
mad cat

Someone help me find a few cute decorations (: I would greatly appreciate it!



Thank you friends for all the "likes" on my families small business, time to hit the slopes...


Im Bored :[

Start a fight on this Status
With different people xD

Dont comment if you get Butthurted Easily >.<


"I got you a Costco cats on my account. It was free"- got this text in while in class today and Thought I was actually getting a cat only to find out that I only got a Costco card not cats from Costco. Thanks Kamalla Bennett




Почему не получается быть порхающей бабочкой в облаках счастья и любви? Почему я в этих облаках grumpy cat?


Question?? Are your cats active through out the day?? Night?? What??


What a Larfffff!!! When Thomas Underwood growls like a mad goat gone bonkers at a cat to get it out of the garden.


Me: have you ever been so mad you aggresively danced on a golf course to bet on it?
Cat: meow


Everytime i put my damn water down the cat head is in it im mad noe


The Gossip Game
Who was write DRAMA OR VIVIAN?


Alley Caso i wasnt trying to piss you off, i explained myself, you got mad, ive had a fucked up day and im already mad, and Corey James keep fucking talking dude, i will fucking level you.


Mad dancing skills


Late night topic : can you really turn a "Hoe" into a housewife ? .... Or is it just "wishful thinking" ?


Now, that the Mad Men series has begun again, quotes from the show will now trump cat stories.

"What's the difference between a husband knocking on the door and a sailor getting off the ship? About 10,000 volts."
Donald Draper


"I DO NOT love that Loveless Table Flipping Cat Bully Thinks His Always Handsome wannabe!!!!"


Interesting day. Was way productive at work, knocked out my to do list, came home and picked up roomie and hit the hike and bike trail, then hit the sauna, then helped another Jason pick up a couch and coffee table in South Austin, grabbed some groceries and came home to meet a friend of a friend who needed some good advice and wanted to thank me. (she's a good kisser)

Now, some laundry and I get to do it all again tomorrow.

I tired.


So my cat is mad cus my phone is too bright. Looks like its bed time.


Back in Norwich :)


@cat_alpaka あたまいい!


Rap Cat. SnapBack heart attack. I got the mad swag of a fckn fag. My names Matt. Wipeshoes on your mat. My bitches fat. ill leave it at that


Ok. Sorry jason. Gotta save this cat fight for later. Justins getting mad. 


Omg my dad was so bored today he taught my cat how to play dead ❤


Just had a good tlk wit my poptart on sum real shit I luv dat gurl so knows.me like a book


I like both teams so im just goin to enjoy the game


Night out with my babe❤


LOL at the cat that keeps coming into tesco! What a babe!


Can chocolate harm cats?


Its agreed. men are stupid XP


Okay, let me repose this question: Do you think what we have in the DMV now is a poetry community? Why/Why not? Add suggestions/opinions 13 of Nazareth Godchild The-omen Roscoe Burnems


Shelly Williams, "You Are Finer Than Cat Hair, Lol, We Need To Go Shopping." I Got A Huge Crush On You.

Im Just Being Honest


@mki_kra_cat 正確で見やすいから、先生もその方がいいよね、きっと(*^^*)





I think your kids mad? Lmao http://t.co/N2dsytRFze


I think i will be ready to go! It will be awesome to run with great friends in august. Be ready guys bcuz i will be..


This cat meowing like mad <


One of the downfalls of being in the pet business is that I see posts on Facebook all the time...this dog needs a foster home...this kitty needs a home...this animal was abused. It's heartbreaking. I literally see over 50 pets in need on a daily basis because I follow several pet rescue pages and are friends with people who follow several pet rescue pages. Each story breaks my heart, but I also know that I'm not quite "ready" to open my heart to another dog.

That is of course until I saw Nelly's picture. Something about her grabbed my attention...something "Lilly-like". Now don't get me wrong, I know that there will never be another Lilly, but the look in Nelly's eyes sure made me stop dead in my tracks. The first words out of my mouth..."shit". My husband asked if everything was okay...I showed him the picture...his comment..."shit". It felt like there was no turning back...I needed to know more about this sweet girl.

So I contacted the rescue group Stardust Sanctuary and inquired about her. I was told that she was a 6 year old, yellow Lab and was being taken to animal control the following week because she was no longer wanted...the family was expecting a baby. Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe it...how could you share your life for 6 years with a dog and then just give them up...just like that?

I was put in contact with her family to get more info. It turns out that they were her second home and she's actually 7 years old. Apparently her first home had 3 small children with a fourth on the way. The husband traveled frequently and the mother just didn't want to "deal" with the dog. So they took her to a shelter. While she was with this family, the kids terrorized her and she broke her paw/leg...therefore she doesn't like small children. Her second home didn't address her injury and over the years, she developed severe muscular atrophy in her shoulder and leg due to lack of use...I imagine that pain prevented her from using it. She now walks with a limp. She also suffered from severe separation anxiety...so much that she has been on Prozac five years running. Good with other dogs? Unknown. Good with cats? Unknown. Hmm. We have another dog and two cats.

I have to admit that I wasn't so sure that Nelly was a good fit for our family. The physical issues are things that we're very familiar with...easy fix. But the mental issues...a little scary. Joe and I discussed it and agreed that we just weren't ready. The rescue group understood and asked if we'd be willing to foster her until they could find her a good home. We agreed.

We picked her up last Saturday afternoon. Nelly lived in a very tiny, dark apartment. When we entered, she growled at us and cowered by her owner. He smacked her in the head and told her "No!". Did I mention that she's REALLY hand shy? Can't imagine why. She weighed 72 pounds when she should be about 58-60. She was very wired...anxiety overload. We scooped her up and got her out of there as fast as we could. On the drive home we looked at each other and wondered if we were making a big mistake. We were told that she didn't like to ride in cars...I gotta tell you...she was loving the ride home with us! Lilly, what the hell did you get us into?

To be continued......


@alligatorsoap oh, well that is news to me


tried to run this cat over in the road on my way home. them niggas mad agile yo. wow.


John cena and cenation won guys. I love you all. i need my personal time from out of facebook life. Time has come, i am going to say goodbye.Time will always fly, but my feelings 4 u will never die! take care be safe. i will back after 3 months.
cena haters ceritified Ass kicker Nilesh shah


Lastnight I was think wat if this , wat if that , I failed to relized that everything happens for a reason, so im not mad


Youu Peoplesss ... I Miss Yeew If I F O R G O T You .. Sorry . ❤ =====>


@Forty_Licks_ im no dick gobler go sit on a hot kettle .. i know yer nosey . im not gona say it over this yea mad crazy cat lady

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