
gods of war

@HectorMurrietta pensé que terminaste vengeance porque para mi la tomo como Blood and sand, Gods of the arena, Vengeance y War of the damned



When it’s all over the cynic will be the biggest loser in the human race.


I liked a @YouTube video from @BrokenGamezHD http://t.co/05a8Q059wB God Of War Ascension - 2 Vs 2 Team Favor Of The Gods - Forum Of


@rhodriBLITZ @DavieLegend gods of war! May your hammer be mighty.


Gods of War.


Confirm"@bellobabs: @Ade07 @oosare @FabulousSOS Gods of d arena aint d official szn 2.so vengeance is szn 2 & dis war of d damned is szn 3"


We are being reminded that tomorrow is a public holiday, kindly let us give it a name


@Bruuuuups é o nome da serie, caralho, HUAUHHUAHUAHUAUH, 1 - Gods of the Arena 2 - Sand and Blood 3- Vengeance 4- War of the Damned

"I walked away from the Last Great Time War, I mark the passing of the Time Lords, I saw the birth of the Universe and I watched as time ran out moment by moment until nothing remained no time no space, just me! I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman! I've watched universes freeze and creations burn, I have seen things you will never believe, lost things you will never understand and I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then!! Take it! Take it all baby! Have it! YOU HAVE IT ALL!!"


@ButcherMose @DJBrutality the gods of war will watch over him, and give gim strength


What song are you currently addicted to?


Norse Beliefs

Ancient Norse paganism and modern Asatru are polytheistic. In the Viking Age (9th-11th cents.), there were four main deities (see below), with earlier gods remembered as minor deities and other supernatural beings of varying importance. Most of these gods are worshipped by modern followers of Asatru.

The Norse gods are of three different types:

Aesir - the gods of the tribe or clan, representing kingship, order, craft, etc. (incl. Odin and Thor)
Vanir - gods of the fertility of the earth and forces of nature (incl. Freyr and Freyja)
Jotnar - giant-gods who are in a constant state of war with the Aesir, representing chaos and destruction

The four main deities in Germanic religion and Asatru are:

Odin (Germanic Woden) - god of magic, poetry, riches and the dead; ruler of Valhalla (gave his name to Wednesday)
Thor - sky god who wields a hammer, controls the weather, and protects the law and the community (gave his name to Thursday)
Freyr - fertility god represented with a phallic statue and seen as the founder of the Swedish royal dynasty
Freyja - fertility goddess of love and beauty, sister of Freyr, known by many names (including Frigg, Odin's wife and patron of families, who gave her name to Friday)

Other deities:

Njord - father of Freyr and Freyja, god of ships, sea and lakes
Tyr (Germanic Tiu) - god of battle, sacrifice, and justice (gave his name to Tuesday)
Ullr - god of death, winter, and hunting
Loki - the trickster

The original Germanic religion did not have a unified conception of the afterlife. Some may have believed that fallen warriors would go to Valhalla to live happily with Odin until the Ragnarök, but it seems unlikely this belief was widespread. Others seemed to believe that there was no afterlife. According to the "Hávamál," any misfortune was better than to be burnt on a funeral pyre, for a corpse was a useless object.

More often people believed that life went on for a time after death but was inseparable from the body. If men had been evil in life, they could persecute the living when dead; they might have to be killed a second time or even a third before they were finished. Some records imply that the dead needed company; a wife, mistress, or servant would be placed in the grave with them. On the whole, beliefs in afterlife seem rather gloomy. The dead pass, perhaps by slow stages, to a dark, misty world called Niflheim (Niflheimr).

Modern Asatru beliefs about the afterlife also vary. One Asatru website states:

We believe that there is an afterlife, and that those who have lived virtuous lives will go on to experience greater fulfillment, pleasure, and challenge. Those who have led lives characterized more by vice than by virtue will be separated from kin, doomed to an existence of dullness and gloom. The precise nature of the afterlife -what it will look like and feel like - is beyond our understanding and is dealt with symbolically in the myths. There is also a tradition in Asatru of rebirth within the family line. Perhaps the individual is able to choose whether or not he or she is re-manifested in this world, or there may be natural laws which govern this. In a sense, of course, we all live on in our descendants quite apart from an afterlife as such. To be honest, we of Asatru do not overly concern ourselves with the next world. We live here and now, in this existence. If we do this and do it well, the next life will take care of itself.

SOURCE: NorseFacts

)O( Scarlet Moon Crimson Willow


I walked away from the last great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I’ve walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I’ve watched universes freeze and creations burn. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. I have lost things you’ll never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze.


I love it when my father scold "FUCK" when playing Gods Of War beside my mom. Or start using bad name. i juz love it when he get scolded.


@uly_0919 .. yup bagong FF.. tapos ko na kase yung war of gods wahaha..


#NowPlaying DEF LEPPARD / HYSTERIA / Gods Of War #DroidNP


A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first.


#My15FavoritesSongs 3. Gods of war - Manowar


The Doctor: I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe, and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time, no space – just me. I've walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken, knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze! So, come on, then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!


**Please Don't ignore***
A man came home drunk and mad, he pulled
out a gun and shot his wife and turned the
gun on himself and pulled the trigger.
There little girl set behind a couch crying.
The police came and took the little girl to
a new family, and she went to her first
Sunday school at church.
She walks past the building and saw a
picture of Jesus on the cross.
The little girl then asked the teacher "How
did that man get off the cross?" the
Teacher replied "He never did" then the little
girl argued "Yes he did. Because the night
that my mummy and daddy died he set next
to me behind the couch, telling me everything
was going to be alright"
Remember what the bible say's "Deny me in
front of your friends and i shall Deny you in
front of my father...If u love the devil ignore
this text ;
But If u love GOD , type "AMEN"


“@AP: BREAKING: Buddhists, Muslims from Myanmar brawl in Indonesian detention center, killing 8. -SS” and the war of the Gods rages on.


Gods of War: The Greatest Fighters in Combat Sports http://t.co/cpnP2aOdrz


#nowplaying Ludacris - War of the gods #ClassicTrack


“You like to think you’re a God. But you’re not a God. You’re just a parasite eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others. You feed on them. On the memory of love and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow. So… come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories, but I hope you’ve got a big appetite because I’ve lived a long life and I’ve seen a few things. I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I’ve walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I’ve watched universes freeze and creations burn. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. I’ve lost things you’ll never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze.

So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!”

-The Doctor

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