

We need more pictures! We love using pictures of real people not "models" in our print and digital marketing. Not all pictures will be seen by all people but all pictures do help us TREMENDOUSLY and are sincerely appreciated! Send your candid and professional pictures to photos@nvfi.org



Bb. Pilipinas 2013 Candidates Batch 1 (1 - 25)


Hindu. Support Deve Gowda, elect our candidates: Kumaraswamy http://t.co/RVaxzStgXJ


Could the Next Pope be Non-European?


With my co-dj Cathy G and the candidates of Ms. Earth Philippines 2013 :) http://t.co/BeNq6EzAM9


For the ladies,
Please choose a statement.

A. There are plenty of good, single men who are everything you want.

B. There are plenty of good, single men who have everything you want.

(This is not a male bashing post. Please refrain from lamenting about the definition of a real man.)

Don't over-analyze the statement. Just answer with your first instinct. Then check your standards. Your choice is an indication of your own status. #foodforthought


Mass in point of the bit, these candidates flaunt masterly relocate skills conjunction foreign anonymous traits.:


Candidates speeches show common themes


Candid Pictures of Daughter & Dad......


We have a new profile picture....
Our SECOND entry is this smiling little boy wearing one of my newsboy hats.
If you have a picture to share, candid or professional. Please do so.... you could win a $10 gift certificate from my shop:)


#embrace like GOP estab. embraces funding #obamacare MT @/MalPartisan interestd 2 know whethr candidates will embrace this #crushrove


I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album "Your Candidates for the 2013-14 SGA" http://t.co/pZwdpZFVmB


Miami is the only place where candidates for mayor are claiming people are doing voodoo on them.


Media Mind Control War Blitz Psyop As Manchurian Candidates Form A Pentagram of Death 2012


BN expected to field more women candidates in Sabah http://t.co/jT3Nwko9KM


Meet The Candidates: Sen. Neville James, Pedro Cruz, Diane Capehart,


188 candidates stand for county elections http://t.co/XQZG3rzjPd


What do You prefer? Perfectly posed or candid and relaxed photos. Share, like and comment. Your input is important


NEWSREEL: MAKABAYAN Coalition Endorsement of Senatorial Candidates


The Top 10 Mistakes Hiring Managers Make When Courting Candidates http://t.co/LS1Lun14ca #HR #Management #Engagement @TLNT_com Nicole Cox


Meet the 50 #BbPilipinas2013 candidates here: http://t.co/FKcrHCmfdo Spot your favorites and vote!


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.


Part 3 of 3 Third Party Presidential Candidates Debate in Denver CO USA 10 3 12

Democracy in action in #Pakistan; 69 minority candidates - political solution for Balochistan - fmr dictator on trial http://t.co/ReihF8jm9T

One of the ways we can err is by paying more attention to what the Lord gives us at the expense of God. You must never forget the fact that there is nothing you have that was not given to you by God. There is just nothing. Your wife is a gift given you by God and you must always respect the place of God in her life. At one time or the other, the Lord will place some demands on her and you must make sure you are not standing in God’s way in her life. We are not antagonizing the fact that she is yours but remember that God is the ultimate owner. He is the one that has the power to kill and to make alive. When the demands of God come upon your wife, see to it that you help her to meet those demands. One thing you need to know is that, God needing your wife is a great thing to you because God will not leave you worse for it; He’ll make you better than when He picked you.

When we just started out in ministry, as a missionary organization then my wife went to a particular community and was lodged in an apartment there. The woman that hosted her would hand over the key to the room to her brother who was not married then telling him to go in and do whatever he wanted with her. This went on severally but he was supernaturally restrained from moving near mummy. When you are committed to God, He will be more committed to you. Eventually this man got born again and narrated this story to us and the other members of the ministry then said I should not allow mummy to go there again in order to avoid this kind of thing happening. Now I was in a fix. I love her so much that I would not want anything happen to her but at the same time; she’s got to do the will of God. It was a painful moment for me. My flesh would not want her to go but deep in my spirit, I knew she should go. (If you were in my shoes, would you let her go?)

I remembered the covenant we made to God that we would not stand in each other’s way in serving God. We covenanted that we were going to love God more than each other. So, the decision was yet to be made and everyone was waiting for my response. It was a critical time in my life and I will never forget it. And you know what I said? I said, “If God cannot protect you then I cannot protect you. Go!!!” I made the decision once and for all and she went. Look at my wife today; is God really not faithful to her and much more to me. If I did not allow her to go, something more serious and dangerous could still have happened to her, you know. When God places a need on your wife, you are going to be the first person to benefit from it, either directly or indirectly.

So beloved, do not stand in the way of God in the life of your wife. Allow her serve God and don’t hinder her. Allow her to embrace the call on her; don’t stop her from giving to God. Don’t hinder her from praying because of your personal gains, particularly when she needs to. There is just nothing too much that man can give to God. One thing I want you to know is that if you hoard your wife from serving the Lord, then you have to be ready to help her when crisis comes because God will also be looking at the two of you without stretching a hand of help. Now look into your life and recognize the area(s) you have been hoarding your wife from serving the Lord; repent. Have you placed so much demand on her being social when God actually is intending to use her? Have you withstood her from walking the road God wants her to walk? Repent and you will enjoy God’s partnership in your home.
Prayer: Lord, deliver me from every error that will make me pay more attention to what you have given me at the expense of you. I will not stand in the way of God in my spouse's life.
Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Psalm 78:65-72, Proverbs 12:25

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