
cool maths games

Tic Tac Math Universal from IPMG Publishing
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Run Cool Math Games Walkthrough Levels 1-9
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Cool maths Games
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Me Playing Maze Race 2-Cool Math Games
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Cool Math Games Episode 2: Snoring - Penguin On Crack
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Maths Is Cool - UNIT 56: Families Of Equivalent Fractions: Smaller To Bigger
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Are you an artist?
Does your spirit soar
Like an eagle in the sky?
Do you often wonder why
The sky is blue?
Well, me too.

Are you an artist?
Do you get bored easily
By trivial, mundane things?
Are you a wandering being?

Are you an artist?
Do you sing in the shower?
Oh, the horror of your voice,
Although, you secretly rejoice!

Are you an artist?
Do you feel like
Dancing for no reason?
Or maybe just to celebrate
The changing of the seasons?

Are you an artist?
Do you kiss adorable toddlers,
Cute cheek to sweet cheek?
Do you like to meet perfect
Strangers at odd hours?
Do you love
The smell of tender flowers?

Are you an artist?
Do you like to luxuriate
On a sandy beach?
Would you rather stay away
From those who preach?

Are you an artist?
Do you frequently lose your keys?
How about shooting the breeze?
Are you an artist?
Do people around you
Complain that you are odd?
“Well, go take a hike, Todd.”

Are you an artist?
Do you gaze longingly into the unknown?
How about a date with Sharon Stone?

Are you an artist?
Does “Investment Banking”
Sound too lame?
Why, you are not
Even in that game.

Are you an artist?
Do your feet
Dance to the beat
Of the Rhythm and Blues?
Well, put on your dancing shoes!

Are you an artist?
Do you catch yourself
Saying things like:
Groovy, babe, rock on, dig it, chick and man?
Did you secretly enjoy watching
“The Silence of the Lambs?”

Are you an artist?
Do you think tattoos are cool?
Are you good at breaking rules?

Are you an artist?
Do you fantasize and
Build castles in the air?
Why, even if people stare you down?
Who cares if they put on a frown?

Are you an artist?
Are you obsessed about
Shades, colors and lights?
Do you love to fly kites?
Do you travel very light?

Are you an artist?
Were you the class clown
Who made people laugh?
Did you suck at math?

Are you an artist?
Do you often dream about
Making this world a better place?
And want to achieve that
By demonstrating aesthetic grace?

- Archan Mehta


Today we learned first-time applications for unemployment benefits this week are an incredibly high 385K. Now 40.2% of Americans have been unemployed longer than 27 weeks. There is clearly no sign of economic recovery. Ben Bernanke has stated he will continue to print money until the reported unemployment rate gets down to 6%. But this administration, its liberal minions and the complicit Orwellian media want you to focus on gun control, same-sex marriage and more empty campaign rhetoric. America, we need to take back the reins.


andd...why are boys in beanies so cute?-_-


Am I the only person left in the world that thinks the bullying and lack of interest in my physical looks in Jr. High and High School due to braces and acne actually made me a stronger person internally and less attached to outward appearance? There is fine line between protecting and coddling.


Lawmakers in Carson City are discussing a bill today that would raise gas taxes by 2 cents every year over the next 10 years. The money would pay for road repairs and upkeep. Any thoughts?


Use Boxmen and Me and the Key from Cool Math Games
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Foul Play (Cool Math Games #4)
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Pinata Hunter 2 Walkthrough on Cool Math Games
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M&M Math
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Dez fat nasty body bitches Shantell Thomas-Williams tryna make her nasty body feel like she da ish...u mean to tell me i aint gotta say if da shoe fits wear it and a guilty mf would respond how funny is dat...an who told u..u wuz cute?...bitch u hype u still got ur place if it wont for ya babydaddyu wouldnt still have ur place so stop shown off fa da book like u do dat shit cuz .. U dnt do dat ish yo babydaddy do dat ish..wit his wack ass...bitch u frontn fa da book..an other networks like u dnt want ur bd bitch wen u knw its da other way around he dnt want yo fat sloppy ass..wat bd dnt wanna fuck his bm..u da only one i knw bd dnt wanna fuck u...now dats fucked uplls...quit playn urself an teach yo baby how not to eat out da trash can bitch...an okay i got put out my place..so wat um not the first person dat got put out my place before..an wont b da last sumbody get put out right now...okay an please name one of ur friends dat pay flat rent and didnt have help frm another..i did dat shit by myself no help..INDEPENDENT..brought my own car..two jobs..an bout to get another spot...so step ya cookies up wit no help...dats all i have to say bout dat on dat note...S/O: to da fat sloppy bitches who get shown no love


If you could go back in time and leave a message for yourself, what would it be?


run 2 on cool maths games
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Interactive Math Game #2
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Who wants to be a millionaire - math game
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Charlie Manuel must go, season 2103, episode Number 1
The Phillie's lost their home opener earlier today and they lost 13-4. so you say why fire Charlie, if the team got beat that bad, I state that One single decision made the difference in the game,
with two outs in the top of the sixth, and the Phillies leading 4-2 Kyle Kendrick was struggling to get through his last batter, with two out and runners at second and third, it looked like his day was through, because I expected to see a left handed pinch hitter come to the plate, Instead KC sent right Hander Billy Butler to the plate, a righty..At this point, The Manager becomes the most important man in the game, his decision on what to do will probably effect the outcome, My Argument is that Manuel made the worst possible decision he could have made.
He could have let Kendrick stay in one more batter and try and get Butler out, Butler is a good hitter, but was coming off the bench cold on a rather cool day, so even a tiring Kendrick probably has the edge here. Second, being KC already committed to a right handed bat, manuel could have lifted Kendrick for A Right Handed reliever, Increasing his odds for success.
Or He could have walked Butler, which he did and then bring In His Lefty Specialist Antonio Bastardo in to get Left handed Leadoff hitter Alex gordon, Again it's two out, Odds would have been in his Favor
But Charlie Opted for a fourth option, He walked Butler, and then Brings in a lefty, Jeremy Horst, A Mopup Guy ( The Type you use when you are tied or trailing) and Before you could Blink, Actually the Second Pitch, gordon was standing on third base with a bases clearing Triple. the Air was out of the Sails and the Phil's were dead from that point on....
Charlie should have either gone righty/righty with either Kendrick or a reliever, or Brought in Bastardo
(Charlie Himself says Antonio is his guy as far as getting the one tough Lefty in a pinch) But you see, charlie sees Bastardo as a 7th inning or Later Guy, It's this stubborness and lack of ingenuity or risk that Makes Manuel Obsolete, the Phillies are Touting Aumont, Adams, and Papelbon as their 7-8-9th inning lineup in close games with leads, bastardo would have probably got them there... this was not a tough decision, it was a no brainer which Manuel Blew Big time. the Phil's should be 2-2, not 1-3. it will now take them 2 wins in a row to get to the level they should have been at after today, and that means they just shortened their Season by two games. (blackJack Players will understand that math)...I estimated Charlie made bone head moves like this about 25 times last year, If I am right and He made a better decision at least half the time the phils would have won 12 more games last season, even in a season they were the walking wounded...This team has a good core, but bad Decisions by the field general will lead any army into defeat..I am keeping track this year, If the Phils loose out on the playoffs by A game look back to Today, Charlie has to Go...

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