

(Footprint) フットプリントーHCC Vision



I am looking for a BADASS hairstylist. Any suggestions?


That guy from Hcc text me after all. Lol


Join us! MT “@hendersoncc: Tues - You Are Invited!
Civic Engagement Panel at HCC, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. at the Fine... http://t.co/2pb9mjbrlJ”


es tener la sangre de color roja y blaca que te corre en las venas , ser de HCC es lo mas lindo que puede existir y no hay comparación,


Process Technology at the HCC Northeast Energy Institute


“@bluedragonsport: HCC golfers finish 2nd at Jayhawk No. 5” way to go to my fav golfers


At HCC with Colin Everett driving for the first time!


HCC 20th Anniversary Event December 12, 2012


HCC - LHC // Promotion en LNA - 10 avril 2001


Stocks in news: Suzlon, DLF, HCC, IFCI


Heading to Bel Air for the 1st Baseball tournament of the season. GO BULLDOGS!!!




Filmato Hcc Padenghe sul Garda


How else where to muster up straight a uprighteous molding precursor: .HCc http://t.co/IkMldlB6hT


Regional Job Fair at HCC, April 11th. From 9-3. More than 25 companies represented. Door prizes given away every hour! Gas & Wal-Mart cards


Looking forward to meeting the 75 business owners who signed up for my negotiations class in the Goldman Sachs Program tomorrow at HCC.


This Saturday, 600 new students are coming to HCC to register for summer and fall classes. If you are a current student who plans to enroll for either of those semesters, register now while you can still get first pick of classes! Priority Registration ends Wednesday! (JLR)


Fabulous service at HCC today. How great it is to be celebrating in the house of the Lord. Please join us next Sunday at 10:30. No dress code and everyone is welcome. Come be a part of a growing and worshiping church.


Thank you all for coming out to HCC Theater Arts & Rebirth Arts Collective Present Letters From The Sky It was over capacity last night. I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks to the whole cast. We are family. And thanks to the stage crew. GOD Bless and Onelove


Mahalo to HCC for coming in the studio this morning:) http://t.co/a7k5gsCqGL


Houston Community College (HCC) - 30 TV ad Momentum



HCC News1.31.13


Hillcrest Covenant Church is assisting with taking items to individuals today and doing some other projects. Thanks HCC team!


Attention HCC students, please do not register for Japanese 101 if you think it will magically allow you to watch anime without subtitles. This does not happen in reality. In order for you to be able to watch anime without subs you will not only have to "intensely " study Japanese for a year and a half to 2 years , and have ample opportunity to practice with a native speaker. These are two very unlikely situations. While I respect your interest in anime completely, I beg you to leave the chance for people actually interested in learning a language. Thank you.


@EX24_SH_ks8 おはよー!気をつけてね!カニ待ってるね!


HCC Daily Devotions: Significant Prayers of the Bible – Sunday 7 April 2013

In this series of devotions we are benefiting from some of the great prayers of the Bible, currently the Lord’s Prayer.

Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors (Matthew 6:12).

In yesterday’s reflection, we noticed the Lord’s Prayer turning from acknowledging God and his kingdom, to our need as we were taught to ask him to sustain us both physically and spiritually. Now Jesus extends this as he turns the focus on our greatest need: to be forgiven sin.

Our comfort here is that the prayer is addressed to our Father. We can have confidence in him having a father’s heart as we raise with him our rebellion against him. Note this: in order to do so, we must first ourselves be conscious of our sin. Admitting we are sinful and acknowledging our sins lays the foundation for pleading forgiveness.

Jesus uses an interesting word here: debt. It implies we owe God something. Well, we owe him two things: we owe him for indebting ourselves to sin, and we owe him, on the other side of the coin, for being disobedient. Paul writes that we should not be debtors to the flesh (Romans 8:12, KJV) and goes on immediately to say that those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God (8:14). The word thus implies obligation. Outside of Christ, we have rather obligated ourselves to sin and not to God. So our prayer should be to be forgiven for indebting ourselves to sin, for committing ourselves to it. Secondly, we owe God for being sinful, in the sense of being in debt to him for that. Consequently, we owe him our allegiance and should pray to be obligated to him rather.

Jesus is very practical about this. In teaching us to pray for forgiveness, he does so in terms of us forgiving our debtors. There is a quid pro quo here: we must emulate God’s forgiveness of our sins by ourselves forgiving those who wrong us. You can’t hold grudges as a Christian because God holds no grudge against us! This of course obeys the command to love others.

God bless you today then as you seek his forgiveness for sin and as you show you’re serious about that by forgiving others in turn.


I wish sum1 cud take me to HCC to hoop


Christmas 2010 HCC Youth Human Video






Hcc <<<<< -.-




【アダルト】【OKAMOTO CONDOMS 0.02 EX】 オカモト コンドームズ 0.02 EX 1箱12個入 http://t.co/wCIZHM6LhW #amazon #エロ #xxx #hcc




A great walk Saturday morning for a great cause with The Woods Project. More than 700 participated in a historic learning journey throughout Houston's East End. I walked with my friend, Catherine Gassman and PR Director, Nell Bradley. One stop included talking with Felix Fraga, a person that is loved by many at HCC and in the community. He and I have worked together for many years and we even passed the HCC Felix Fraga Campus during our walk.


Owfar?!"@mrchokoblacky: Yes baby ;;) "@phizle_HCC: @mrchokoblacky""


HCC: le but fantôme de Mondou


@BowenBelmer are you going to hcc for all freshmen yr?


This is one of my classmate's answer to the question "Is Addiction a Brain Disease?":
"If disease is truly define as an abnormal body condition, then if addiction is a brain disease than that entails to me that addiction comes without a choice. I dont believe that.

I believe that we as human beings created in the image and likeness of The Supreme Being GOD have within us the things and the substances to over-come any and all things.I just dont think that human beings created in the image and likeness of GOD have to live in bondage to anything or any body. As human beings we are free. Free to live and to be all that GOD has intended for us to be. And I personally dont believe that a loving caring GOD intended for any one to be in bondage to anything. That's why I believe HE GOD gave unto us all the right to choose! God has set before us all life and death, and HE has instructed us to choose life (Deut. 30:19).

Therefore to me addiction is not a brain disease it is a matter of one's choice. We all have temptations and some of us have more trouble than others resisting such temptations, but that dont mean that the power is not there to help one who truly want's to choose life by being free from the bondage of drugs and alcohol addiction. I also believe that people who are addicted to things that are not in keeping with choosing life, have placed themselves in bondage. There nothing abnormal about that, that comes down to a matter of choice! Therefore I dont believe that addiction is a brain disease, but rather a matter of one's choice. Although some may be born with a develop a chemical emblance of some sort, but there are prescription medication for such and properly adminstered should not lead to addiction. Addiction is a matter of one's need/want to stimulant or made to feel a state of euphoria. I personally believe that everything pertainin to life and godiliness is already instill in ever human being we need only to stay connect to our Source of Power our CREATOR!!!"

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