
gods of war

#AlfabetoConCanciones G: Gods Of War - Manowar.



Hey idiot gods of monetary policy: ITS THE WAR TIME SUCK! Billions on RC airplanes to kill ppl in mud huts takes its toll.



Majority of the people leave in the past. Such people keep all the records of past wrongs, failures or even successes. Their language is full of regrets, murmuring complaints and past accomplishments. The Children of Israel lived in their past, Egypt. They always remembered the pots of meat in Egypt, their houses, the water, their neighbours. It was Egypt in the morning, Egypt in the noon time and Egypt when the sun goes down. This made God quite annoyed with them. He said, "they shall NEVER enter my rest,." (Hebrew 4). And they NEVER did, they ALL died in the wilderness including Moses their leader who was dragged in THEIR PAST, except Joshua and Caleb WHO CHOSE TO LIVE IN THE FUTURE.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, THE EVIDENCE OF THE FUTURE NOT SEEN. Those who please God live IN THE FUTURE. They dare believe in THE GOD OF THE FUTURE. I love prophecy, because prophecy talks of FUTURE which is hidden from the present normal eyes. No wonder Paul says that ALL SHOULD DESIRE TO PROPHESY (1st Cor 14:31).

Unfortunately, to many the FUTURE is uncertain, and we never enter HIS REST. When you know the FUTURE you rest. You are never anxious nor doing guess work. Many people are anxious about who to marry, how the marriage will be, how many children they will have, where to apply for a job, which business to engage in etc etc etc. A few people already have the answers to these questions, because they live IN THE FUTURE. I know people whom God gave their spouses' Names, others were given a sign, others were literally shown the face. These people aren't SEARCHING FOR MR OR MISS RIGHT. They are waiting for their revelation.
If politicians only lived in THE FUTURE, they would not waste their money campaigning. Likewise us the voters, we would not be fighting on fb rallying behind candidates in vain, who are going nowhere chasing after the wind. Maybe the heathen can fight about issues, but those born again should not. GOD HAS MADE A PROVISION FOR BORN AGAIN PEOPLE TO KNOW AND LIVE IN THE FUTURE. Acts 2:17-21 says in the last days, God says, "I will pour my Spirit upon ALL FLESH. Your sons and daughters shall PROPHESY, your young men shall see visions (be seers), your old men shall dream dreams......."

I already know my next president. I know that a third world war is coming soon within five years during Obama's reign. I know how God is bringing in the revival for a wideworld harvest of souls. I know the conditions for these revival. I know which "Churches" are termed "Ichabods" where there's no God. Therefore, while people are walking like those groping in darkness, I am walking sure. Brethren, living in THE FUTURE IS OUR PORTION.

We have those living in the present. Such are caught unawares. They aren't sure what the future holds. THE APOSTOLIC COUNCIL (TAC) will soon be holding a one day SCHOOL OF PROPHETS for those Church leaders who desire to live IN THE FUTURE and teach their Church members to live in the future. For more information, INBOX ME.



War of the gods - Amon Amarth #SuenaNelDiablito




Gods at War by Kyle Idleman will give you a new outlook on your relationship with God. "Idols are defeated not by being removed but by being replaced."


God is exposing.....He knocking these mega church pastors off there fake platform. For you Joel pattern followers, He has just put in his resignation. He says he is no longer a Christian. The Bible is fake and so is Hon. He says he is God. Now who will his sheep follow now without their God. People we have to PRAY!!!!


Manowar - Gods of War (no video)
gods of war


I keep seeing an occasional angry post. Angry at God. And it has me bothered. While yes, by all means, I understand where you are coming from, God isn't the one you should be angry with. Yes, you may say "God is allowing this to happen." I can't argue that, yes he is. However, we know that, in the end, his plan ALWAYS works out for the best. For HIS glory. We've all seen it countless times. Anyone who can honestly say that they haven't, honestly hasn't been looking very closely. Now, I can't say that I can see where he's going with this for it to be to his glory. Maybe he wanted to remind us not to take things and people for granted. Maybe he wanted to remind us what was truly important in life on earth. Maybe he wanted us to remember his path is the only path. Maybe Thomas's earthly body has simply had too much damage and he needs a new heavenly body. Maybe all of the above. I simply do not know. What I do know is that you shouldn't be angry with him. You've got to have faith! When you allow yourself to get angry, you're only allowing Satan to come in and make you doubt your own faith. Which is what Satan wants, not the Lord. Satan wants you to question, doubt, be angry and then fall behind in your relationship with the man upstairs. We all know that things are said that you don't mean when you're angry. Yea, Satan does that. He seems to always have impeccable timing in putting those mean, judgmental words in your head and then on your tongue. He does that to try to mess up your relationships, whether they be with another human or the Lord. Now, I'm not saying that being angry isn't allowed or isn't a genuine emotion that he gave us. It is. If he didn't want us to use it, he wouldn't have given it to us. However, what I am saying is that anger, as an emotion against God, should be a red flag to you that you don't understand what God is doing. When you calm yourself down, take a step back and look closer, you shouldn't be angry with God. You should be angry with Satan for making you doubt God's will. This will also work well with most spousal arguments. Calm yourself down, take a step back and try to look closer, maybe from a different perspective. At the end of the day, you still love each other. Just some late night, rambling Daddy thoughts.

Thomas had a good day yesterday. Saturday night we had one seizure. We went ahead and kinda over powered him with meds at that point. To keep something from getting started like it did before, I guess. A LOT of visitors on Sunday. We met some folks for the first time. I slept through a couple of ladies' visit from Talladega. That's ok, I don't snore or anything. I haven't ever heard it, at least. If you saw the pics, you already know we had a couple of lambs from Tigers for Tomorrow come by. They are some great folks. They're supposed to be back today. We also had a visit from Santa and his elf. We had briefly met them at Bass Pro Shop last year. I knew Santa was a nice, jolly ole fella, but I didn't realize how sweet, loving and genuine he was. Their stories, adventures and prayers will always be remembered. He will always be our Santa. We also had 3 ladies from the local H&R Block stop by. They did a fund raiser for Thomas this weekend. They brought some pretty cool stuff with them too. I didn't catch who did it, but somebody made Thomas and I matching duct tape wallets out of Superman duct tape. Awesome! Thank you! The girls had a hair band with a bow and ear rings. Both made out of Superman duct tape. Well... They actually brought a lot more stuff with them, but this is what stood out to us.

I hope everybody has a great Monday. Thank you for not letting us be alone during all of this. Thank you for the thoughts, prayers and support. I'm still praying for Comfort and Peace for Thomas, Grace and Understanding for us, The Lord's will to be done in his time and for our acceptance of it. God Bless You!


"I walked away from the Last Great Time War, I mark the passing of the Time Lords, I saw the birth of the Universe and I watched as time ran out moment by moment until nothing remained no time no space, just me! I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman! I've watched universes freeze and creations burn, I have seen things you will never believe, lost things you will never understand and I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then!! Take it! Take it all baby! Have it! YOU HAVE IT ALL!!

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