
cool math

Cool Math Facts #3
cool math



Great news though, my math teacher just told us we have a log button on our calculator. Cool.


Sunday brunch at ihop with the honey =] I cleaned too long and hard yesterday to have my kitchen destroyed!!!


Cool Math : Lecture 3 - Sequences II
cool math


Bar Code was cool but their waiters need to learn math


Just finished watching Lincoln. A lot of fine acting but just kind of coming away with mary todd lincoln was a lunatic and the 13th ammendment was bought.?


Cool Math ep2 [blocks]
cool math


In math with the cool kids @rachelkazemi @kendallebar


Some girl in my math class just walked up to me and confessed her crush on me. Cool?


GoOdMorNiNg ChiT ChaT fReiNdS :-)
HavE A LuSh PuSh DaY.. B-)
Chal Jhoota
❤ mano meow ❤


Good day of target practice. Best results were with my RIA 38 Super using 147 gr lead semi wad cutters. Did ok with the RIA 45 and with the Glock 45 and its twin 9mm. And, yes, all my mags are 10 rds or less. I am for universal checks, micro stamping of ammo and a national gun registry and a whole lot of other controls. And I am not now nor I have I ever been a member of the NRA. Ok?
cool math


Thats cool just give us 5 questions of math 5 mins before lunch


Were 2 degrees away from fever threshold for ER trip with Carson. So much for relaxing and sleeping.....Praying COOL thoughts and fever be gone at our house!


ima wash clothes do my math xl then cool it for the night


I LOVE SLEEPING but I never want to go to bed early. :D


Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!


Play IQ Ball (Coolmath.com)
cool math

Maan my math teacher is cool asf ! Imma stay for 3rd per. yeeey i anit going to band! (:


got acting 1, theatre history, intro to voice, health and wellness planned for next semester. now what to choose for science studies... im thinking Chem...


coolmath kids hacked
cool math


My bro told me he was no good at maths , i told him well that makes 4 of us homie o.O hahaha.
use to thnk i was too cool for school , these dayz im like daayum should keepd my ass in thea ! lmao

~ Guccii_Rush


Coolmath-games.com sleep walk
cool math


S/o @shelby_baynes for failing math with me, funny as shit knows how to party cool as fuck everyone follow her


When your girlfriend lets you go in her vagina and build a fort with sheets and pillows so you can feel like a kid again ❤


Omg math is the worst. Just failed another test k cool.


Omg my math teacher is so cool she actually has a twitter


Cool math trick - work out cubic numbers fast!
cool math


coolmath games gameplay+commentary
cool math


cool math magic trick
cool math


Only guy who enjoyed mania and majority of the matches tonight. Nice send off to the rock. Cena worked a good match. Rock was sloppy as usual. Triple H and LESNAR I kind of wish went the other way. The shield still kicks ass. Fandango is cool but Jericho is king. Taker and Punk TORE DOWN THE HOUSE. That match shit on the entire card. Jesus was that good.


Cool Math Facts #2
cool math


coolmath ballon towerr defence 3 board 1 pt 1
cool math


Me playing run on coolmath LIVE
cool math


I want to dye my hair a different color. Like, now.


GeekWater: cool math trick.
cool math


Mom: “Well you had $11 in your account before, and I put $50 in.”
Me: “Oh, cool, so I have $66!”
Mom: “No, actually you have $61.” #math


episode 71 coolmath game: THIS IS FUN
cool math


It would be cool if we actually had math books or better examples.


Can anyone tell me what this math problem is .Troy made a striped blanket for his bed. The blanket was 54 inches wide with 9 equal stripes. How wide was each stripe .


post-vacation, home-again blues. blah.


I love my math teacher lol she is so cool today I like her posting and sleeping.!


Coolmath games- Run 2
cool math


i need to do spanish hw and math hw cool


It was still dark when Mark arrived
Maybe 6:45 in the morning time
In the tenth grade, we was tight friends
But neither of us had a driver's license
His mom was a flight attendant
And she'd leave town with a Cadillac unattended
So we used to get tempted,
That intense tendency to tend to what we wasn't meant to
We would skip out on class and shit
To go visit other schools, just tryin to act cool
And looking back I have to laugh at it
Cause all we did was burn up gas and flunk math fool
But still it was super ill,
I mean two teenagers in a new Seville
With 1987 in the tapedeck
That was a part of my life that I'll never forget
It went...

[Chorus 2X]

The soundtrack still runs through my head
I gotta keep every single step
As old as we get, we don't forget
We won't forget
We don't forget


Think ur so cool barney? Ha think ur so cool? Cooler than ... — hahahahahaha !! what did math do to you sandraaaa ! http://t.co/RZQsYcRwaq


“@devindesireee: chemistry was a cool class until it started having all this math in it like wtf”


Red ball (COOLMATH)
cool math


@ExcellentZJ Mooi promo van maart madness, cool dat iemand in men battle toch de math hoffa-dose scheme snapt, pz


I moved to Helena two years ago.
I have never encountered so much hatred towards peers,
even living in a larger city with more gang violence and drug problems.
For one, can I just say the school system here sucks?
I did so amazing in school up until attending Helena High where my grades plummetted downhill, and my teachers would rather see me fail than learn why I don't succeed and help me at that.
Mr. George, Mr. Styles, and that one math teacher who sort of resembles a mountain troll.
The girls acted dumb for attention. I would go to my science class everyday to hear the obnoxious story of another guy that she's fucked and how his dick was crooked. Nothing is private, or kept to the imagination at that.
I made a few friends here and there, but no one sticks out to me in this town like they did in the other places I've lived. My neighborhood gets carjacked at least once a month (and whoever stole my bag and my mini spoon I hope you rot), my school has one of the biggest bully problems I've ever seen, not to mention the rape and suicides.
This confession site has the potential to be something eye opening, but all anyone cares about is who's a virgin or who's a saint, or who does drugs or who gets A's.
I want to see real confessions. Not bullshit and trash talk.
Helena is a beautiful town. No where have I ever felt as much peace as I have here in the mountains, but we are ruining and it's about time things started looking up.


Tbh? (:
~Like n.n


How was your JEE Main??


A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math http://t.co/f3EriCJvD1 via @teachthought


this math homework is going to be the death of me today. I am motivated to get it accomplished today! #heregoesnothing


Rolling Hero 2 - A solution to Level 9 - coolmath-games.com
cool math


"There are few things more powerful than the prayers of a righteous mother." ~ Boyd K Packer

Let me explain why I think this is an assertion in order to build faith, a faith with absolutely no evidence to back up this assertion. Religion has gotten away with far too much assertion and vastly inferior evidence for far too long. I was challenged in the discussion below about finding negatives of what is being said by the religious. Well, in a way tis true enough.

This statement is simply wrong. All one has to do in these days of world wide information is Goggle "World Starvation" or something along those lines and actually just LOOK at the evidence. Do we really wish to pretend that all those mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, dads and nephews are NOT praying during the long terrible weeks and months of pining away into rot and death?! Simply because a religious leader says something that's supposed to make us fell all warm and gooshie inside does not mean its truthful or accurate. Just because someone in authority states something rather matter of factly does not mean we are obligated to swoon and accept and believe our faith is now stronger. The hard actual data, the evidence is in plain sight for us to TEST the assertion, yet millions will not do so, but instead say and proclaim in rapturous voices of praise what a wonderful message a spiritual giant has given us to live by. And it does not fit the truth.

The cold, hard brutal, seriously BRUTAL & UGLY, VERY UGLY FACT is God doesn't hear the vast majority of the prayers of righteous women OR men on a daily basis. We now can SEE the proofs with our own eyes. The days of faith promoting assertion has been ended by actual world wide available information. Only by ignoring truth and evidence can religious faith assertions be proclaimed, but these days they are not immune from honest examination. That is all I am saying.

What we as people have got to start doing is EXAMINING the assertions instead of being over-awed by who says what. The days of spiritual authority are giving way to physical truth and fact with plenty of evidence to back it up. I believe it is entirely right to examine any and all assertions, and most of all those which proclaim eternal salvation is based on believing what is asserted on faith. That is the most important kind of assertion to absolutely find out whether it is true or not, not simply swoon in the spirit of rapturous bosom burning delight at being told what to believe and think.

If my comments come across as negative, perhaps it is because the evidence destroys the wished to be true assertions. Human psychological studies have demonstrated time and again the way to a people's heart is through flattery and praise. But the way to truth is through evidence and analysis. And thus I do and I can do no other.

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