
mad cat

Well what an early morning, no thanks to Ella. Bringing the cat down that then starts all the dogs going mad. Wish my body was the type to be able to go back to sleep once im up.



Rolling up my bob marleyy aka my breakfeast White Rhino kush woohtt shit so loud lol 3grams in my dutch master


My cat gets so mad when I get home late she goes after my ankles trying to kill me


@HuffingtonPost Awwww its waving at its new friend lol - cat videos are the best. (definitely not a mad cat lady....yet)


Peggy Olsen is morphing before my eyes...into a were-cat! Oh, this is not Mad Men at all.


I have never understood why girls love guys who treat them like shit.


Cat mad woosa sis


In this status we write a letter to the greatest man in the world, Kim Jong Un.

Dear Kammy,


My cat looks mad http://t.co/eXJ3XEbkro


Come on baby, keep it coming!


artic blast, freezing rain, snow, hail, tornadoes. W.T.H. I should be vacationing somewhere outta Oklahoma. ugh.


Hold it right there .......... you CRAZY MAD CAT !!!!


As for the microchipping issue, I am going to go through Petlink. I am waiting to hear about their prices. They commented on a status I posted earlier. It jolted my brain and got me to think that I have used them before (through a vet). As soon as I find out more information, I'll let everyone know. I will be doing the microchipping myself. Thank you for your feedback! Microchipping is very important and I'm glad you guys support it!

Hey babe get da dog and da cat so I can git yo pussy mad


Sticky Situation: "I shot a wedding. It was a marriage inside of their SMALL apartment with only 15 guests. The photos were hard to get as there was NO room for me to set up lighting or a back drop so I worked with what I had. The pictures came out fine aside from the fact that the bride wanted to shoot in front of a window covered with red curtains which has been a pain to edit. I posted one of the photos on my company page and she was angry that she looked so horrible in the photos and told me to take it down. I did. She then told me that she doesnt like the way that she looks and said the photos were horrible and wants me to make her look better- Removing her excess weight, making her look 10 years younger- and so on. I re-did one of the photos and she looks a LOT younger and lighter and shes said it looked " fine" and wants all of the photos like that. What do I say to her? It took me almost 2 hours to edit ONE IMAGE like that and I generally wouldnt edit an image to that extreeme , Especially a wedding picture as it doesnt even look like her at all. What do I say or do? Do I edit them the way I normally would or should I do what she asked? I Charged her my hourly rate- and I have never had to edit this much to please a client. If I spend that much time on each image I basically shot the marriage for free- She is not willing to pay more for the extra editing as she thinks its " my job " to do what she wants. What would you do?"


im too popular on twitter not even eminem could @ me
my lyrics are too advanced no pussys could cat me #MAD Dun kno P ;)


【twitter】テクノポップの大御所・平沢進がNyan Cat他MADですごい【平沢唯じゃない】 - NAVER まとめ http://t.co/OK4EcE5zPv


You. Are invited to the funeral of junk food Pepsi and restaurant eating I am so mad I let my weight baloon out of control.now u got to come back to the doctor for more procedures and blood draws. My body is a temple of the holy spirit and I'm not abysing it sny more!


(scream) ima gona slash gash cut into the hole in your ass I spill blood on the walls play tennis with your balls if the phone rings don't awnser the call gona slit your throught fuck u like a goatpeel your foreskeen off and make it a winter coat peace (showrty) that was the illist rhyme ive ever heard fkn scary movie


My cat getting mad at the buttons on a chair. Hahaha https://t.co/cp5EdD6BTk


My cat stay running away I mad as shit though if she die how am I going tell the twins just be like oh ur cat died


@ParisJackson no Paris hun we ALL have those days its our female hormones *fuzzes up like a mad black cat* "hissing" Lol <3


Why are you like this Bobby....


Good morning Gary here, Do you pay less attention to your pets because you're on the computer or mobile these days, looks like children are and parents have to take over looking after the pets.Have the Pets gone because no one wants them any more?


I thought I was going to have to worry about Juno being jealous of the new puppy. Nope. LILLY is jealous of the puppy. lol.


Why does the house smell like cat pee? It's not Rowdy it is this neighborhood cat. I literally caught him in action. Rowdy is MAD! We can't open the back door because it smells so bad out there. I washed the slab and window three times this weekend. Good thing is Rowdy is not spraying back!
mad cat




should probably be heartbroken, but that comes difficult when there is little heart left to break, instead feeling a tremendous sense of relief like what is felt after defecating and ridding ones body of excess toxins, he moves forward with a smile knowing she will never again compromise his dong.


My day has seriously been , blah , happy , then sad , happy , then mad . && lets not forget how much blood I'm loosing from cutting my finger with a scapulae , if wont stop throbbing , && I'm praying its not infected ;(


If you could commission one statue to be built in Fort Wayne, who/what would you honor?


I miss my girls.... where ya at???


Yall hoes mad cuz yall succin and fuccin for free nasty as hoe talking shit but yall day is comeing and thats a promise and look at the house yall live in cat and dogs every wea and im in the projects if yall looking for me nasty bitch is you mad cuz im doing better then yall or wat and my gir doing better then yall


@ChrisCJackson BLAST! /slams clenched fist on table //Mad Cat runs away


Police: Where do you live?
Me: With my parents
Police:Where does your parents
Me: With me
Police: Where do you all live?
Me: Together
Police: Where is your house?
Me: Next to my neighbors house
Police: Where is your neighbors
Me: If I tell you, you wont believe
Police: Tell me
Me: Next to my house


Thank goodness Louisville avenged my gators!!!


my cat always gets really mad at me for taking a bath


@BewareOfJadeW yea. I was really mad and sad because.. Because I really liked you. But then you went with Beck and I went with someone else!


Scary movie :)


Walking to the train station with Lucky Animals on by Devin Townsend and what do I see?

A cat narrowly miss a good skittling from 2 tons of moving metal! Lucky Animals indeed!


Help.... That bloody cat has got a bird trapped in ma room ffs


Den he gettin mad cuz the cat dont wanna cum to him


Sounds like someone is torturing a cat, getting mad at it for being tortured and screaming at it. It been almost a year, let it go man


Please Do NOT Make Me Mad Please My Cat .


I swear if @hem0thorax cat got me sick. -__- imma be really mad


David here........What was your favorite toy as a child.......What brings back the memories........



"Has anyone ever been so mad that you really saw red?"


Crazy neighbor stories, got any?


Dear Chrones: Stupid disease i fucking hate you.. You are the only problem i feel in my life.. I hate you so much... Your so rude to me.. And NO ONE LIKES YOU!!! So get out of my body!! Love Taylor


my mom got mad at me for laughing at the cat


It rainin like cat and dog ☃ switch off the light want to have so mad fun


I think my cat is mad at me for being gone for so long. Time to apologize.


CuzZ TwO be aLL thKe Frank you fake aZZ waNNa Be ass hOez izZ sLum Az.F Make rOOm for a real Bitch thazZ tryna get thaa Full potienciaL out her PuSSy,yU FaggzZK iZz clogging Uup thA Air ZonE


You got scratches on yo back and last night you was strokin on that cat and woke up mad at everybody owwww he up inside cha..


My cat got alittle mad http://t.co/Pq5jKA04Og


Mad look at me.. Sitting w grandma


Los Angeles! Thursday, May 2, EW Capetown FIlm Festival at the Egyptian. John Carpenter introduces The Thing 7:30pm.

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