Steven Moffat on Doctor Who's 50th:
"I think there’s a danger to talk too much about the fiftieth anniversary when we’ve got eight whole episodes to go before it. We always wanted to make it special and huge and big, and I think also, and this is one of the things I’m concerned about this year, and I think you’ll see that I’m concerned about it but have responded positively about it, is that the show must be seen to be going forward, it’s all about the next fifty years, not the last fifty years. If you start putting a full stop on things you start thinking about nostalgia before you’ve finished. It’s about moving forward.
So the Doctor is moving forward, as he always does, and he wants to solve the mystery of Clara, he’s not thinking about all his previous incarnations, or his previous adventures, he’s thinking about the future so that for me is important. The show must never feel old. It should feel brand new. And a fiftieth anniversary can play against that."
its sad when my 16 yer old brother with a liceance cant do as much as me
Poker Players,
The 2013 Hawknut Poker Season starts next Friday, April 19Th at 7pm!!!! Buy-in is $15 dollars!!!!!! Same rules from last year apply with 1 NEW Rule Change. After attending first poker night, those players who miss any future poker nights without giving proper notice will be deducted 10 points from their total point standings.
Here we will explain the Texas Holdem Poker Rules.
Next Movie Idea:
A bunch of old time wrestlers from the late 80's and early 90's are gathered around a poker table. Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Sting, Sid Vicious, and a few others. They talk about the good old days, and fondly remember Macho Man Randy Savage. A few jokes are made about Hulk Hogan's sex tape with the punchline being "What are you gonna do, when HULKAMANIA COMES ON YOU!" They also make fun of him because Hulk is no longer synonymous with him, but instead Marvel Comic's Hulk. During all the talk, the Ultimate Warrior flips out and decides he still has it (if anyone's curious the guy is in reality a complete nutjob). He goes on a quest to prove he can handle it. His son tries to convince him that he doesn't have to, but then decides to be in his corner. He winds up in the ring with whoever is currently the WWE champion, who straight up pile drives him, thus ending his bid to show he can still run with the big boys. The movie ends with everyone playing poker again, this time remembering Macho Man, and the Ultimate Warrior.
3 things I am grateful for today are...
1. Having the strength to be strong today and doing what is best for me!
2. Having heated seats in my car, brrr!!!
3. Having booked my flight to VEGAS for my 30th birthday!!!! So EXCITED!!!!
Raila: Poll opened 2007 wounds, CORD shall exploit other means
We cant post this enough;
It stinks and stinks. Not only do some MPs and Lords benefit financially from th...e privatisation of the NHS, but political parties have taken monies from KPMG who will also benefit. Sick and disabled people elsewhere in Europe have told us terrible stories of how KPMG taking over their health service have ruined their access to vital medical treatments. Share! Share! Share!
George Kenneth Berger tells us:
KPMG text of the new, National Health Action Party Consulting and audit firm KPMG stand to benefit substantially from NHS privatisation. They were one of the consulting firms selected by Labour, and David Cameron has been advised by KPMG both directly and via a paid-for think tank, Reform.
Guess what? No go on, guess.
All three major political parties have taken hundreds of thousands of pounds in donations from KPMG:
Labour: £ 658,381
Lib Dem: £ 551,663
Conservatives: £ 603,340
(Figures 2001-2012)
Why else would they be supporting the privatisation of our NHS?
Tales of the Prep room banter ~
...following the waft of poo smell, I ask Prep A (not their real name), if they needed to go to the toilet....Prep A replies in a calm but frank voice... "no thanks, I've just been in my pants".....I reply, trying not to gag & raising one eyebrow ...."why didn't you ask to go to the toilets" which she replies...."I didn't need to go until I started pushing it out & I didn't want to miss the story"...!!!
Ummmmm.......Yep :-/ *stinky joy*
I will never understand poker rules...
READER QUESTION: "I am in search of a fun and encouraging way to get my family to help with chores! This includes my 2 busy boys who are 6 and 4 and also my husband! My husband is great with our boys and he loves to play with them - but not so helpful with chores. My days start early and end late with exercising, working a full time job, volunteering at my church and coaching my kids activities. We have tried chore charts in the past - but after a month they are forgotten. Does anyone have any advise of how to encourage everyone in my family and especially how to stick to it?? This momma is getting TIRED and I need some more help! -Natalie"
It feels good to have x-men powers it only took 5 near death experience 2 Ayahauscha Workshops and 8 years of meditation :) boom
Mob Rules #Poker
Pety ass bitches fuck it up for other women thts y guys have the attitudes they do towards other women especially when u take a chic thts nowhere as cute as the type of chic a player would usually fuck wit
ASKY February Event Game Rule #1 #Poker
Erin Asks?
my 7 year old son has prader-willi syndrome he is my gift from God! he was very over weight but has lost almost 10 kg and has gone from a size 11-12 years to a size 8-9 years! I home school him cos we cant find a school that will meet all his needs and so far its been going very well but lately his mood is all over the place if i say no to something he will do it anyway or scream and hit himself. i just want to know if anyone can give me advice to get him to stop.
@Nessa_OvO LOL! I sucked at poker so bad!! I went to tinyurl . com/cmrdajg and I learned ALL the rules and how to bluff people!!
guys what do you think of that story by mohamed ali and allan namu? let me have your views please
Be confident with the full rules of poker to win more
Rules as proxy for club poker: .SNw 745730
Finish the sentence.
I love Blackadder because............
My uncle says I would rule at a poker game because of my face
A came to an epiphany last night. Girls dig a guy with a job!
Dear valued members,
Our server will be under going upgrade and server maintenance by 11:00-15:00 (GMT+8) on the 26th March 2013.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused and check out our latest upgrades!
Real Money games will be available on the 26th March 2013.
Anggota dihargai,
Server kami akan berada di bawah upgrade dan pemeliharaan dari 10:00 hingga 14:00 WIB pada 26 Maret 2013.
Maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan.
Permainan Real Money akan tersedia pada tanggal 26 Maret 2013.
我们的服务器将在2013年3月26日,正在进行升级和服务器维护11:00-15:00 GMT+8。
Customer Support
Team PokerFace88
All poker players, what is your ruling on this situation? I cant find a obviouse answer online its very mixed. Just keen to know for future tournaments. Player A pushes all in after player B raises 5k pre flop. Player B asks for total count, player A answers 15k, player B calls 1/2 his stack. Board runs out and player A wins when asked total again to pay the player, player A says 15k ontop of the 5k bet...... given player B thought the all in was 15k not 20k what is your ruling?
This is one of the Casino games that make use of Poker rules
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