
mexican train

Red Dead Redemption, Story Missions 37 - The Great Mexican Train Robbery
mexican train



@Patches_74 go train some goalies you Mexican!


Dialects - Mexican - Hamlin Street Productions
mexican train


The Great Mexican Train Robbery (Gold Medal) - Mission #39 - Red Dead Redemption
mexican train


Funny Mexican anti drug commercial (spanish, espanol)
mexican train


All these damn Mexican on thus train


I fucking hate people in Arizona seriously this guy ran a red light because train was coming. Are you kidding me? I need to move...


Finishing up my amazing time in London with a Mexican meal before the train home!


For my Mexican Amigos La Bamba...and some Crazy train
mexican train


Pipeline explosion wipes out part of Mexican city
mexican train


Mexican Vs. Black in a funny streetfight
mexican train


Dominoes Night! More than just standing them up and tipping them over!


Copy of Mexican Bar fight
mexican train


April 6 Today in Arizona history - 1920: The funeral of Robert N. Leatherwood is held. Leatherwood was a former mayor of Tucson and Pima County sheriff. He had helped locate mines in the Quijotoa District, operated a livery stable and planted peach and apple orchards in the Catalina Mountains.Also in 1920: Mexican strikers abandon a freight train loaded with tomatoes 25 miles south of Nogales, Mexico, and every truck in the twin ... http://ht.ly/2vZvV2


Had a terrific time last night with my FMNN Club friends. 22 people got together played Mexican Train Doninoes drank some tasty and ate awesome food!


Mexican guy in train from Sarajevo to Mostar
mexican train


Mexican Army Hummers in Xalapa
mexican train


Teenage Mexican Girls Fighting
mexican train


What I would say about the Tea Party is that like the European fascism between the world wars, it is a deeply reactionary movement. People often look backwards for solutions when faced with adversity. In continental Europe, that meant looking back to an authoritarian past—in the case of Italy, all the way to the days of the Roman Empire. In the U.S. it has meant looking back to an anti-statist past, when liberty was defined in opposition to government. That’s how the Tea Party movement sees it. It’s our American version of political backwardness, not of fascism.

Malik clan

Las Vegas Mexican Food Restaurants in Las Vegas Fox 5 Vegas Dining Coconuts Menu Food Bar Happy Hour
mexican train


@may_days falling asleep on the train like a little tired mexican women just coming out of work & has to go home to feed her kids.

Walls of Shame - US/Mexico - 05 Nov 07 - Ep 1 - Part 1
mexican train


Casual Mexican train in Gtown https://t.co/J1vW9btbh2


Well you think I would learn. I used my debit card on the 26th of March at a certain restaurant that we visit A LOT and again for the 2nd time my card has been compromised and they tried to use it I New York at a gas station. I would love complain to the owner but don't know if it would do any good. The last time I had to get a new card was a year ago from the same place! Ugggg!


I wanna do the mexican wave successfully. When I try to do it now, I seem to be the only one that joins in on the train.


Johnny Hobo - New Mexico Song
mexican train


Whyizit that Obama and Holder, the clowns responsible for Fast & Furious that armed Mexican drug cartels, want to limit MY gun rights? Who are they to even talk about guns? Talk about flaming hypocrites and ideologues.


1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.


Mexican Music in France?
mexican train


-- Hollywood Liberals Encourage Wetback Assault.

"Think of the Rio Grande as the Red Sea, Mexican slave labor as the Children of Israel, and you get the picture," said a famous researcher in a letter to an obscure Governor. "DNA studies show the largest number of genetic Jews in America are Mexicans living in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. You bet those Hollywood Liberals -- bagel biting bastards all -- want more and more of their fellow Zionists over running our fields, contaminating our produce, and infiltrating our fruit. Do you think the recent outbreak of deadly lettuce virus is an accident of nature? While their Yiddish spouting co-conspirators diverted our attention with dirty movies and race music, the Ladino speaking Sephardi faction of this conspiracy was communicating with their south of the border minions, plotting this Jewish Mexican Invasion to steal all the low paying jobs, and secure positions of power as undocumented domestics in secretive sweat shops where, their evil plotting obscured by the constant drone of sewing machines and the cracking of whips, the clever Jews advance their plan of world domination."
The above assertions are absurd. This is satire. Feel free to send on to everyone and see how many idiots take it seriously.


Footage on Mexicans crossing the border
mexican train


Red Dead: Redemption - Mission 28 - The Mexican Wagon Train
mexican train



Love's Secret
by William Blake

Never seek to tell thy love,
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind doth move
Silently, invisibly.

I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears.
Ah! she did depart!

Soon after she was gone from me,
A traveller came by,
Silently, invisibly:
He took her with a sigh.

Caboose Thoughts
by Carl Sandburg

It's going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.

Some days will be rainy and you will sit waiting
And the letter you wait for won’t come,
And I will sit watching the sky tear off gray and gray
And the letter I wait for won’t come.

There will be ac-ci-dents.
I know ac-ci-dents are coming.
Smash-ups, signals wrong, washouts, trestles rotten,
Red and yellow ac-ci-dents.
But somehow and somewhere the end of the run
The train gets put together again
And the caboose and the green tail lights
Fade down the right of way like a new white hope.

I never heard a mockingbird in Kentucky
Spilling its heart in the morning.

I never saw the snow on Chimborazo.
It’s a high white Mexican hat, I hear.

I never had supper with Abe Lincoln.
Nor a dish of soup with Jim Hill.

But I’ve been around.
I know some of the boys here who can go a little.
I know girls good for a burst of speed any time.

I heard Williams and Walker
Before Walker died in the bughouse.

I knew a mandolin player
Working in a barber shop in an Indiana town,
And he thought he had a million dollars.

I knew a hotel girl in Des Moines.
She had eyes; I saw her and said to myself
The sun rises and the sun sets in her eyes.
I was her steady and her heart went pit-a-pat.
We took away the money for a prize waltz at a
Brotherhood dance.
She had eyes; she was safe as the bridge over the
Mississippi at Burlington; I married her.

Last summer we took the cushions going west.
Pike’s Peak is a big old stone, believe me.
It’s fastened down; something you can count on.

It’s going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.

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