

Ha aguero bossing half the utd team in that skirmish!! #pussies #handbags



Learned some rather interesting history this week while studying the Vikings with Colyn. In the year 1006, Thorvald, Leif Erickson's brother, had a confrontation with the Native Americans who lived along Somes Sound. The battle took place at Valley Cove after Thorvald spotted 9 natives sleeping under 3 birch bark canoes, from the Flying Mountain lookout, about 1/2 mile from the base of the mountain near Valley Cove. Thorvald and his men ambushed the Indians and killed all but one, who escaped and rallied the rest of the tribe. The vikings tromped back up to their resting spot to rest and drink their ale, and within minutes, a fleet of natives came back around from behind St. Saveur's Mtn on their canoes, and the battle to avenge the deaths of their fallen brethren ensued. They scrambled back down the mountain just in time to guard their ship from being overtaken in the skirmish. They were greatly outnumbered, but the natives had arrows, and the vikings had their swords and axes. Still, Thorvald was mortally wounded in the battle, having taken an arrow under his arm an received a punctured lung. He died and buried in Jesuit field that same afternoon, ironically the same location he had chosen to establish his abode when he discovered the fiord. This was, according to my sources, the first recorded encounter between Europeans and the Native Americans of North America. Flying Mountain was so named by the Indians, because according to their folklore, a chunk of the mountain "flew away" from the large mountain (later named St. Saveur by the French). It's amazing to think that this all occured 500 years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.


Certify that thine site follows unsullied skirmish boiler maximization techniques, for instance disparate, bone:


@laurahornshaw @surf_skirmish that place looks awesome lol nothing wrong with that


@lose_money @laurahornshaw You live in a place that is more beautiful than where most people travel for a holiday.



@surf_skirmish brainiacs? they act like toddlers on acid atm


L&G fee cut: Latest skirmish in the index fund price war? http://t.co/HngRRikexG


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/Q70XNwkzRk #Translationindustrynews #Amazon via @ProZcom #xl8


Felt like a big kid playing Laser Skirmish with Alan and the girls this afternoon : )


Practice wa wet today skirmish scored 2 ⚽⚽

There will be a Club Day on Sunday, 28 April 2013 at Mango Hill Skirmish for members and guests. If you are interested in coming along and checking out the Club or getting involved, here is your next opportunity. Gates open from 8am, first game around 9-930am, playing all day or until people are too tired to keep going. Nothing formal planned in terms of game play, it will be decided on the day what types of games are played, and the floor is open to suggestions of new or interesting game types. See you there.


Should I buy Diana or Wukong......?
I mean, I can jungle Diana, but Wukong is.... well, Wukong..... :P


Sean Seib, if you read this, Im ready to bury the hatchet. Im over being angry at you (the 3 days inside gets smaller with time). Things can return to normal if you wish. I will even return to work, if thats OK? Im over venting, its all recorded on facebook. Hit me back if you see this? Otherwise, I will look for new flatmates for you guys on Monday. But maybe too much damage is done? We'll have to see.


@surf_skirmish ice bath


Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ http://t.co/Pjk100WObw


Kusangkakan panas berpanjangan, ternyata SKIRMISH ternyata SKIRMISH mengundang..


Is anyone else terrified by all this North Korea missile stuff?


A man whose faith is firm and strong is soft as silk in friendly throng:
In skirmish between wrong and right like sword of steel, he stands to fight...........


got an early bday prezzie tha other day thanks to my sexy miss


We are considering new models, first in my mind are magazines, sig p226 and scar. My question is would you be interested in preordering like you do with games?


Sleep. Ballin out at skirmish all day tomorrow lol dropping mad dough and ramping up on mad noobs idgaf


So apparently a few people have been bitching behind my back, I have no idea what about but if your on here and your bitching about how I am simple. Delete me, or say it to my face? I treat people fine, remember all those lifts i give to people when they need it, or even helping with other stuff. If your someone who is having ago as Im going into the RMC or I like to shop at Each To There Own or even because I go to the gym a lot and enjoy fitness, then lets be fair your probably single, play a lot of XBOX, very miserable and jealous about everyone else. Go buy a cat and stop pestering me. At the end of the day I'm moving on to better things (A career) :) Chin chin!


@surf_skirmish @tedk11 Still stoked for you, mate. Organising my trip to Syd, should be there about 15 Oct, 40-60 min about from Manly.


My little girls are wearing t-shirts that say "My mom is blogging this", but I will go ahead and tell you no one wants to see this little skirmish!


New Zealand | Ex-spy boss lashes out at PM’s claims: The comment is the latest salvo in a tit-for-tat skirmish … http://t.co/JGod83qThT


A man whose faith is firm and strong is soft as silk in friendly throng:
In skirmish between wrong and right like sword of steel, he stands to fight!


Coach unqualified lots agents falter in addition breathe in good shape so that avail her near thy skirmish.:


planning on going to scooter skirmish ride out on the 20th april 2013 anyone interested in going please let me know so we can organise a meeting point and time , the ride out leaves at 12 midday , all the best Ian Sterling


Posted by Flash ON APRIL 4, 2013

You know marijuana is going mainstream when day after day we see pillars of American society, such as Time magazine, step up and speak out with clarity and wisdom. Exposing a topic that has been ignored and relegated to the shadows, for far too long.

By Joe Klien – With Republicans in a chaotic retreat on social issues like gay marriage and immigration, some conservatives are looking for places to set up a skirmish line. Pete Wehner proposes marijuana as the bright line today in the Washington Post.

Most of these arguments seem ridiculous to anyone who has inhaled. Alcohol is a more controllable drug than marijuana—you can pace yourself according to consumption; pot strength is unpredictable—but when used to excess it is far more problematic, more violent, more dangerous. Pot is peaceful, contemplative, fattening.

Does marijuana lead to harder drugs? No more than alcohol does. Back in the 1930s, smoking dope was a leap into a sometimes dangerous underground culture. That’s not true any more, especially in states like Colorado and California. Alcohol is as likely an entry point to the world of mind-altering substances as pot is. Those who move on to harder drugs—and the infinitesimal minority who get hooked on harder drugs—would do so if marijuana were legal or not.

Would more people move on to drug-addled dissolution if marijuana were legalized? Wehner thinks so; I’m not so sure. But here’s where Wehner has a point: legalization of marijuana would compound the cascade of society toward unlimited individual rights—a trend that can be catastrophic if there isn’t a countervailing social emphasis on personal and civic responsibility. It might well accelerate the trend toward the couchification of American life; it certainly would not be a step toward the social rigor we’re going to need to compete in a global economy.

I’m for legalizing marijuana. It is a relatively mild, non-addictive drug. It is simply illogical for alcohol to be legal and pot not. But I’m also for searching out some civic rituals—some form of national service—that will inoculate young people with the understanding that they are part of something larger than themselves, that helping others, sacrificing a tiny increment of your freedom to make your community a better place, can be a different sort of high. Because if, in the mad dash toward pleasure and passivity, we lose track of our citizenship and the rigorous demands of a true working democracy, we may lose the social webbing that makes the pursuit of happiness possible.

Source: Time

Tags: Marijuana News, Opinion, Politics
Category: The Ganja Report

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