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Try to beat this on cool math.com
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i like it that way


Playing in math
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Education: Cool Math Games For The Division Of Fractions
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I have to admit, I originally had some respect for Justin Bieber. He became famous by simply making YouTube videos, and even though I didn't really like his music, I could tell he had some talent.

But now, I really don't have much respect for him. All his fame has gone to his head, and while I could at least tolerate his older stuff, his new stuff is horrible.

Bieber went the same way as Fred and Annoying Orange. I never really was too fond of any of them when they were on the internet, but with them leaving the internet, it ruined anything good that was there.

What happens on the internet should stay on the internet.


Cool math games B-Cubed
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Wants to take COMP 559: Computer Animation, COMP 521: Modern Games, and COMP 529: Software Architecture for next winter! Who is down to take one of these courses?


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Cool Math Adventure - part 2 - SO MUCH BALL LEVELS -
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so: Bella is super into D&D now, for the moment anyway. I have succeeded in spreading nerdery to the next generation.


Math Fitness Kids Program: Grandparent Testimonial of Exploracise Gymathtics
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(Math Games for Kids)(Improve Math Skills with Math Game)(Kids Play Math Zone)
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Cool Math Games B-cubed levels 1-15
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What was your first #Metallica song that you listened to?


One of our fellow fans has a question. Lets help~ Captain Jack

Abbie Willans
So, I'm thinking I'm going to do my research paper on the geekification of pop culture. Is this a good or bad thing? Can it be stopped, or should it be? Are there "fake geeks"? Can you truly define what a geek is? & why, after over 50 years in some cases, has it taken so long for "geeky things" to catch on? Do things from geek culture have better values, morals, and general content than other things?

I would love to hear your thoughts & opinions on this, please & thank you!


Coll Maths Games? Lets Check! - Alpabetizer - #4
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Cool Maths Games
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2ND Grade Math Games
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The Final 3 - Amazing Math Card Trick
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Fun Math Lessons For Kids
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Android Game Math Workout
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Cool Fraction Games for Kids: 4 Dice is a Math App for Middle School
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Use Boxmen Walkthrough
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Before I get accused of being chauvinist and sexist, I would like to solicit the thoughts of those of you who might disagree with me. I won't elaborate on my thoughts just yet, I will merely state my claim without adding my grounds or warrant. I want to hear what people have to say first.

My claim: "Brittney Griner would get utterly destroyed in the NBA."

Please feel free to address this assertion however you wish. I won't start comparing men and women just yet, but I would prefer if this conversation was as honest and no hold's barred as possible, strictly for entertainment purposes. I especially want to hear from people who think Brittney Griner could play in the NBA. But all comments are welcome.


He Is a Cool Math Teacher
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I think that all matter is made of nothing but sharp fluctuations in the progression of time. Consider gravity. It's a warp in space-time that makes our feet age slightly slower than our heads. When thinking of time as a liquid, consider the slower progression of time being a thicker, more viscous liquid, and the faster progression being a thinner liquid. The thicker liquid would flow slower than the thinner one in the current of time, which would create a downward pull keeping your feet on the ground.
All matter can be broken down into the basic fundamentals such as quarks. If these fundamental particles have a slightly faster progression of time on their interior, there would be a sharp interface between the rates of progression of time on their surface providing the illusion of substance. Also, just like the north and south poles of a magnet attract each other, the faster progression of time within a fundamental particle would be attracted to the slower progression of time caused by gravity, giving the particle the illusion of mass.


The salary for the President, as with Members of Congress, is set by law and cannot be changed. However, the President has decided that to share in the sacrifice being made by public servants across the federal government that are affected by the sequester, he will contribute a portion of his salary back to the Treasury. The President will contribute 5 percent of his full annual salary – which is the same reduction level due to sequester that non-exempt non-defense discretionary funding is subject to. The President will write a check to the Treasury every month. This will be effective March 1, but the President will cut the first check this month.


Wait, people actually dislike the new Mewtwo-like Pokémon?


Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto are planning to meet with Raila Odinga anytime next week to discuss national healing,how the can work together, ICC issues and reconciliation.

Whats your take on that??


Cool Math 4 Kids - Multiplying By 11 Lil Wayne Style
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Cool Maths Games? Lets Check! - AbDUCKtion - #3
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Making Math More Fun - Math Games Package™ Official Review + BONUS
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Calling my vegetarian/vegan FB friends:

I am interested in hearing an argument that explains why killing animals (living things) is wrong but killing plants (living things) is okay.

Any takers?


The winningest franchise in the history of professional sports continues one of the longest winning streaks in all of Major League baseball by beating the absolute shit out of the Dodgers. Timothy Leroy Lincecum led the way by giving up just three hits, and allowing ZERO earned runs. However, stupid motherfuckers like Jason Hunt have the nerve to say that he "pitched like Shit," despite having a 0.00 ERA this entire season, and being on pace to go 36-0 by year's end. Fuck Jason Hunt and Fuck the Dodgers!


Me playing on cool math :D
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Education: Cool Math Tricks For Kids
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It's tax time, if you hadn't noticed, and regressives are once again fulminating about how Americans in the bottom half of the income ladder pay little or no income taxes while the top 1 percent accounts for over 25 percent of total income tax revenues. They're also talking about "tax reform" as a means of rectifying this. Watch your wallets. The truth is: (1) The top 1 percent takes in over 20 percent of total income, so in a progressive tax system we'd expect them to pay at least 25 percent of total income tax revenues, if not far more. (2) The bottom half pays far more in Social Security taxes, which are regressive (income above $113,700 is exempt), and which account for almost as large a share of federal revenues as federal income taxes. (3) Sales taxes and user fees have soared in recent years, taking a far larger share of the paychecks of the middle class and the poor than they do of the very rich. (4) A significant portion of the earnings of the wealthy aren't subjected to income taxes at all, but to capital gains taxes, which are substantially lower (which is why Mitt Romney pays some 13 percent of his $20 million a year earnings in taxes), and (5) Tax-free benefits such as employer-provided health care and pensions have skyrocketed for those at the top, but low-income Americans receive little or none of these tax-free benefits. Add it all up and it turns out our tax system is regressive overall, taking a larger portion of the pay of lower-income Americans than of those with high incomes. The rich should be paying far more.

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