up in Math, Science, and English. Fucking English, our native tongue. And please continue to complain when large corporations want to get their talent from overseas, where the education is impeccable. One way to improve our economical situation is to invest in education, to actually allow teachers to teach, and not have the government place standardized testing in the system, to determine who gets funding. Which makes teachers only prepare their students for said test. We need to not allow extremists to bully schools for teaching scientific theories, and not favoring their dogma. We need to allow teachers to actually TEACH.

Malik clan

The best part? They hate me cause I have friends.


Math is so cool. #Serio



Hit Like and Start Morning Chit Chat ❤ :)))


Q:"When am I ever going to use this math?" A:"Never. Unless you want to do cool stuff, in which case all the time."


Q: Youngster, Do you miss me? Tbh? Lbr ? (: A: Yeaah lol. tbh u joke alot but u cool ppl. Lbr.. we needa chill soon!


B-E-A-UTIFUL and the day just started ... lookin forward to today .. good day to all my real friends.. fuck its a nice day good day to my fake ones also LOL .... lml....
Mascoto ..!


15 miles on the bike in a little over an hour... not to bad for my first outing


Can we help this lonely young girl?

Myra Otero

I m 14 years old, and i have moved around alot but everywhere i go im either judged quickly or the friends i make dont like my anymore after about a week or two...
I've never had someone to call a best friend...im quiet at times...
And when im with friends when they still like me, they act funny around me after acoupple days.. They dont like me.. They judge me because aperatnly i dont talk alot .. Or i talk to much.. Or i dont fit in..my moods can change quickly my personality changes alot...
And my family always thought i might if had something... ADHD or stuff like that... But i never went to the doctors about it...
i also have a cousin two actually with ADHD ...
And i need advice..
how can I "fit" in
How should I change ...
I just dont know what to do....
Any advice ,?
What should I do ?


Ptn trp cool venir en cours pour 1h de math ce matin et 2h de sport yupiiiii


Wait why am I doing vocabulary in math class?! Not cool


Making Math Cool: Alex Kajitani at TEDxVillageGate
cool math


How to be a Cool Math Nerd
cool math


*om hands me phone to answer*
Me: Hello?
Telemarketer: Hello, is your mother home?
Me: I have no mother.
Her: Well can I speak to your father?
Me: Yeah, which one?
Her: Which one is home?
Me: Well they're both home..but I don't think you want to talk to Carlos. He just went through a breakup with his boyfriend, Antonio.
Her: Oh, so your fathers' names are Carlos and Antonio?
Me: No, no! My fathers' names are Carlos and Mark.
Her: So who's Antonio?
Me: I just told you, Carlos's ex.
Her: So Carlos was cheating?
Me: Yes, but that's only because Mark was cheating with Edith, our neighbor.
Her: So Carlos cheated only because Mark cheated?
Me: No, he THOUGHT Mark was cheating.
Her: So Mark wasn't cheating?
Me: I never said that.
Her: Yes, yes you did!
Me: No I didn't.
Her: Y-yes! You did!
Me: Did what?
Her: Y-you-Nevermind have a nice day, goodbye.

My mom's reaction=priceless.


12 Signs your falling in Love....

1. You'll Read His/Her Texts;
Over and Over again.

2. You'll Walk Really Really Slow;
While you're with Him/Her.

3. You'll Pretend 2 be Shy;
Whenever you're with Him/Her.

4. While Thinking about Him/Her;
your Heart will Beat faster and faster.

5. By Listening to His/Her Voice;
you'll Smile for no Reason.

6. While Looking at Him/Her;
you cant see the Other People around you,
you can Only See that Person.

7. You'll Start Listening to SLOW Songs.

8. He/She becomes all you Think about.

9. You'll get High just by Their Smell.

10. You'll Realize that;
you're always Smiling to yourself;
When you Think about Them.

11. You'll Do anything for Him/Her.

12. While Reading this,
There was One Person on your Mind the Whole Time.. Press Like If you are in Love..
Mom: Go tell your brother/sister it's time to eat.
You: *Walks two inches and yells up the stairs* MOM SAYS IT'S TIME TO EAT!!!
Mom: -___-
You know you've done it (:
- I got kicked out of math class today.
- Why?!
- Apparently the answer to "What comes after 69" isn't mouthwash.
- I love you, man.
Hello Operator, does Heaven have a phone number? Mommy went to Heaven, but I need her here today, My tummy hurts and I fell down, I need her right away, Operator can you tell me how to find her in this book. Is heaven in the yellow part, I don't know where to look. I think my daddy needs her too, at night I hear him cry. I hear him call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why. Maybe if I call her, she will hurry home to me. Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea? She's been gone a long, long time she needs to come home now! I really need to reach her, but I simply don't know how. Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"? I can't read these big big words, I am only seven. I'm sorry operator, I didn't mean to make you cry, Is your tummy hurting too, or is there something in your eye? If I call my church maybe they will know Mommy said when we need help that's where we should go. I found the number to my church tacked up on the wall. Thank you operator, I'll give them a call
Me: Can you grow please?
Hair: NO
Boobs: NO
Stomach: Okay!
CUTE GUYS MAKE YOU CRAZY, hot guys make you melt, cool guys make you daydream.
guys don't start sh●t for

Recommended for your Power Ranger is the All-In-One PC with 3rd Gen Intel® Core™ i3 processor. It's big on cool, and easy on the eyes just like your little star. With a thin, flat-panel monitor and system in one, and wireless keyboard and mouse, it will help him explore, play learn and get the edge! Using parental control options, allow your bright star to play interactive games, or edit and share his photos with friends, sharpen his skills with math puzzles or research the science project. Ensuring, that this Intel powered machine keeps your kid busy with exploration and learning the entire summer holiday!


._. Math hw omg i forgot how to do conics its cool tho im only comparing answer with the boo steph for everyother class haha :D


Cool Math Trick
cool math


The only cool thing about math is finding patterns in stuff. Patterns are the coolest of the cool.


Owh ya that is cool , nun of my friends came to the class \\☺/ .. 3 hours of math with 0 friends ! T.T


Math is a wonderful thing
Math is a really cool thing
So get off your act, and lets do some math
Math math math math


Had a wonderful time at Williams College yesterday with of my three math circle students (still in high school) who were presenting their research results at the Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference along with hundreds undergraduates from colleges all over the region (including a whole bunch of Union students). Special thrill was that the keynote speaker happened to be my daughter's PhD advisor, Manjul Bhargava, and I'd never heard him speak before, let alone met him. He gave an amazing talk--it had all the suspense of a still not totally solved murder mystery and the audience in the packed auditorium was wowed. I was feeling kind of shy and didn't introduce myself but he wound up sticking around afterwards and unexpectedly showing up for the presentation of one of my math circle students, who happened to be presenting some original work he did last summer at PROMYS which was (very loosely) related to the keynote talk, which was very cool. I was so proud of my student for keeping his poised and calm demeanor when Prof. Bhargava walked into the room. If he was nervous, he certainly didn't let it show and he did a terrific job, as did our other two students. I also saw a bunch of other great student talks by current undergrads from Union, Williams, and St. Lawrence. There were many more I wanted to see but unfortunately the parallel sessions forced lots of hard choices. Only truly bizarre talk was one given by a public school administrator titled (unironically!) "It's a great time to be a school teacher." I don't know about his school district, but I don't know any math teachers around here who think it's a great time to be a school teacher, so I gave up lots of other interesting talks in order to attend his, curious about why. The talk wound up being all about how the new Common Core is wonderful and will solve all problems. I was speechless. On a more positive note, I got to meet Allison Pacelli, a Union College graduate who is now an Associate Professor at Williams, and she was actually the organizer of the conference and did a totally awesome job. I know how much work something like this takes. This conference (now in its 20th year) was originally started up by four faculty members (Frank Morgan at Williams, Bill Zwicker at Union, David Vella at Skidmore, and Emelie Kenney at Siena.) Emelie Kenney (a Bryn Mawr alum *and* a homeschooling parent) was given credit for being the true source of the idea.

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