

Go my favorite sports team! Do good! Beat the opponent soundly, in the skirmish!


Attn Surfers:

Anyone got a short term remedy for jelly arms? Still got 2.5 days to go!
..and yes, already taken that table spoon of cement.


Have you heard? Unlimited bowling and laser skirmish tonight and tomorrow night from 7pm! $30pp. Why not brighten up your day with some after work fun!


Skirmish Tip: ALWAYS start your game with a fresh battery charge, a low battery cause a low cycle rate and possible damage.


@DebbieManson - were we invited to input? @Telegraph http://t.co/ytIJ3LiSgP


Great to see my good friend Gary McAllister standing as LibDem candidate for the Pallister Ward in Middlesbrough on May 2 in the by-election cause by the resignation of Labour councillor Barry Coppinger following his election as Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland. Gary lives in the ward and will do well.


"Go! Go my favorite sports team! Score a goal...unit...basket! Beat the opponents...soundly! In the skirmish! Go! Go team go!" #marchmadness


Arguing with a liberal who gets their facts from Piers Morgan and MSNBC is exhausting and pointless. However. I engaged. So the exhaustion is my own fault. Gotta learn to not engage the morons.


Gak, mau ke heroint aku "@BagusLD @dhitya_np ntar ikut skirmish gk?


Cameron chuntering on about the greatest peacetime prime ministers. That wee skirmish in the Falklands was pretty peaceful, huh?


@JHLiebenberg The barrels have just started showing up today bro. Happy days!!


Had a great day playing paintball at Skirmish yesterday in PA but back to reality again, work today, school tomorrow, and so the week continues.


From our interview at NY headquarters: Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ http://t.co/yP6bQwzZjc via @BloombergNews



I have a \\m/ for that any day!


Ok Walking Dead fans, let's discuss something (Spoiler Alert if you haven't started or finished season 1).

If everyone is already infected with the virus, and you will turn if you die due to a non-brain damage inducing injury/illness, why does getting bit or scratched matter, if the victim is already infected? I understand that due to differing states of physical decomposition among walkers and the nature of their feeding on flesh, they will most likely be carrying a host of nasty bacteria in their mouths and under their fingernails. I think its safe to say infections from those wounds would be highly volatile to an immune system (is the fever due to this, or the already present virus?). Consider the fate of Tiny and Hershel's leg. The resolution to those situations, resulted in the members of the group thinking those wounds posed a threat that superseded merely being infected by the virus in aerosol form.

My biggest question is, theorize a brand new walker, such as Shane. Would an amputation, or even a mercy killing be needed if Shane had bit/scratched Rick/Carl in a non life threatening way? He wouldn't have been in a state of decomposition to have accumulated the type of bacteria and/or viruses that a seasoned walker would have that quickly.

Also, I am not sure if I buy into dormant/active state of the virus theories, but I'm open to discussing it. What do you guys think, or have heard on this subject? And do you think the lack of explanation has to do with the need to further the series?


@lose_money @surf_skirmish without sounding like a creep, I was totally checking out previous photos. Hawaii looks amazing!


Ricks 7th birthday. As many games of bowling and laser skirmish as u want for 15.90 good deal. 8 kids later all having a ball. Suprisingly not all that busy...


@Surf_Photo Gough Whitlam, Sharpy!


@surf_skirmish @lose_money he and I are likely on opposite sides of the court. I bleed Green. http://t.co/k95JWXpoAR


Ok who wants to go bungy jumping or skydiving or just snorkeling or somethig with me.sick of being stgnant.i need to do stuff with my life.


TGIF! We have the fun for your weekend.....arcade, bowling, skirmish, the lot! Are you making it in?


Something tells me to stock up on ammo... North Koreans just freak me out now


First Nations warriors & US soldiers skirmish near Ft. Meigs, OH. The fort is intended to dominate the area around the lower Maumee River.


Crepes seem to be on everyone's mind. We had them last night in Bayeux, large and lucious. Mine had mushrooms, sausage and a lovely sliced and baked apple on top. This is one thing I can make - and I can adapt French fillings, too. So line up for crepes chez nous this spring.

We also went to Mont St. Michel yesterday, only to discover that it was closed. Not the whole island but the Abbey, the museum and many shops. It was a one day protest over the threatened raising of parking charges and other fees which both workers and shop owners fear will reduce tourism. We did get to see this fantastic place, first rising from the horizon, then up close as we walked up the narrow winding "main street" of the village and out on to various parapets. It's hard to believe that people began building there more than a thousand years ago, bringing stone by barge and horse or donkey. It's so small and so steep a site only a zealot would even consider it no matter how close to G-d it might be.
On the way past we saw a small sign reading "Jerusalem War Cemetery" and asked the driver of our van what it was. He explained that 48 British soldiers, killed in a skirmish with Germans over the adjacent farm, are buried there and that the name comes from a nearby village. Stilll, it was both creepy and moving.
Timme for dinner.


Jet dove amusement park skirmish billet: .EWO


So I am working out a the laser skirmish tomorrow so how about coming out and playing a game. were at
Unit 3, 4 Sheffield Place
Kelso, New South Wales, Australia 2795
Phone 0424 087 300

@surf_skirmish @lose_money I really am quite jealous!


@csandwith Pumping! How long are you there for Chrisso?


really want to go airsofting end of april this month for my birthday but cant think of a site i want to do, fancy something really indoor and cqb stylee....as im bored of just doing bolton and anzio


Exhaustive estrual skirmish so that in lowest acquit 5 up to 30minute sessions by use of minute.:


Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ - Bloomberg via @BloombergNow http://t.co/sP1Za0XgCi http://t.co/031Vm7imhm


Are you preparing for or waiting for tomorrow?

Skirmish 8:00AM Villanova Stadium!
\\\\\\/// #TTTIA


Cloudy with a chance for Skirmish!


i guess North korea and US conflict.... coming soon... just like vietnam


Ck has the best offensive line and defensive line??? K aha we schooled dem up!!


@surf_skirmish @Surf_Photo Oi MatZ if you dont mind me asking what sort of coin your trip costing just roughly, u got the kids with you?




Amazon loses to Matthew, of Wellington Boots fame: http://t.co/lrSKD0YrMz @diglotbooks


Orion - will holy world war happen before the next political world war?


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/E7cnr0Wq42

@ZachHall_13 I wanna get some heads to go to skirmish or w/e. Its kinda far but that place is the shit haha


2pm game on today, great weather for paintball, if you want to join in call Skirmish 54945566


"I was birthed in a savage hell
Where the system’s a straitjacket and great
planet Earth is a padded cell
Trapped in the same place, we live in a maze
With deadly weapons hidden away in these
militant days
To reach a different stage we must struggle and
I can’t sit in this cage believing government lies
Whilst they just juggle our lives, the future is
‘Cause we’ve got youths on the streets causing
trouble with knives
So when will this havoc stop?
I said a holy prayer for people not to vote for
Tony Blair in the ballot box
‘Cause he’s only there, hiding the truth from
The greed of mankind fertilized in the roots of
Searching for life’s purpose, knowing I’m lost
Never going to mosque or praying at Christ’s
Display entire verses has become a way of life
Leading a sinful path will cause me to pay a price
And now burning in Hell is bound to be my end in
Can’t have a live in paradise or enter Heaven’s
We’re all rats in a race, on a climb and chasing
Can’t fall flat on my face, I know time ain’t
waiting for me
So my aim’s making progress, finding a safe
But my brain’s aching in this painstaking process
In this life I lead I either fight or bleed
‘Cause all the sights of greed affected this
righteous seed
And knowing how unkind life can seem
My mind drifts ’cause it’s sometimes nice to
And deep inside of me I feel I need to change
‘Cause only in times of need is when I seem to
We’re even harming ourselves with the air we’re
I’m so stressed to the point where my hair’s
Humans losing their lives in violent killings
I’m waiting for the world to end and time is
Some people choose the path of righteous living
While others refused to be brainwashed by
So repent your sins before Christ has risen
Until the end begins I choose to fight the system
Roads roamed by the coldest of souls of devillish
Seeing as how most of the globe’s Americanized
Fire in the heavenly skies and Armageddon
Drifting into darkness so far from Heaven
And the meaning of life remains an unanswered
To learn from mistakes in the past and present
Now humanity’s overpowered by the forces of
And over time gods become less important to
Destination’s off the rails, living life
Committing crimes, ending up locked in jail
Using guns and knives, ruining tons of knives
It’s like a permanent black cloud over these
London skies…"_ Skirmish...


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