Read: Ezra 1:2–4
Though he had torn the Israelites away from their land, God kept his promise to restore them as a nation and rebuild their temple. Much to everyone’s surprise, God compelled a pagan ruler to fulfill his divine design to build his temple.
It may seem that your life is in tatters—all you see is ruins where you once saw progress. You may feel discouraged, but don’t give up. God is a builder, and a very creative one at that. Against all odds, he will use kings or commoners to restore your life to his intended design.
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He Is- A Builder
Ezra 1:2–4
Though he had torn the Israelites away from their land, God kept his promise to restore them as a nation and rebuild their temple. Much to everyone’s surprise, God compelled a pagan ruler to fulfill his divine design to build his temple.
It may seem that your life is in tatters—all you see is ruins where you once saw progress. You may feel discouraged, but don’t give up. God is a builder, and a very creative one at that. Against all odds, he will use kings or commoners to restore your life to his intended design.
@Gypsypaulie Sadly bigger odds than the National winner tho!! Fingers crossed tho :)
Former Ravens LB Ayanbadejo: "Up to four players could come out at once." Is the NFL and or their fans ready for it? My thoughts are, people are to immature and insecure and handle 4 gay players in the NFL at once. It should be a non issue that many turn into a major issue.
READ Ruth 1-4 (1:16,17) Ruth cleaved to Naomi. This is unity of the brethren, true believers striving together for the faith of the gospel.
A frend of mine said its Swallows vs The Kingdom of eSwatini kule final, true or nix?
Sooooo...what are the odds we get a new officiating crew for the National Championship game?!? #GoCards #L1C4
Here are four parallels between ‘The Word’ and American History that appear against odds of 10,000 to one. With such odds an IQ test for a national supercomputer could increase the success rates of new industry startups exponentially. Because a supercomputer can’t ‘out-compute’ musical genius or the ‘hive mind’ of a prophesied, resurrected nation: The Great Harvest
1) 1,260 years from Byzantine empire or Justinian’s Codices (527-565) to Declaration of Independence (1776) = Dan 7: 25, Rev 11: 3, Rev 12: 6
2) 1,290 years from the reformation of Roman Church (1375-1525) to Obama’s inaugural address (2008) and the moment the stock hit 777 = Dan 12: 6-7 (3 years and a half in simulated time)
3) 490 years (7 x 70 = 490) Dan 9: 24 2nd Chronicles 36:21 (Recompense = slavery)
4) 49 years (7 x 7 = 49) Lev 25: 8 Lev 26: 18 (Year of Jubilee = Debt eradication via wireless energy decimal)
Bioelectrochemical transmissions of C-clefs (carbon keys):
1) Music = C7 (carbon seven) x wireless bioenergy
2) Soprano = C12 (carbon twelve) x chemical energy
3) Alto = C14 (carbon fourteen) x nuclear energy
4) Tenor C60 (nano technology) x cold plasma energy
Biochemical transmissions of C-clefs via retrocarbon C7:
1) Soprano = C12/C7 x chemical energy (bioelectricity)
2) Alto = C14/C7 x nuclear energy (biomagnetism)
3) Tenor C60/C7 x H2O gravity (bioelectromagnetism)
By Miriam September @ facebook
…frustrated…confused….HOPEFUL and DETERMINED …. Reality check….
Sometimes our contributions seem so little, so self absorbed ….and then again they seem so relevant, so full of hope …yes, indeed they are making a difference. Look around ! (and see where we were 2 years ago).
Sometimes our arguments seem hugely important and are considered part of wider politics… and at another times they seem ridiculously self-centred and silly … no wonder one feels confused at times.
But what is important is that we continue and persist, that we are determined not for the sake of group hugs, and feeling good factors, praise or recognition, or to give our damaged self-confidence a boost … but to STOP unimaginable PAIN and SAVE LIVES of others !!
How can we value that? How can we walk away and say, I am tired, or I am disappointed, or I had enough of this? From whom are we walking away? Whom are we boycotting or giving up upon – Facebook buddies, a group, the opposition …..?
If we feel the PAIN…. If we visualise in our heads the unimaginable torture and murder of thousands….We will continue against all odds….finding our path. Learning. Growing in this struggle…letting the struggle grow. More focus, more honesty. Less games and gains.
Our means are modest, but this does not mean we should disrespect them with inconsistency and ambivalence. These are the means we have at hand to do our best to save children and women, and students, farmers, refugees, the sick, the elderly… our contributions to save a nation from further destruction. This is of priceless value and we have to put in the effort to respect and value our deeds and each other.
But let us face reality: Let us realise that this is POLITICS. Huge politics: getting rid of a dictator….promoting democratic change….we are at the very centre of politics !! With players and pullers and self interests and group interests and state interests…..And those of us who believed in a little youth club full of new and fresh energy and hope,… where we just love each other and happily engage in action….for us it’s time to wake up and not feel sorry for ourselves. Yes, indeed, even with our very modest means at hand, this is indeed a POLITICAL STRUGGLE for freedom not a group hug amongst FB friends. If we like it or not, we are part of those very complex dynamics, , we are right in the middle of it and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can get out of a state of idealism and self-pitty, and instead re-focus.
Finally, the Eritrean opposition is an obstacle to its own repeatedly weakening itself. There is a struggle within this struggle…. And it is important that we realise that and are pragmatic about it, ...not pinpoint fingers, but reflect together, lead open dialogue, reform, grow, mature, raise awareness …. this is important if we truly want to achieve our goals effectively…and effectively in the long-run. Democracy cannot be a form of government or a system that is on our wish list until it will be put in place when it suits. We have to wake up ! it is a painful process including many battles of conduct, values, attitudes, state of minds, and socio-political STANDS of ordinary citizens and we have to be part of that very process, too…
Mandela said it:
The Long Walk to Freedom.... (not the easy ride or the roller coaster)
Keep going !! a message of huge challenge....but even greater determination, faith and hope.
= = = = = = = = =
Only 4 of Lebanon’s 128 MPs are women! We urge champions of electoral reform to call on the government to reform the electoral law and include at least a 30-percent quota for women in Parliament!
He Is- A Builder
Ezra 1:2–4
Though he had torn the Israelites away from their land, God kept his promise to restore them as a nation and rebuild their temple. Much to everyone’s surprise, God compelled a pagan ruler to fulfill his divine design to build his temple.
It may seem that your life is in tatters—all you see is ruins where you once saw progress. You may feel discouraged, but don’t give up. God is a builder, and a very creative one at that. Against all odds, he will use kings or commoners to restore your life to his intended design. Think about it.
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