

Price Check On Character (Possible Sale) ://eveboard/pilot/montami ty in advance. if the price is right, i may be looking to sell this character.
WTS 16M Amarr PvP Nibikuz Solid PvP character. Can do T3 as well. Best Offer. I pay transfer fee. Please post here, not in game.
WTS Miner-hulk-orca pilot Edited by: ARICIUXXX on 08/06/2011 19:48:29 Edited by: ARICIUXXX on 08/06/2011 19:47:58 Starting bid 2Bil detail pilot
SOLD Edited by: Seclude on 12/06/2011 23:02:15 Eveboard Sheet Seclude 1 remap available. Positive Sec Positive Wallet No kill rights Gallente BS V Battlecruisers V Gall. Cruiser V Gall. Frigate V Gall. Industrial V Exhumer IV (ie, can fly hulk aswell) 3 bill buyout. No offers.
WTB loki leadership char Hey, i am looking for a loki leadership char. Should have : good leadership skills cybernetics 5 ability to plug in a skirmish mindlink positive wallet pls no offers over 8 bil, ty
Sold!!! Edited by: HecateOfLight on 12/06/2011 22:28:38 Edited by: HecateOfLight on 09/06/2011 07:36:10 WTS a 9.2mil SP pilot. Highlights are decent drone skills. Can fly Caldari and Gallente BS. Stealth bombers and has some mining skills. Its a pretty good pilot for someone looking for something a base starting pilot that can easily branch out into most directions easily. Ill pay the transfer fee. Wallet is positive. Has 1 remap available. 8 days away from a Falcon. 18 days away from a Basilisk As said. its a decent char. with it having close to 10m SP id like bids to start around 2bil. Please reply here for any additional information or offers. Also this is my first time selling a character so please post if ive missed something I need to say on here xD rather not get banned for forgetting something. Herp derp. forgot the link to skills >_< ://eveboard/pilot/HecateOfLight
SOLD AT MERRY LAST! Pages: 1 2 Edited by: Lotak on 12/06/2011 22:48:18 Edited by: Lotak on 11/06/2011 23:26:44 I am looking to sell myself. Pure Industrial. The skill board does...



“The Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47, NASB

Life is full of opportunities to do battle on behalf of the Lord. Engagement with fear is a spiritual skirmish waiting to happen, but the Spirit flushes out fear and defeats it with faith. Anger is always set to ambush and battle its foes, but patient forgiveness sees it coming and bypasses its ugly assault. Pride is lurking to pounce on the strong and successful, but humble prayer pushes back relentless reinforcements from hell. Indeed, enemies of God are brought down by God.

What battle are you facing that has the best of you? Is it a health issue? Then cry out to your ultimate Healer, Jesus. Is it relational conflict? Then submit to Christ who can restore broken relationships. Perhaps you face a financial giant; go to God and seek godly counsel with transparency and trust, asking both for wisdom and accountability. Heaven has the assistance you need through saints on earth. Look for the Lord’s resources from those who love Him and you.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15

Our true battle is not with who or what we see, but with the unseen powers and principalities who seek to soil our faith in the Lord. The enemy Satan speaks lies to our minds so we meander around the most meaningful, and struggle with feeling insignificant. However, the truth of God dissolves the devil’s deceptions and replaces them with clarity and confidence in Christ. The war in the heavenlies has already been won, so enlist in the Lord’s army. Your battle is His battle.

Therefore, be bold as you battle with the weapons of the Lord’s wisdom and not the foolishness of man. Fire God’s gun of grace with bullets of belief, not blanks of unbelief. Shoot at the ultimate enemy, not at the messenger who is only the bearer of bad news. Take your smooth stone of spiritual service and sling it toward Satan. God directs your efforts to defeat the enemy!


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/lX2BeZ7boL


@OceanRhiannon @surf_skirmish what other grapes are out there???


South braces for border skirmish with North Korea - http://t.co/c9FhctCnuk


Geormophic Maps Afghanistan Serie for all Modern Skirmish Games Rules: Publisher: BATTLESPROJECT MAPSGeomorphi... http://t.co/NGVjrSQ6z2


Upgrade birdie club skirmish revival: .RaW 407146


@laaaaamegame zone 3 was the best skirmish place too such a joke imo i was NOT impressed


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish | @scoopit http://t.co/eMMKBZ8CVs


Had a little early birthday night with our baby girl tonight with some of her friends and 2 of our grandies wonderfull time had by all we all played skirmish and bowls and ate food great night everyone is now tucked up and hopefully sleeping so now I'm off to bed by the way Casey you actually have exactly 1 hour and 15 mins to wait untill u are actually 19 so as I will be asleep by then no pressys hehehe till morning. Xxxxxxxxx


Played a skirmish match against a Normal AI on Supreme commander.

And first of there are 3 medals and honourable mentions I must make.

To Gunny, you held the enemy at bay when I needed you too and managed to score some 140 kills by the end. For a tier 2 point defence you did very well and lasted longer than I suspected you would, well done soldier and may your triple barrels go down into history as a proud cannon.

To Deliverer, you did your mission to perfection. Producing those 40 bombers and arming each and every one with their napalm bombs with such speed and efficiency, and then to stealthily move yourself close to the enemy island submerged before in the final moment breaking the surface to deliver your payload of bombers.

And last is Doombringer, you did better than any of my soldiers in this battle. Racking up as many as 350+ kills in the short time you where deployed into combat, your guns never went silent before the enemy lay dead. And as they did you produced engineers to harvest what ruins where left after you and your artillery comrades assaulted the enemy stronghold. Sadly not all in your battle group survived as the enemy commander walked into the combat to sacrifice himself as he upon death detonated his command units nuclear reactor and took over half your group with him. But just moments later you started producing new artillery pieces in honour of your fallen brothers in arms.

*Salutes to the dead and fires 3 rounds towards the sky* The fallen shall be remembered, and the dead burned. Let none who survived be in question of our goal, to unite humanity as one, as the United Earth Federation. -ADMIN


Attention class! A little maths for a Sunday afternoon. 10 points for the correct answer

Skirmish + testicles = ?


Steaming towards 4000 members, share and like so we can get there today...



I watched the Hobbit Last Night and with each Fight Scene (Bare in Mind its the first time i've seen it) I wanted to get the Hobbit Tabletop Set out and have my own Battle! May be naughty and Open the Trolls and Warg Rider Set just so I can today in store... Maybe... :D


Skirmish strategico a turni: Qualcuno mi sa consigliare un buon gioco skirmish a turni? Qualcosa tipo il vecch... http://t.co/nZEzEjDeLy


Krista is going to hate this.

I got into a bit of skirmish with some other members on a magic bulletin board. Someone post a topic about people that talk with the dead, and after others had waxed idiotic about how John Edward provides closure with the readings he gives, I posted my harsh opinion that people that talk to the dead are commiting emotional rape and are no better than drug dealers. Well, apparently there are some magicians there on that board that are trying to pass themselves off a people that can legitimately make communication with the dead and my opinion so angered them that they made personal attacks on me.

What amuses me is that every time I express doubts about the ability to talk to the dead (and have the dead talk back) I get these attacks. Only once have I had anyone want to show me why I am wrong, and they did so with an extremely pathetic reading.

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