
defiance ,Fri Apr 05 2013 22:54:48:214

I see ppl left they defiance at home today!!! #GoodChoice



All my fellow gun owners we must band together fight these bull shit laws. Refuse to register and through defiance we will defeat them! Sherries across America refuse to enforce Obamas craziness and I think we should take a note from them and refuse to give into Malloy!


a reason to like J. Jagr: why does he wear #68?
best wiki answer: 1968 was the year of the Prague Spring... the year that Dubcek (the Party Secretary of the Communist government in Czechoslavia) decided to open the borders economically and culturally to the West. The Soviets saw this as defiance to the Warsaw Pact and invaded the nation overnight posting tanks in Prague.... they arrested Dubcek and took him out of power and put in their own puppet regime.

That year is especially important to the Czech Republic... it was the time that serious resistance to the Soviet machine was started.

Jagr chose this number to show his pride in his nation... and a reminder of what the Prague Spring meant to the world.

his grandfather didn't make it through the revolution and he honors he and the movement by wearing the number...awesome


"APRIL 4 - Evening Thought" from "Mason's Spiritual Treasury"
(William Mason)

"By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king."
Heb. 11:27.

Here we see faith opposed by fear, and the victory of faith
over the dread of wrath. Consider his work and his danger;
his faith and his safety. (1st.) Moses was engaged in a great
work. He was to go to Pharaoh, and say from the Lord, “Israel
is my son, even my first-born son: let him go, that he may
serve me.” (Exod. 4:23.) Now, might not the king very
naturally look upon Moses as a very dangerous, pestilent, hot-headed enthusiast, who, under a pretence of religion, wanted
to raise a rebellion in his kingdom? He had to fear, that the
king might put him to death in his wrath. “For the wrath of a
king is as the roaring of a lion.” (Prov. 19:12.) Most terribly
fierce! But, (2d.) consider his faith. This set him above fear:
he bids defiance to wrath. Forsake Egypt, he must; flee from
the king, he was determined: for he had the command of his
God for it. Faith is the parent of all holy obedience. But was
his faith nothing more than a strong impulse of his mind—
something within him, which suggested to him that he must
forsake Egypt? No: this he might have had, and obeyed it too,
to his own destruction; but he had the Lord’s word for the
ground of his faith. Mind this: “Thus saith the Lord, I will send
thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring my people out of
Egypt.” There is the warrant for his faith. (3d.) Consider his
safety. Pharaoh could not hurt the hair of his head. Why not?
because the Lord added, “Certainly I will be with thee.” (Exod.
3:12.) There is the certainty of his safety. Thus, he believed
God, and feared not the wrath of the king.

Here see the nature and actings of true and lively faith. (1st.)
It hath the word of the Lord for its object. There may be
strong impressions of mind, warm suggestions of fancy,
where there is not “Thus saith the Lord.” Soul! these will not
carry thee out of the Egypt of nature to the promised land:
they will soon forsake thee. Then, thou wilt not only feel the
wrath of a king, but the shaking of a leaf. (2d.) Faith in the
Lord’s word, delivers the soul from the fear of the Lord’s
enemies. According to the strength of our faith, we are set
above fears of wrath. We cannot have stronger cause for
faith, than the Lord’s word; nor a better object for our faith,
than the Son of God. O! then, when fear of wrath prevails,
look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, with
“Lord, increase my faith!” Luke 17:5.

‘Where is your faith?’ our Saviour cries;
‘Believe and honour me:’
Our foolish, reas’ning heart replies,
‘Christ’s joys are not for me.’

Thou Author of our faith, increase
The gift which thou hast giv’n:
So shall we find thy precious peace
The antepast of heaven.


can anyone add me on defiance


Wow nine days untill I can get into the defiance server...talk about bullcrap!

Malik clan

Fitz is trying to get his stats Back up so when they find out about defiance. He saved the hostages because he knew where they were the whole time.


created a twitter account solely to more easily find out if defiance has unfucked itself yet


me and about 100 other guys just fucked up the biggest creature in
defiance!!!!! BEST BOSS FIGHT EVER! :-)


Fuck that another defiance patch.... Ahhhhhh I just want to play!!!!!


We are the ones who raise our chins in defiance when society puts us down. We are the ones who see meaning behind the lyrics we listen to. We are the true fans of these bands. We will not back down. Most of all...we are stron.


Damn defiance server keeps going down when I want to play


sometimes smiling is the greatest act of defiance and sometimes asking for help is the most meaningful example of self-reliance. Sometimes the best medicine is to just laugh until u cry and sometimes the greatest wisdom comes from accepting u will just never know why. Sometimes just going to bed is the best antidote to trials and tribulation, and sometimes just being blessed to get up again and face it all ,for one more day, is worthy of celebration.....


ANONYMOUS - OPERATION TRUTH FORCE - #OpTruthForce - April 6 2013

Anonymous - #OpTruthForce - April 6 2013
Hello citizens of the World and users of Facebook. In past years we have seen a growing force around the world. Governments and corporations are working strategically to stop Free Speech by the people.

In more recent months we have witnessed an increased number of account blocking and deletion by Facebook, of users who dare to ridicule, mock, satirize or speak out against political leaders or corporations heavily involved with politics. Trying to appeal to those bodies will have no effect, as they have a set agenda and they do not wish to hear our voices. But we will make our voices heard.

It is time that Anonymous band together globally to prove that we have the strength, because we have the numbers. NO ONE CAN STOP FREE SPEECH. No government, no corporation, and especially not Facebook.

APRIL 6 at 1 AM GMT it begins: #OpTruthForce.

All Anons worldwide hit Facebook with uncensored material. We shall continue this bombardment of material as long as we can - hopefully 24 hours. We will flood their system, their admins wont be able to keep up. THEY CAN'T BAN US ALL AT ONCE!

Why April 6th ? A number of reasons: It was the day Ghandi asked all of India to strike, his Satyagraha "TRUTH FORCE" movement of NON VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Again, in 1930 on April 6, upon reaching Dandi he made Salt at 6:30 AM (1:00 GMT) in defiance of the tyrannical British laws, another act of civil disobedience. More recently, April 6 was the date, and subsequent name of the movement, in Egypt, when citizens stood up against their government.

So this April 6 2013 at 1:00 GMT, Anonymous once again becomes a force to be reckoned with. Anonymous is going back to its roots. Doing it for the lulz. But this time we have a serious reason behind those lulz.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Facebook, Expect us.


Bulleh Shah (1680-1757) is the foremost Sufi poet of Punjab and holds manifold importance. In him the pantheism of Punjabi sufism reached its apex. He was born in a Sayyed family in a village near Kasur. He became a fakir of Qadri order as a disciple of Shah Inayat, an Arain peasant and Sufi master. Major part of Bulleh Shah’s verse is in the Kafi form like Shah Hussain, but he has written in some other forms too, like bara-maha and si-harfi.

Love for Bulleh Shah is the essence of God. He affirms that it is a fire which is lit in the heart of man. It is yearning for return to God and is generally at the moment the individual self gets separated from Him.

Bulleh Shah is acutely conscious of the differences and disputes between Hindus and Muslims and decries the persistence of both parties in their respective positions. His verses are very popular amoung the Punjabis. The reason evidently is his romatic defiance of the Muslim Sharia and an apparent condemnation of both Hindu and Muslim bigotry and ritual.

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