
chess board

On this chess board of LIFE screaming CHECK MATE BITCH.. GAME OVER SHOP CLOSED... Miss me with that bull Shit....



written by Leo Babauta.

Family Day, where we try to have fun together as a family, often for free or without spending much money. I thought it would be useful to list some ways to have fun with your kids without spending a lot of money:

Have a reading marathon.
Write stories together.
Play soccer.
Paint or draw together.
Create a fort in your living room out of blankets or cardboard boxes.
Go on a hike.
Have a sunset picnic at a park or beach.
Play board games.
Play kickball.
Get up early, pack breakfast, and have a sunrise breakfast.
Go to a museum.
Go to a playground.
Play hide-and-seek.
Have a pillow fight.
Ride bikes.
Build sandcastles.
Rent a dvd and make popcorn.
Tell st
Have a scavenger hunt.
Make mazes or puzzles for each other to solve.
Play card games.
Garden together.
Bake cookies (let the kids help).
Go to the zoo.
Go to the library.
Shop at a thrift shop.
Create a blog together.
Create a scrapbook.
Make a movie using a camcorder and computer.
Learn to play music.
Make play dough from scratch.
Make homemade mini pizzas.
Buy popsicles.
Make hand-painted T-shirts.
Set up a hammock, make lemonade, relax.
Go to a pool.
Go to a public place, people watch, and make up imaginary stories about people.
Visit family.
Write letters to family.
Paint or decorate the kids’ room.
Make milkshakes.
Play freeze tag.
Create a treasure hunt for them (leaving clues around the house or yard).
Decorate a pair of jeans.
Do a science experiment.
Play games online.
Teach them to play chess.
Learn magic tricks.
Create a family book, with information and pictures about each family member.
Fly kites.
Go snorkeling.
Donate stuff to charity.
Compete in a three-legged or other race.
Create an obstacle course.
Pitch a tent and sleep outside with marshmallows.
Roast marshmallows.
Play loud music and dance crazy.
Write and produce a play (to perform before other family members).
Paint each other’s faces.
Have a water balloon fight.
Have a gun-fight with those foam dart guns.
Explore your yard and look for insects.
Go for a walk and explore the neighborhood.
Go jogging.
Take pictures of nature.
Play a trivia game.
Make up trivia questions about each other.
Make hot cocoa.
Play house.
Decorate the house with decorations you make.
Make popsicles.
Play school.
Do shadow puppets.
Make a comic book.
Play in the rain.
Make mud pies.
Blow bubbles.
Take turns saying tongue twisters.
Sing songs.
Tell ghost stories in the dark with a flashlight.
Build stuff with Legos.
Give them a bubble bath.
Play with squirt guns.
Play video games together.
Play wiffleball.
Play nerf football.
Build a rocket from a kit.
Bake a cake and decorate it.
Play dress-up.
Thumb-wrestle, play mercy, or have a tickle fight.
Make a gingerbread house, or decorate gingerbread men.
Learn and tell each other jokes.
Play basketball.
Learn to juggle.
Walk barefoot in the grass and pick flowers.
Build paper airplanes and have a flying contest.
Prank call their grandparents, using disguised, humorous voices.


@TigerKateS *just finishes a game of chess and the other throws the board over in anger*


"@Chess_iniesta13: “@PrinceRomie: y every girl a TRY mek a kotch vid”some a dem crawny"VERY n stiff like board


Photoreal chessboard pieces
chess board


Tafl, Viking Chess
chess board


@MaheenAsif1 @hasiib31 Seems some one is moving pawns on the Chess Board in a calculated way?


I guess AL, BNP, Jamaat and Hefajat are the pieces and pawns of a chess board. The players are invisible. I am afraid, our natural resources (gas, coal) are seriously at risk.


We enslaved to the finer things in life and a white man get paid off all dat fuckin pawns on a chess board


Big Chess Board - When the Kids Rule the World
chess board


Big data and development: “The second half of the chess board” | #Africa http://t.co/81QOsQKy32


The developed countries are using African countries as their pawns in this 3D chess board oF life


The Chessboard Killer - Alexander Pichushkin Part 2
chess board


Nixie tube chess board setup
chess board


GGN: Nuclear Pakistan On the Verge, Chessboard Pieces Are Moving, Yuan to Be World Currency
chess board


Cutting Board Disaster
chess board


3ds max Christmas animation - tree chess board star snowman 3dmax 9
chess board




"Arguing with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well you play chess, the pigeon just knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, spews some unintelligible profanities, and struts around like he won."
-- Anonymous


@faruqabbas @Haneefabbas @khalidbass congrats all on the arrival of your neice,may Allah make her great,pls dnt buy her a chess board yet


@NiallsGirl9 im at skool first off& 2ndim at lunch&all the ghetto kids just sat at everysingle seat surround me like a damn chess board


Chess Board Flyby
chess board


went 5-1 on the chess board today...now to get back to finishing my finals


The floor looks like a chess board


Kasparov: Aronian unprepared for the climate of battle

Grandmaster (GM) Levon Aronian—who plays first board... http://t.co/hg1pfKfdEU


@Cigwhorerett I switched the chess board look (black roots, white ends) for the lets say a colourful rainbow


Collector chess sets diversity and beauty!
chess board


How to Submit a Chess Puzzle to DailyChessPuzzles.com
chess board


What would be your next move on the chess board with this setting? http://t.co/xUEhKgYzDl


Smh they broke my chess board.


God will tell you the exact time to make a strategic move. #life.is.a.chess.board


Sharad's Sunday Sojourns (wk#52):

Not one, not two, but in total 64 squares. The peculiarity of these squares is not in their sum total, but their colours. No other colours are in the vicinity. It has to either one of them: either black or white. The way these 64 squares stare at the players (and the spectators), may even stimulate an alternate opinion: they are unanimously putting up a silent protest against the thoroughly renounceable practice of colour prejudice !

If you eat, drink and sleep chess, you must be graciously pardoned for nourishing the perplexing thought that the entire world may just be running in ‘black and white’ and not in ‘RCB’ mode. Whether you win or lose, die or live, doesn’t matter; but a white ‘bishop’ cannot jump the designated white squares and ‘kiss’ it’s black counterpart. Likewise, however important it might be in the context of the game, a black ‘pawn’ is denied shelter in the comfortable zone of a white ‘rook’. Stringent laws of chess sometimes even remind me of ancient civilizations with defaulters from one creed and colour facing guillotine for the crime of a ‘cross-cultural’ romance. And then there are two ‘knights’...who have been bestowed with superlative wings...to fly away two-and-a half squares and in the process may threaten the ‘king’. Even the ‘queen’, undoubtedly the most powerful ‘character’ in the whole chess-board, may have to surrender to this unfathomable and effervescent ‘horse-power’ !

Be it the meteoric rise of Vishy Anand, or the prolific fables of the Late Bobby Fischer; whether it was the flamboyance of Garry Kasparov, or the methodology of Kramnik, chess has been the ‘lethargic’ and yet an intelligent counterpart of the more laborious games. Perhaps in no other games, the brain has to be such an integral part of the whole process. Also, an eternal conflict has been floating since time immemorial: why the ‘white’ starts the proceedings? Is it the fact that white symbolizes truth and black the evil? In other words, the player who starts with white may have an upper-hand just because of this moral conjuncture? Maybe a foolish thought that playing with the white pieces may manipulate the outcome of the game. So many times it had happened that in rapid chess, a smart and magnificent Anand has successfully defended his World titles with black pieces. But the effort to embarrass the opponent even before the game starts would continue with the option of starting with white and not black. Unfortunately, in the battlefield of a chess board, the ill-fate of any black piece bears an uncanny resemblance with the mythological character ‘Karna’; who always had to wait and succeed, albeit since birth !

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