
full tilt

made the money out of 1445 people on full tilt



Day 1 RolePlay:
The tributes have arived by train, people are excited. I sit in the main loby and meet each Tribute, Tommorow they will meet there mentors.
As for tonight, they only have there Reapers, They will show them there rooms, and show them the Training room. As for the next two days they are only aloud in there room, Training room, and Loby.
Me and Kendall Will be in all the areas getting to know the Tributes, Tommorow we are going to try a group. We want The tributes to be connected to one another.
(Tonight and Tommorows first post.) ~ Victorian


Fantasy Baseball and Full Tilt Poker, quality internet time.


saturday: biked ~50 miles to providence with Omer Elad and Travis Clough. enjoyed the best vegan cupcake i have ever had and a very grounding visit with Jane Gerhard.
sunday: walked 5 miles with BARCC, biked a windy 25 miles, ate great vegan food at a new place in newton, and had a very successful rock climbing adventure with Omer.

i am far from ready for the week to begin but i am so glad it will begin with highs in the 60s and 70s.


Woo. Finally started week 6 of Power 90, after taking last week off to nurse a sore shoulder. Didn't go full tilt - actually used resistance bands instead of weights for most moves. Shoulder was a little sore, but I made it.

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