
cool math kids

I want to work in graphic design so bad, just how the hell do I start?



I have a love/hate relationship with all the random math problems that pop up on my news feed lately:) I love realizing that I know the correct answers to them, but I hate that it took me until my adulthood to actual apply myself academically. Oh if I could smack that ridiculous pre-teen/teenager of myself I totally would! The plus side is that I get to start early with Carly Bug and help her enjoy her studies *hopefully* :)


I thought I would clear a few things up here since I’m blocked and therefore not allowed to provide an opinion or actual facts on the OTA page about what a certain follower said on their page…The OTA Admins have lied and been caught lying about who the Admins really are or are not, there is screen shots and proof of those lies available on Informed Owasso and many other pages.

Next, NO ONE is referring to this follower as an Admin but they sure seems pretty determined to support and believe everything the OTA says even though the OTA can't and won't provide any support with any real documentation or facts... and then bashes The Owasso Truth Alliance page, calling them City Hall fans spreading RR propaganda… even though every single post they’ve made has links and documented support for their numbers, comments, etc. When I emailed them to ask why they don’t allow posts/comments they told me it was because their goal is to be strictly factual and informative w/out emotion clouding up the TRUTH.

Also, to be clear, the TOTAL number of voters in the last election was just over 2,000 people, out of the 18,000+ Registered Owasso voters. So to make a comment/claim such as, "half of the voters", is completely inaccurate. To offer more clarity, 2,000 people didn't vote for one side or the other, there was barely over 2,000 total votes counting just over 1,000 for EACH side at the last election… Out of the AGAIN, 18,000+ voters in Owasso... So, if my math is correct, “half of the voters” would be approximately 9,000 people…

Now, time for my opinion since the OTA gets to blast their opinion all over their FB page and it’s supposed to be seen as law or fact or truth… w/out any support...

I think the reality is that most people in Owasso don't get out and vote because they AGREE with and TRUST that the City of Owasso Councilors and Directors and Staff are continuing to do the GREAT job they've done for the last 20 years making Owasso one of the best and fastest growing Cities in the State of Oklahoma. Coincidentally resulting in a destination for new businesses, new residents, and offering an AMAZING School System... which also draws more people to Owasso.

The limited number of people who are actually voting against the City Directors, Staff and current forward thinking Councilors are those roughly 1,000 voters (out of the entire 18,000+ Registered Owasso voters) who don't like that Owasso is growing bigger and better and would rather stop all growth and development. The other roughly 1,000 voters who vote in favor of keeping things moving forward are those folks who know the truth and actually get involved and actively participate in making things better instead of just complaining and spreading negative and misleading information.

My best educated guess is, that if EVERY SINGLE Registered voter in Owasso came out to vote, the OTA would see that they don’t really represent the wants/needs of half the voters… but more realistically about maybe 5% of the registered voters inside the City Limits and more accurately about MAYBE 2% of ALL the people who live in Owasso fenceline and spend their money shopping and eating here, and send their kids to school here, and love and enjoy Owasso and it’s continued growth. Now, that is simply my opinion, I can't support that with any real documentation or proof but since the OTA doesn't need any to make their claims, I thought I'd make one of my own! 95-98% of Owasso Voters APPROVE of the Job Well Done by the City of Owasso and would like to see it continue!



Here’s an idea, let’s keep wasting money by making the public pay for another war that will never be won; the war on drugs. Like Ron Paul says: "Even if we legalized heroine in this country, how many of you would run out and start using it?" This war on drugs is nothing more than an expensive scam perpetuated on the public, and the war on marijuana is the holy grail of utter absurdity. If weed were legal, people would grow it in their backyards and it would be everywhere. Once that happened, there would be no one growing it on public land or cultivating it covertly in their homes. Its value would be diluted to nothing almost instantly. Right now, because it is illegal, it’s a valuable crop and enticing to youth. Make it legal and those games are over.

Criminalizing marijuana doesn’t stop people from finding it and using it anyway, period, but it does allow criminals to make money off it, and it does make kids want to experiment with it. Prohibition has proven you cannot stop the production of something the public wants. These lame arguments for why marijuana should be illegal are as ridiculous as the people who claim they want to eradicate weed to “save America.” The truth is, law enforcement wants the public to continue to provide them with all these nice resources; like fancy 4x4 ATVs, helicopters, guns, and cool surveillance equipment; all in the name of eradicating the “evil weed” so they can continue to ride around on their “high horses” in style. Law enforcement talks about marijuana like it’s the scourge of our nation, but what’s really killing this country is overspending. If we legalized marijuana, the cat and mouse games growers and sellers play with cops would end overnight. But the fact is, law enforcement doesn’t really want to eradicate marijuana, because it provides them job security. If weed were legal, they’d have to give up all those toys we’ve been buying them. Legalizing weed would save taxpayers a bundle, and the number of marijuana users wouldn’t change at all, in fact, my guess is there would be less people trying it, and those who really needed it for medical purposes could get it for free.

Rant over!


LMAO! There is a group of fear-mongers (Still hypnotized by the Bush Fear Machine) protesting to ban the right to bare arms at the ped mall. They take a moment of silence every 10 mins. Just then my Sister screams out "Yes, can we get a moment of silence for the deterioration of the US Constitution???!!!" ............"Thank you, Thank you all for participating!!!" ROFLMAO!!!!!


cool math 4 kids




Fucking grammar natzis. They give a piss poor argument on a post and then want to point out that you forgot to add a letter and say youre stupid cause of it just to make themselves look smarter than everyone else. I hate grammar natzis.


cool math song
cool math kids


question de jour people;
contrary to efforts to improve the diet of north Americans, in particular children, has the recent gain in popularity of salt/fat/sweet cooking shows made you tupider tupid or just fat and shitty?


being cool kids in math class https://t.co/z81me8g6N4


Cool Kid Canada: Math: Episode 20X6
cool math kids


KFRESH SATURDAY WITH TINO..ushobora gushira tattoo ya girlfriend cyangwa boyfriend wawe ku mubiri wawe?


Scientists say, the silk that is produced by spiders is five times stronger than steel!

Facts that will blow your mind


Homeschooling families...I am researching curriculum..I would love to hear your suggestions! :-)


Ugh....what a week.....


WTF? Did we stop producing manly men after about 1990, or something? Why does every 20-something male look like either a girl, a homo, or a girly homo?


3D Shapes I Know (song for kids)
cool math kids


Math for Kids: Polar Bears & Penguins (Cool School)
cool math kids

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