
full tilt

I am learning that love is truly one of the most exciting things about life. There are no barriers when it comes to love. It finds its way to the most hardened of hearts despite having to jump through hoops and over hurdles to get there. Love exhilarates and delights all my senses encouraging me to leap out of bed and greet this day – full-tilt boogie – despite my uncertainty about what awaits. Love has me ridiculously determined to pull up anchor, all the while exclaiming, “High tide!” as I head pointblank into the crashing waves. Today I’m seizing life for what it is, driven by Love to make good on a new shore, knowing just beyond the glorious remnants of the tumultuous storm, a clear calm horizon is waiting with open arms. ~BDM



simple and fast healthy pancake with wheat flour and oat(each one hand full):
2. add a bit water, egg, olive oil,salt,, non aluminum half tea spoon baking powder,add more water, until it's thick, but can flow naturely.
1. put bit olive oil on the pan, medium heat
3. pull the batter on the pan, tilt the pan a little, so it flow on the pan. wait until it bubbles, turn, wait a bit, down!
4. eat with maple syrup, if you like sweet. Keaton said:yummy.did not have time to make buns. for buns, have to make dough before night.


Trent Full Tilt Christakakis u changing over at the Cutta ?


Please read! I know this is quite long, but this is from a fellow nurse who has been suffering for nearly a decade with no answers. Although as nurses, we cannot attempt to diagnose anyone, maybe there is some professional advice we can give this person OR some doctors willing to give a professional opinion who have experience with these things.

If you can help, you can Comment below or send us a message & we will pass on the info) Thanks!

"Initially started with numbness and loss of temperature sensation in right foot (began in 2005 - both symptoms now extend up to mid thigh)
Burning pain and hyperesthesia now in entire RLE from toes/foot, radiates all the way up to hip/buttock (pain level average is about 6, but ranges from 2 to 9) **There is a definite worsening of this pain around & during ovulation/menstruation!!
Back pain/spasms with any activity – have pain to cervical, thoracic, & lumbar areas
Fasciculations in right foot & toes
Spasms right calf, foot, toes (especially with stretching during the night)
Upon nearly any movement of spine or sitting for more than a few minutes: “squeezing” numbness -- begins in torso and radiates down to groin & thighs and radiates to both shoulders, arm, hands and up to neck & lower face. Usually lasts less than one minute.
Constant neck & shoulder tightness with occasional sharp, shooting pain up left side of neck to back of head, and frequent occipital headaches; also feels like I have a knot in my left shoulder that hasn’t gone away in years
Balance issues (can be walking and suddenly start leaning & walking like I’m drunk-lasts less than one minute)
Short horizontal/diagonal indentation to anterior thigh about 3 inches above my knee (doctors all just ignore this, but is definitely related somehow due to the numbness I get down my leg when its rubbed)

I have seen a FNP, three different GPs, two neurologists, a podiatrist, and a chiropractor. The only diagnoses I have really been “presented with”:
Cervical DDD – moderate to C5, 6, & 7 (confirmed by x-ray 2011)
Mild carpal tunnel syndrome bilateral (confirmed by EMG BUE 2009)
Neuropathy of unknown origin (could not be confirmed)
Hypertension – unknown origin (diagnosed 2010 @ 41 yo)
Full spine x-ray (chiropractor) showed jammed lower spine and a 30-degree forward pelvic tilt
MRI LS spine showed nothing (doctor suspected sciatica)
12-lead EKG completely normal
EMG right lower extremity in 2010 showed nothing -- nerve & muscle functioning completely normal
Multitude of blood tests, including those for auto-immune disorders, showed only very, very, very slight increase in my rheumatoid factor, with all other tests completely normal
Treatments attempted: Kenalog injections – helped a little, but had major side effects, multiple anti-inflammatories, gabapentin (stopped taking after 2 years because it caused further neurological impairments including “shakes” when trying to hold objects and worsened balance issues & quit relieving pain after about four months).
Currently receiving no treatment, except for hypertension."


Big day at our house...

Please keep Nikki in your thoughts and prayers as she starts a new job :-)

Reality has hit this Monday full tilt as spring-break has concluded, and so back to school for the boys and I.


With 9 players injured we are back at the top of the physio room league
D Santon Hamstring Injury no return date
J Perch Knock no return date
C Tiote Hamstring Injury 14th Apr 13
M Haidara Knee Injury 11th Apr 13
M Debuchy Hamstring Injury 14th Apr 13
H Ben Arfa. Hamstring Injury 14th Apr 13
F Coloccini Back Injury 11th Apr 13
H Vučkić ACL Knee Injury 16th May 13
R Taylor ACL Knee Injury 14th Apr 13


Once again shout out to everybody that came out Saturday to the Upper Deck that was the LIVEST its been since June of 2012..... Sean Jackson & D.j. Ketchup had that spot on full tilt...... To those spreading the rumor that it was gonna be cancelled put that in ur pipe and smoke it.. Last but not least there was not ONE I repeat not ONE single incident of VIOLENCE.... "CATCH UP WIT KETCHUP" comin in MAY


It is Monday! I am full tilt...

Smile! Jesus loves you. ;)


Full Tilt: Jante’s Law and What It Means for Your Music Career http://ow.ly/2w1KHr


Tomorrow...Gonna open up me a bank account in Brazil. I think I see some FULL TILT POKER in the future again.


HMN Question of the Week:

Are you jumping into spring cleaning? If so, how do you get started if you need to declutter your living space?

We invite you to share ideas, resources, and reference material to help others. We encourage you to share ideas all week long to help build a fabulous resource list!


4 years ago I woke up having contractions just like I had for 9 weeks... Little did I know that at 8:57am my water would break at work and 5 hours later I would be holding our sweet Miss Abby! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much sweet girl!! Happy 4th Birthday Abby Lynn ❤ ❤ ❤


Happy Birthday to my precious baby girl who has been such a great blessing in our lives we love you very much and pray that your day r even week is full of joy and happiness. Happy Birthday Jessica Ellerbee!!!!!!


I've been awake for 41 hours! During which i flew to sydney, drank mimosas, became Full Tilt groupies, had too many martinis, went to a gay bar, visited the strippers, dancing our asses off, got into a drunken argument with airport security and almost got kicked off my flight, somehow ended up with dried mud all up my legs (?), ran 3 AMAZING quidditch sessions with over 120 kids total, learn a new quickstep and tango, AND NOW IM IN BED! :) I am so blessed to have such amazing friends from around the world :) thanks for an amazing weekend! xoxox

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