
horse racing

awesome racing at Beech Bend yesterday Jonathan Wagner and Kelsey Anne went 1-2 in a 24 car field first time out this year. Motors may have enough passes on them now to be almost broke in. Alex Wagner got to 6 cars in his first 8.90 race. I had 3 cars out of the last 6 with some fresh Fortune horse power. It made me feel really good. Damn good racers we have!!!!!



#Elkridge- #Harford Point-to-Point races open up local horse racing season: http://t.co/RdMoHbeE1I undefined


Mabrook Mabrook Mabrook to the Motorbike Community! Both LBCI and MTV will be covering the first round of the Motorcross Championship on Sunday April 21st. It has just been confirmed. Stay tuned for more good news ;-)


Horse Racing 赛马(二胡)- Song Fei, Zhou Wei, Yu Hong Mei etc 宋飞,周维,于红梅等
horse racing


Ohio HBPA Forces VLT Issue With Thistledown http://t.co/EGJN6lPKW3 @BH_TLaMarra undefined


horse racing #4
horse racing


HORSE RACING 赛马(Chinese mongolians plus Canadians, morin khuur plus violins)
horse racing


tour to sikkim:
On 12th april: approx 9 am trip starts from njp station to sikkim(gangtok).
Gangtok 5 sitescenes,town,market
On 13th april: trip to lachung (sitescenes and cottage stay),snow ice area.
On 14th april: trip to yamthung(snow mountain)124 km up from gangtok town.
Zero point(top point of sikkim)

tour to darjeeling:
on 15th april:from gangtok to darjeeling
sitescenes like himalayan mountaining institute,zoological park,tenzing rock,darjeeling gorkha stadium,tea garden,lebong race course,natural history meuseam,lalkothi,japanese peace pagoda,ava art galary,dhirdham temple,ghoom monestery,batasia loop,rock garden,gangamaya park.
On 16th april:at around morning 3 am tiger hill(sun rise),nepal(pashupati market,site scenes)
Mirik(lake,town,valley,horse ground).
At night from the last spot to njp station.
On 17th april:tour to siliguri(hongkong market)


am pissin like a race horse an i aint jesstin noather


Processing of H-2B Visas Suspended http://t.co/HGLFsiQIt6 undefined


Going around a quarter mile dirt track doesn’t look too difficult. It probably wouldn’t be if you were just out for a test run. But you put about 15 to 20 cars lined up nose to tail and have that 400 plus horse power engine tuned to perfection, you had better be pretty darn good at steering a race car. North Georgia has been very blessed with some drivers that could smoke those tracks. Not only did we have men but one of the early female drivers of a race car was from Lumpkin County. Sarah Christian was Tommy Christian’s mother. She was one of the first female stock car drivers in America. I guess Tommy got his desire to race from his mother. Tommy is no longer with us, but he was my friend and I want share this story with you. Tommy owned an old late model race car, and it wasn’t all that bad. He was going to race his car over at the Toccoa Speedway. Tommy wasn’t that bad of a driver, but Tommy thought he would get Doug Kenimer to drive his car. Doug Kenimer had been driving race cars for a long time, and was at one time the National Dirt Track champion. Doug and I were talking and he asked me what I was doing Saturday Night. I told Doug that I didn’t have any plans. He said well since you don’t have any plans, would you like to go with me and fat boy Christian to the Toccoa Speedway on Saturday night. Doug called Tommy “fat boy”. I told Doug that I would go with him and Tommy. We arrived at the track and unloaded the car. When it came time for the late model hot laps, Doug got in the car and fired it up. He went out on to the track and was going to see how the car was handling. He was going pretty well, and then the car started cutting out. Doug pulled into the pits. He told me to take the gas filter off to see if it had water in it. I did. No there was no water in the gas. Doug got back into the car and started the race. The car was sputtering all around the track. He pulled in and told Tommy there was no reason to ruin his car and it would be better just to shut it down. We were watching the race and Doug looked at Tommy and said, “Fat boy did you put any gas in that car”? Tommy Christian smiled and said, “Why hell no, I forgot to.” Doug looked at Tommy and said, “Damn Tommy, I knew we were a cheap race team, but I didn’t know we couldn’t afford gas for our race car”. We all laughed and watched the race with Tommy’s car sitting there in the pits out of gas.


Its amazing how the people who knew everything about horse racing last weekend, now know everything about Thatcher & politics in general.


Kathleen Wynne Horse Racing OLG Q and A - March 8
horse racing


My Wife knows everything versus My Wife knows nothing
horse racing


Gambling hell horse racing: .dMo 797183


#HorseRacing ▪ FRANCE: Laffon-Parias could call the Tune at Saint Cloud: A RACE for older horses which certain... http://t.co/mYNyjEkyO8 undefined


@ColinMcCullagh1 @DavyBoland http://t.co/nz0yFnRS9y undefined


What will Manchester United sell off next? http://t.co/JPIuJWHRbQ undefined


Point is to be noted ....."Winning horse does not knows why it runs in the race, it runs because of the beats and pains given by the rider. LIFE is race GOD is the Rider, if you are in pain, think GOD wants you to win the race...."


My Mother has always written brilliant poems about my adventures with Ted - the ex-race horse I retrained. FB now allows big posts so I thought I would share the first in her new series about my new horses and my lovely dogs. For anyone who has met my gang you will know how true it is !!!!

Prelude - A New Chapter In Life Begins
Some time had passed since our friend Ted had left this mortal coil
But Jen had lost a lot, and now her life’s just work and toil
Her sadness all pervading, her dreams with Ted in tatters
But horses were and are her life, now that’s what really matters!!

And sure enough and true to form she soon picked up again
And looked around for new ideas, new horses she could train
Be careful what you wish for Jen, your life’s about to change
As FOUR new creatures come along (and one of them has Mange!!!!)
The first to enter in Jens life is this young feisty mare
Coming from the Irish sales with ribs and coat that stare
Jen worried that she wasn’t fit, but thought she had potential
At least she had some spirit (rather too much actually) which is of course essential.
A handsome Redhead was the next; Frank’s breeding stated “Dutch”
A Warmblood with a pedigree that seemed to promise much
A gentle soul he took to Jen, and they soon formed a bond
But Lois hated him on sight – she thought him rather “blonde”
An old and dear friend Pheebs had hit a dodgy patch in life,
At 9 years old, Jen’s Mum felt that she couldn’t stand the strife
Of moving house year in, year out, she needed one safe place
Where she could spend her latter years at a much quieter pace. (Little did she know!!!?)
They say the best is always last and this young mangey pup
Was just what Jenny needed to really cheer her up.
Completely barking, off his tree, the adjectives are numerous
But most of all he makes us laugh, his antics are so humorous.

And so adventures start again a monthly treat for all
Who follow Jenny’s life in rhyme and tolerate this scrawl
But I must warn you; this will be a rollercoaster ride
But Jen as always takes it on the chin and in her stride!!

Look out for episode one - shortly (after a couple of gins)


free horse racing system Malcolms horse racing systems for the Grey Horse Bot
horse racing


4tltrs water down, another 6ltrs to go, easy!


Good Morning, Just watched Secretariats triple crown run on utube, Wow what an amazing horse


not gonna lie at first i thought the derby was horse racing


Night School 1 - The Lure Of Horse Racing March 5th 2013
horse racing

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