
bioshock review

Hello friends here is my review of BioShock Infinite:

0/10 have not played it yet paid by IGN



How do I get more people to read my articles? Should I shout from the mountains?


@Mr_iKeepitreal please do a bioshock review


Can't play Bioshock Infinite after my first play =.= (played 3~4 hours) Anyway I'll still do a contradicting review...

Gameplay - 4/10 - Ugh, I like the fact that it isn't COD, however there were a lot of disappointments such as the Vigor (magic) which some are costly and some are... a bit OP or not very engaging. It blows stuffs up, kills people, but no satisfaction. Limited to 2 weapons and not being able to switch it at shops are weird. Gives me unnecessary dilemma. Skyline system is awkward as it gives the player sudden ultra jump and is merely there to appreciate the beauty of the world. The game also consist of shooting everywhere, it doesn't have the thrill in Bioshock 1 and 2 and mini-bosses are too damn easy. I might love it more when I get deeper into the game with more variety of enemies, because I just have to headshot everyone and would have absolutely no problem with bullets in HARD MODE. Gears are also a cruel system.

Story - 6/10 - Well written, but not well composed. Its hard to imagine myself as the character as the background is vague and slowly revealed. It also felt like the climax is right after the opening! Too fast, and too many plotholes (probably filled later, but still feels unsatisfying for the experience) Most of the points goes to the characters in the game

Presentation - 9/10 - Beautiful. The main menu, tutorial design, the world design, the color choice, the character design, the guns, the effects- they're all perfect fit with each other. I just have a bit of personal problems with the health/vigor bar and its effect.

Sound - 10/10 - Love the voice, love the guns, love the vigors, love the shrieks and sound effects of the environment.


Classic Game Room HD - BIOSHOCK 2 review
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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough #3 Gameplay Not Review or Trailer
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Malik clan

Game Review Time: Weigh in on Bioshock Infinite. What did people think. Please Rate on a scale of 1-10.....ng.kamakazi


Review: “Bioshock Infinite” is a must-play - Oregon Daily Emerald: The Age (blog)Review: “Bioshock Infin... http://t.co/Hk68C5kxrN undefined


The Ridge Review: Bioshock Infinite: How Good Can it Get? - http://t.co/0VLOLTdl5o http://t.co/dhHvJGT2tm undefined


I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/jCF3aAvXhv Bioshock game review undefined


#PS3 Bioshock Infinite Review | Keen and Graev http://t.co/i9Sk6si9ZM undefined


NECA Bioshock 2 Subject Omega & Splicer Mask review
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Bioshock 2-Game Review
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For my website Im gonna be reviewing around 5 games, any ideas which ones to do?


Bioshock Infinite Review - Joshua Mutter Gaming
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Bioshock Rapture book review
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Bioshock Infinite Gameplay Walkthrough Part 27 - The Final Tear - Chapter 27
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BioShock Infinite Review
bioshock review


Total nerd moment.....but I have the urge to get the wrist chains and quote from BioShock tat. "A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys"


#Bioshock review
http://t.co/7IWY8CcDjS http://t.co/g2UeBv12nl undefined


@Totalbiscuit Pretty good one from Jim Sterling: http://t.co/lStUlIxvTb Would have liked a few more paragraphs about combat though. =L undefined


Bioshock Infinite Review (Revised) | PGC
bioshock review


IGN Article - BioShock Infinite PC Review http://t.co/6pesXeadWd undefined


GVN Reviews - Bioshock Infinite Review
bioshock review

Critical Hit Review: Bioshock Infinite Ending With First Impressions
bioshock review


Just finished Bioshock: Infinite, and I must say, probably one of the best endings to a video game ive ever experienced. Saw on eor two things coming, but truly a deep conclusion


A very good review on Bioshock: Infinite. Takes place around the mid-way point. Spoilers averted. http://t.co/Ahq3X2pvpq undefined


I liked a @YouTube video from @smoshgames http://t.co/ErJ09BWYTK BIOSHOCK INFINITE REVIEW undefined


The ending of Bioshock Infinite... HOLY CRAP lol loved it and believe it or not I totally understand everything that happened


Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube de @smoshgames http://t.co/qKTODaZ9ay BIOSHOCK INFINITE REVIEW undefined


Alright ladies, Bioshock Infinite review going up in a few


BIOSHOCK (Zero Punctuation)
bioshock review


I think Bioshock 3 has put me off getting a new console. Software sells systems, and i'm better off with Steam (PC) and indie games. I will post a blog style review of why Bioshock 3 is just dull and an empty shell of what made System Shock and the first two Bioshocks.


BioShock review Part 1 of 5
bioshock review


Completed BioShock Infinite, gorgeous environment, creative gameplay, relevant subject matter, compelling narrative, amazing soundtrack -- this is a big step forward for video-games-as-art even if the ending is just a little too ambitiously mind blowing for my taste.


PWYF game review Lego city undercover and bioshock infinite: http://t.co/aTp7YK4m5W via @YouTube undefined


Review: BioShock Infinite Soars to New Heights: The BioShock series is something that, despite its many failin... http://t.co/mlw5iixANF undefined


So Fall Out Boy is back and I have some Music reviewing tips for the new
record. First Music can be liked for many reasons but two main reasons are
the music and lyrics. Either one should be taken out of context and be
treated equally. Every note and/or word has meaning or purpose that depends
on the listener. One must think of every possible reason people would like a
song to truly review it.

I really like the song "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy off their new album
"Save Rock and Roll" mainly for the lyrics but I also find the beat catchy.
And I like this song so much that I might use it instead of another song for
my project involving Source Filmmaker by Valve Software for their Source
Engine that i have 9 years experience with. I already have the main map
almost done, all I need to do really is finish some details and start
filmmaking. I have a friend working on animations for the ingame models so
that will be easy. Dad is working on taking pictures for my second project
which is also in filmmaker. After that I might use inspiration from music to create my own music with the help of another friend.

I havent gotten time to create a page for the Project Truth yet so hang in there.

Also I got Bioshock Infinite for PC and its amazing if you dont have a very good pc i would not recommend getting it for pc. I would how ever recommend you either let a friend show you it or watch it on youtube but Not get it on Xbox360 or PS3 since quality is reduced and you wont get the same experiece. Just a warning it is expensive watch/play it from a Friend.

I am home tommorrow as well all day so I will be working on my projects. Also Looking forward to my Birthday on the 24th this month so Yay.


Bioshock Review (Xbox 360)
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BioShock Infinite Review: Unveiled in late 2010, BioShock Infinite quickly reached the top of the most anticipated games list. This t...


Bioshock 1 Review
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The Ridge Review: Bioshock Infinite: How Good Can it Get? - http://t.co/Qu1PEDCrgK: Brisbane TimesThe Ridge Rev... http://t.co/otF6B1TVmt undefined


Ken Levine talks about money and storytelling in games - BioShock Infinite interview
bioshock review


Back to school! had SUCH a sick spring break! went on some insane hikes/runs, got to hang out and have fun with the amazing staff at the Pursuit, got totally freaked out by the new Bioshock Infinite, finally got to shoot my bow again and have some sweet down time with my beloved Solts and Branham family! Thank God for holidays!

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