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This is going to be a little different.....I am writing to all former Catholics......instead of discussing doctrine and RCC teachings, I want to try something else.....many, if not all of us, have had issues leaving the RCC......fights with family members, friends no longer speaking to us, feeling the pain of knowing our loved ones are STILL in the RCC and we cannot convince them to leave.....I am sure most of you know what I mean.....

Some of us have a good support system, but many of us do not....we suffer in silence......and yes, suffer IS the right word......I would like to invite ex-Catholics to comment here...share a little about the problems you have had since you left.....and then, I would ask you to try to help each other......send friend requests, support each other, you get the idea.......we have a common bond, in addition to now being Saved, of course, we all pretty much know how very hard it is to leave.....so, I suggest we try to form friendships and ties between us......at the very least, we could post some encouraging words for others......let's try this, OK? thanks.....Love in Christ, Johnny :)


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How to Become a Hacker

1. Learn TCP/IP, Basic Information gathering, Proxies, Socks, SSL, VPN, VPS, RDP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, Telnet, SSH.

2. Learn Linux, Unix, Windows - You can do this using vmware or any virtual desktop utility.

3. Learn a programming language that's compatible with all OS - Perl, Python, C .

4. Learn HTML, PHP, Javascript, ASP, XML, SQL, XSS, SQLI, RFI, LFI

5. Learn Reverse engineering and crack some programs for serials easy ones like mirc, winzip, winrar or old games.

6. Code a fuzzer for common protocols - ftp, pop3, 80, 8080 - Pick some free software like ftp server, mail server, apache or iis webserver or a webserver all-in-one pack, or teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble.

7. Code a tool that uses grep to sort out unique code in source codes.

8. Make a custom IPtable, IPsec firewall that blocks all incoming traffic and out going traffic and add filters to accept certain ports that your software or scripts use.

9. Pick a kernel in linux or unix, also pick a Microsoft OS version lets say Winxp pro sp2 put them on the virtual desktops (vmware) and find and code a new local exploit in those versions, then install a Apache webserver on the Linux/Unix and a IIS webserver on the winxp pro and attempt to find and code a new local reverse_tcp_shell exploit.

10. Learn Cisco Router and Switch configuration and setup.

11. Learn Checkpoint Setup and Config

12. Learn Wifi scanning, cracking, sniffing.

13. Pick a person in you phonebook for the area code you live in or city then ring the person on a anonymous line like skype or a payphone or a carded sim and attempt to social engineer the person for his name, address, data of birth, city born, country born, ISP connected with, Phone company connected with, What bank he/she uses and anything else you can get. Then Attempt to ring using a spoof caller ID software with the person's phone number - call the ISP and try reset the password to his/her internet connection/ webmail, get access to bank account or ask them to send out a new *** to a new address (drop) with a new pin, reset of phone company passwords.

14. Use your information gathering skills to get all the information off a website like a shop then use the spoof callerID software or hack your phone to show a new number of the Webserver's Tech Support number then ring the shop owner and try get the shop site password.

15. Do the same thing but attempt to use a web attack against a site or shop to gain admin access.

16. Once got access upload a shell and attempt to exploit the server to gain root using a exploit you coded not someone else s exploit.

17. Make your own Linux Distro

18. Use your own Linux Distro or use a vanilla Linux gnome (not kde) keep it with not much graphics so you can learn how to depend on the terminal and start from scratch install applications that you will only need for a blackbox (Security test box), make folders for fuzzers, exploits, scanners..etc Then load them up with your own scripts and other tools ( By this stage you shouldn't need to depend on other peoples scripts).

19. Learn macosx and attempt to gain access to a Macosx box whether it be your own or someones else s.

20. Create a secure home network and secure your own systems with your own Security policies and firewall settings.

All this isn't a over night learning it will take a nice 3 - 4 years to learn a bit of this 5+ years to learn most of it and even then you may need time to keep learn as IT keeps changing everyday.


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How are there so many team looking a winning the title- let alone going for promotion, at this late stage of the season? Best group of League 1 teams ever? Comment your opinion!


Both oft babies play baseball not because I want them to or make them but because they saw pictures of daddy and know daddy plays! While I'm glad and have told them don't play for me play for you I have lived my life, I'm most happy where I am now sitting out front watching them ride their bikes and scooters!! I see tons of parents who never played sports growing up and are now teaching their kids the wrong techniques and are living thru their kids!! Frankly I feel sorry for their kids!! Because for every Tiger Woods and Bryce Harper (kids whose parents drove them hard to succeed) there are millions who don't make it! Moral - let your kids live their lives you've lived yours!!!

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