

Dan Shadwell North Korea continues the sabre rattling--a state broadcaster says the country has ordereed its rocket and long-range artillery units to combat-ready status. The announcement also stated that the weapons would target American bases in Guam, Hawaii, and the continental U.S. Do you think the U.S. should take these threats seriously? If so, what should we do in response?



This ass hole threatened to block me because I dare comment on his raving status update. We are not Facebook friends, or any other kind of friends. I got to comment on his post because a mutual friend had commented. I expect that he will block me, because he is an ass hole, after all, so I thought I would preserve this little debate for posterity.

Stephan Kinsella wrote:

"I continue to be amazed that any libertarian could ever be pro-IP whatsoever. People can have such blind spots. n.b. Scott Bieser see comments here. I will say that copyright and patent are completely, utterly evil. They are as unlibertarian and evil as any laws ever are. There is nothing whatsoever, not a single shred, of legitimacy to these laws. They should not be "reformed"; they need to be utterly and immediately abolished from the face of the earth, for the good of all mankind. They are abominations. They are evil, utterly evil. God damn the state, and god damn patent and copyright."

Steven Vandervelde: Stephan Kinsella's amazement is the result of his failure to understand the nature of property rights. Property rights are not based only on pure power relationships in society as is implied by his mechanistic, legalistic, contentious ideas. Property...See More
40 minutes ago · Like

Steven Vandervelde: What is fraud? What is slander? What is plagiarism? According to Kinsella none of these ideas quite fit when considering claims to intellectual property. So by his own beliefs someone could steal his published words, claim those words as their own profiting from them, and falsely accuse Kinsella of claiming to be the lying about being the original author (slander) with impunity.
25 minutes ago · Like

Stephan Kinsella: Steven,

"Stephan Kinsella's amazement is the result of his failure to understand the nature of property rights."

that's highly unlikely. Seriously man. Come on. You can do better than that....See More

Intellectual Property Rights as Negative Servitudes
It occurred to me the other day that the best way to classify the legal nature o...
See More
23 minutes ago · Like

Steven Vandervelde: So, now that you have attempted to answer my first argument try answering my second one on your own without expecting us fist to read a book?
22 minutes ago · Like

Stephan Kinsella: Vandervelde, I am going to block you if you lie or make false charges or are incivil. I don't care if you are stupid or make bad arguments, but I will defriend anyone who is not friendly.

So do not say I do not think fraud is unlibertarian. YOu are wr...See More

Fraud, Restitution, and Retaliation: The Libertarian Approach
In, Bryan Caplan’s EconLog post Fraud and Punishment, Caplan comes down on the p...
See More
21 minutes ago · Like

Stephan Kinsella: Steve, you do not have an argument. If you have a coherent question, feel free to repeat it--but do not do a stupid rhetorical one or one that disingenuously attempts equivocation or to beg the question. Ask a serious question that does not pressuppose your thesis in dishonest form.
20 minutes ago · Like

Steven Vandervelde: So, take note that you imply that I am a Fascist while I only state that you are confused. Then you accuse me of being dishonest. Nice method of argumentation. Now, if you take this as some horrible insult you can block me, thus insuring that no one else gets to read my argument. Temper temper...
17 minutes ago · Like


I unlocked the G.I. Joe Retaliation Box Office sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/tw77Hk4CxP


The decades of foreign invasions and civil war changed the Afghan society to a split community by losing its economic, social and political order and facing years of lawlessness. Serious injustices took place during the in-fighting not only to a defeated party but also to tens of thousands of innocent people. A party that got the upper hand due to greater regional or international support usually attempted to totally exclude its enemy from the political scene or even try to eliminate them. Killing and torture of thousands of innocent civilians in the course of acts of inter-group retaliation fragmented the Afghan society, damaged the old Afghan culture of settling the conflicts through peaceful norms and destroyed national unity.
Hence, to overcome all the above mentioned problems we strongly need the firm commitment and determination of our youth to take concrete stand towards elimination of corruption, war and illiteracy by promoting harmony, tolerance, national reconciliation, education and justice in our society. I am sure our intentions and determination is leading us to victory.


G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trailer # 3 [HD]


I want to see G.I. Joe: Retaliation!! And Iron Man 3 is taking too long to be released


GI Joe Retaliation Movie Review - Dwayne Johnson, Channing Tatum : Beyond The Trailer


G.I. Joe 2 Retaliation Interview - Dwayne Johnson


G.I. Joe: Retaliation - Movie Review


Byung-Hun Lee "Storm Shadow" arrives at G.I Joe - Retaliation Los Angeles Premiere


Discussion of the day.

What do you think of capital punishment?


I was again perplexed as to how my daughter, with her need for order and cleanliness, can be such a slob, when my husband led me into our bathroom to survey the laundry on the floor, towels haphazardly strewn around the tub, various beauty elixirs and such littering the sink. He then simply shook his head and walked out. "But she got my rapier-like wit," I called after him. "Even trade!"


Gi joe retaliation was awesome


Thievery Corporation Retaliation suite


Icon $4movies, 3D $2surcharge: GI Joe: Retaliation 2D & 3D. Tattoo Nation. The Croods 2D. Olympus Has Fallen. Temptation. The Host. The Call


"G.I. Joe: Retaliation" LA Premiere Bruce Willis, Dwayne Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, Byung-hun Lee


no war means no war against war, can ya dig?


"You know you live in Sullivan County when..." Okay-recommendations for a squirrel proof bird feeder? Going on my sixth one!!! Little ---$%^ just broke another one!!


Madness Retaliation: End fight


"For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him." Philippians 1:29.

For most of us, we'll take the trusting Him part, but the suffering for Him part..not so much. We would rather skip over that part because let's face it, who wants to suffer. To suffer is to experience or be a part of something bad, something unpleasant. But Christ suffered for us far more than anything we could suffer.

"For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. He committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we may cease from sinning and live for righteousness. By his wounds you were healed. For you were going astray like sheep but now you have turned back to the shepherd and guardian of your souls." I Peter 2:21-25.

Today we hear a lot about victory and overcoming, but we hear very little about suffering, about allowing ourselves to go through the trials and the tribulations that come our way. Let someone say something negative about us and we immediately want to defend ourselves. Attack me and I'll attack back, is our attitude. However, consider our Lord, "when he was maligned, he did not answer back." Can we have that kind of attitude? Can we manifest that kind of spirit? That is the spirit of Christ. Will we allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead us, even to places that we may find unpleasant?
Let us pray that we will exercise the same grace that was exercised by Him for our sake. He did not sin. He did no harm to anyone. His suffering was not for His doings, but for ours. We were the ones going astray. We were the ones rebelling against God. But He bore our sins in His body. May we recognize the blessing we have to share in His suffering. Amen. Remember there can be no victory without there first being a battle. But we will overcome, not by our own strength but through the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony. There is no testimony, without a test. Amen.

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