
cool games

I wish I had a neighbor like Professor Agasa who gives deduction games.. So cool!



@stroughtonsmith make some cool vita games


Wheres everyone watching the game?


This is fun: in a few weeks we'll have a line of miniatures you can use in the RPG or the Board Game.

The first two figures will be kristina and myself, followed by the rest of the band, and airships, etc.
cool games


Watching The Fighter. Mark Wahlberg is a good actor


niggas got the game fucked if you think you going fuck Mooda Smith cause she no like i no thats deadddd!!!! dfl # thats why yall mad

Malik clan

First couple of days with this phone is dangerous!! Having a hard time putting it down


Just Cool Enough Episode 167: Vidja Games
cool games


Aaron "Jaws" Homoki X Games Real Street 2012
cool games


StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson - The Science of Video Games
cool games


Tanning nails & then Newport for the night with some great people :) lalala


I Can Count to 100 (counting song for kids by Mark D. Pencil)
cool games


Had a sweet time am tired8-} 8-} 8-} X-o


@Blkbuoy 2 pointz out of a possible 6? Yeye out 4 3 games? Gould in doubt? Baxter loosin his cool? Fans hittin on refs? Nt sure if m dreamin


DWade like fuck the rest of these games son


@pixlers Wow, graphics& games bist DU aber cool ! DANKE für DEIN Coaching !


Does anyone know of some good abandoned buildings in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area? I want to do a Silent Hill photoshoot somewhere. Oh, and preferably a place that isn't haunted(or too haunted).


Cool Races 1.0 http://t.co/2n1s1EKdXO #download #games #arcade


@mclong1977 cool but I only have myself to play games with lol so I allways win


Had to share the column from the Halifax Herald a friend read to me while I was driving to an appointment. It's a long but well worth the read that will surely put a smile on your face.

Our oldest son, the Mastermind, turns eight tomorrow. I’m biased, of course, but independent observers have confirmed he’s a pretty cool kid. In honour of his special day, I’m letting him have my column today to share an almost-eight-year-old’s advice for parents.

“Let’s start with food. I’ve been around long enough to know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. Most kids are the same.

I am a reasonable person and I’m willing to negotiate. I’ll eat carrots or spinach if you give me pizza or waffles for a main course. But stick with what works. I don’t know why grown-ups think everyone needs to try weird new foods all the time.

Look at it this way: we’re making your lives easier. You only need to remember four or five recipes.

Let’s call a truce in the War on Sugar. You talk about it like it’s the enemy: ‘Oh, it’s too close to bedtime to eat candy.’ But be honest — how many chocolate mini-eggs have you scarfed in the last week?

We all know about that huge bag you bought on sale the day after Easter. And I won’t even mention your caffeine habits. Adults treat coffee and tea like liquid gold.

Now for clothes. On the one hand, you say things like ‘Be yourself’ and ‘Don’t worry about what other people think.’ But if I want to wear the same shirt for three days in a row, suddenly it’s an issue. Who are we trying to impress, exactly?

I don’t even smell bad. I could wear these socks for a week and no one would notice if you’d just relax about it.

Once again, I’m doing you a favour here. I’ve seen the mountain of laundry and I’m trying to do my part by reusing.

The most important thing, adults, is to keep your stories straight. Sometimes you send mixed messages.

If we complain that we’re bored, you tell us to find something to do. But when we come up with a great game like Spatula Swordfighting, you have to jump in and break it up as soon as somebody accidentally gets their fingers whacked.

Haven’t you noticed yet that little brothers exaggerate when they cry? Give them two minutes and they’ll be laughing again. Trust me.

Another example: sometimes you want us to be independent and helpful, and you make us do awful things like get our own cereal or unload the dishwasher. (Other parents do this, right? Mine aren’t just unusually cruel? Let me know, because if I have a legal case I’m ready to explore my options.)

Yet if I’m in the middle of inventing something awesome and I go looking for a hacksaw and a pack of matches, suddenly a grown-up has to get involved. I’ll ask for help if I need it, but cut me some slack, OK? I haven’t broken anything important yet.

For the record, that crack in the basement window doesn’t count. It’s barely noticeable. Not like some of the things Dad and Uncle Josh did when they were kids. Nana tells me the real story.

Speaking of Nana, this is my most important advice: all parents should act more like grandparents. They’re not so strict on the candy and video games. They know how to treat a kid. Let’s face it: they raised you, so you should defer to their wisdom and experience.

Thank you for the chance to speak on behalf of kids everywhere. I hope I’ve inspired you to be nicer to your own children.”


Ge.ne.sis Alpha Demo:
Ge.ne.sis Alpha Demo

This just a Demo RPG game but it has some really cool ... http://t.co/N6BIWh0SG5


"@Quateer24: Melo passed durant for the scoring title


How to not Suck at Minecraft - House Design (Episode 1)
cool games


Got the tunes going :-)


Toys & Games: What Are Some Cool Games To Play At A Bonfire That I Am Throwing ??
cool games


Room 2 nfc and mobile games! Very cool and intresting #droidcon


Best Cydia Tweaks and Apps for iOS 6
cool games


The whole Joel Osteen story being passed around the past few days, I decided to hold my tongue, it was obvious that it was a hoax, his supposed website even had his name spelled wrong, that should have been an indication right off the bat, and it showed me that many of us in the Netzari Faith for some reason either A) will fall for anything at times or B) have so much anger in us we do not care that the story is true. And this is where anger causes us to sin, cause it also brought false witness in basically giving the story validity through appearance. And where are our supposed "leaders" when there is so much disarray in the body of Messiah when we have so many problems in the body, it is almost like they say, "Oh the building is on fire? Well I am off to Ohio to do a teaching bye, I can't deal with it". Currently we have the worse leadership in the Netzari, Nazarene, Messianic Hebrew Roots whatever you want to call it and it has become very apparent, time to replace these clowns


To all the football fans on HHR, if you wanna watch exciting, offensive, thrilling and passionate football, then watch AS ROMA VS LAZIO .... Derby Della Capitale!! 19:45 gmt time....
Daje Roma!


Pocoyo - Gangnam Style
cool games


Back to the grind This 3 days off between pens games is not cool on any level. At least we clinched a playoff spot last night #letsgopens


gotta do something with this weather , hmu


@Marlon04055383 cool, yeah got the rest of games, home and away, apart from Chelsea! Keep checking the exchange. :-) yids


Time to see a movie!!! "the hunger games" "happy hunger gameees" :D #thg #thehungergames #movie #cool… http://t.co/osaLuRRXei


Top 10 Must Have iPhone Apps
cool games


Happy Wheels Punishment
cool games


Anyone in Lexington want to head to Louisville tonight to watch the game?


Anyone know how I can listen to the Sox game without a radio?


So FSC is just gonna broadcast the same games they did last week? Cool, guys.


I'm ready to start getting out of the house. Time to see old friends and time to make new ones. Let's go somewhere people! Make arrangements and lets party like we're still 25 this weekend. Sorry if that offends some people but I'm at the point where I have taken care of other people for so long that I need to take care of myself, mend friendships that have been unintentionally been neglected and have some fun with good people, not the ones that like to bring others down.

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