
games for kids

8/30 - get the poem in early today, hoops later -

Front porches

Sunday. Lazy evening. Sun shining. Fifty-
five degrees and windless. Such well-crafted
vistas. Neatly painted. Wicker chairs and swings
and well-appointed plants. Ceiling fans and tables
for card-playing or typing a thoughtful op-ed. I walk
past and feel invited.

When I think about the life I want to lead,
generally that life includes an open-air space
that gazes over the street, that speaks of chilled
iced tea, maybe crowd noise from a ballgame
humming over the radio. Maybe a novel or news-
paper unfolded in my hands.

The thing is, I already have a front porch.

The only time I spent there this past Sunday
was when I walked across it on the way
to and from my car. I like the notion of it.
It’s still my favorite part of the house,
so why, when the sun and breeze are tender,
am I not reading on it, or napping,
or talking to neighbors about the lousy
start of my favorite team? Why am I not
leading the life I want to lead? Where is
my lazy rocker? My outdoors games
of checkers with the kids? Why,
when I listen to baseball on the radio,
am I pillowed on the floor in the living room?

When I walk, I don’t see other people
on their porches either, except,
of course, college kids with beat-up,
fire-hazard couches and slabs of plywood
doubling as beer-pong tables. Perhaps

they already sense the plan of their lives
will not be as simple as registering for
next semester’s classes. Perhaps they
still believe their now is the time to make
sure the wish is more than just an idea.

On Saturday at the softball game, a high
school girl had the phrase Yolo face-
painted across her forehead in maize-
and-blue. I have always had a visceral
objection to that acronym, but maybe
it’s time to stop imagining how one day
I’ll sit and gaze. Slow. Wise. Satisfied.
How I’ll grow into the kind of personage
my son will ask for advice and I’ll tell him
a story as if we are two characters in a black-
and-white movie. Maybe it’s time I stopped
admiring other people’s porches and figured
out how to use mine.



Nice windy day wounder if kids will have thier baseball game today


Kids are home for Spring Break this week... Not much time for fun though, Sopal is having to do alot of catch up work for school. Hopefully we can hit a movie though. Then I am off to Cleveland for the weekend for the Adoption Conference that the Spokeo Award is sending me too. Never been to Cleveland before, might be able to catch a ball game on Sat, will be staying across the street from the ballpark.


Games For Fun Kids - Mind Power Series http://t.co/DZpJbJmIxg


Louisville, Michigan, $3 Drafts, 50¢ Wings! Watch the National Championship in style tonight here at West Park Tavern!


Games are for kids so if you wanna play games stay in a kids plat


I have no time for games , I got kids.


Hey All,

This was a good day. When I got there Brian was at his door in his wheelchair. He told me o.t. was there and said they were coming back to get him. This did not make sense to me. However, at 11:30 there she was. She was going to evaluate him.. His thereapy is starting soon. P.t. will do their eval tomorrow. I have already made it know that Brian wants a male therapist, no female.

He did great during the eval. She was impressed in the muscle tone he has, it isn't much, but it is way more than when he finished with the female therapists.

She also suggested he was very tired when she finished her eval. so we left him on the bed to rest the rest of the day. Hilary and Michael stopped over to play cards, but he was not to sit up so we just had a nice visit.
Shortly after the kids left, Mary Ann and John stopped in for a short visit. We watched some of the ball game and talked with them until they had to leave.
Then it was time for Brian to have dinner. I left him then to get home to have dinner with Mom.

Please keep the prayers coming for Brian. We need them so much. If we all work together surly He will listen.

Time for shower, TV bed.

Love y'all



Fun Math Games for Kids
games for kids





Just seen man city fans outside the theatre of twats on sky sports and they were all real mancs !!! Not Irish, not Malaysian, not southerners must be the real manc club


Facebook f&f plz 4gve me 4 postin dis. Look, yu sittn here actin like yu a fuckn victim like i did yu so fuckn wrong. Smh, yu did me wrong da whole fuckn we was 2gether. Yu lied n cheated on me. Oh, 4got yu neva cheated on me. Bullshit, n yu knw it. If yu prayed 4 me like yu said yu did God would've told yu hw 2 keep me happy. So save dat shit 4 da bird not listen. Yu talked a gud game but @ da end who lost? Yu did, I loved yu wit everything i hve n me but yu took it 4 granted. I loved dem kids always will but yu i cnt. Yu hurted me n yu promise me yu always b here no matta wat. I knew dat was a fuckn lie also. Yu postn Mama, pics is childish yu aint been postn dem y start nw. Yu tryn b fuckn funny but its cool not gonna worry, like i said i pray God keep her safe frm ignorant mutherfuckers. I pray God send yu sum1 dats gonna listen 2 yur bullshit n lies. N if yu dnt like dis idgaff. Fuck yu n yur fuckn feelins. Sadatay, bitch.

A very common and debatable topic is the one regarding whether or not violent video games are making the young crowd violent and angry. Video games are often created for entertainment and education….but mostly entertainment. But many say children and teens are also learning from the video games which portray violence and killing as acceptable such as Call of Duty, Far Cry, Grand Theft Auto, etc. Some of these fun and harmless games, aside from the shooting, stabbing, and goriness, are said to be so frustrating to kids that the games make them angry people. To me this is nonsense. These accusations are similar to ones we hear about several other things such as McDonalds makes you fat. McDonalds does not really make you fat, it is just a matter of control. You need to know McDonalds is only okay to eat once in a while and video games are okay to play as long as the player understands what happens in the game should stay in the game and to simply have fun. Games should not be frustrating so whenever a player becomes frustrated, most likely they have been playing the game for too long and should just come back to it later. The public should not blame games for the violence of kids, the parents should be the ones to take responsibility and regulate their kid’s playing as well as have a talk with them about not imitating what happens in games. Biggest solution of all, DON’T BUY THE GAMES FOR THE KIDS! It’s that easy. The store didn’t force parents to buy the games for their kids, it was the parents’ choice. If anyone is worried about the effects of video games on their children or teens, they should be researching the games before purchasing them. I myself am a video gamer who plays violent games and at times have become frustrated, but never would I accuse video games for making me a violent/angry person because to be either of those would be my choice.
games for kids


love this picture of a vanished world of street games for kids in inner city Glasgow #YourPaintings http://t.co/uuMI9c6NDy


Game tonight at Rossville Rec we play a LV team 7/8 would anyone over in the valley kids play for a 7/8 LV team??? Coach was not sure what the team was called.


Mike unveils "My Kids Adventures" for bringing back REAL family adventures, outside devices and video games. Bravo! @mike_stelzner #SMMW13


The Fab 5 needs to be there tonight. A classy bunch of kids who won so many significant games for the U of M.


Ball season is here and so is the sun!! thank god! ready to be off work and at the ball fields! must say im startin to like this whole bein involved in the community thing! hope my kids stay interested!!

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