
tabletop day

Tabletop Day was tons of fun yesterday! Played some Munchkin, watched a little X-Wing, saw a bunch of fun games, and played a (long but) awesome game of Relic. =D



saturn taking flight off dirtbike tabletop
tabletop day


Never fear true believers! Thanks to Storm's overwhelming lightning, Thor's rallying leadership, Wolverine's fearsome ferocity, and Rogue's subtle trickery, Doctor Doom's nefarious plans were defeated, and the day was won! And it...was...LEGENDARY.


Carnevale Starvation Hits TableTop Nation
tabletop day


Clips from our Tabletop day event http://t.co/R5jcTcHZa4


NHD Video for Tabletop 2013
tabletop day

Okay, so after this past Tabletop day and after watching a few episodes of Tabletop on youtube...I really want to play Pandemic, and Tsuro. Zombie Dice and Get Bit also look like a lot of fun :)


Day 1 Pre-Show Banter - Tabletop Product Photography with Don Giannatti
tabletop day


International TableTop Day 2013 - Slideshow
tabletop day


Jordan Mechner extended interview from Star Fluxx - TableTop ep. 16
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‘Underworld Party And The Dancing Queen’

Dancin’ on the tabletop
Dancin’ till the music stops
Feelin’ it in our bones and we will never
grow old
Rockin’ till our ears bleed
A high volume jam stampede
Watch the night erupt and let it all

Primal instinct changes everything
Own the night, let freedom ring
We paint pictures on every alley wall
Neon lights guide the way
Time to rock and own the day
We hear the sound and answer the call

Time to spread the makeup
Grab the vibe and shake up
My dancing queen is on fire
Time to hit the dance floor
Sweat and groove…romance more
She kisses me…gets me higher!!


Decided to get on the old tabletop PC to check out some work e-mail and do some serious reading up on some modules. I decided to check out facebook first (of course) first, talk about molasses in the the winter ... that is this old PC! Now we are going to get ready, go pay our electric bill, and go to breakfast. I will squeeze in the reading, take a quick nap and then up to get ready to go back to slave camp this evening! Enjoy your April Fool's Day today!


2012 Appin Tabletop jump on a yz 250f
tabletop day


Started 24 guinea fowl eggs in a tabletop incubator now I just wait 28 days to be a new dad. There are 18 more spaces in the incubator so in 7 days I will add chicken eggs to fill it up. Chicks only need 21 days so I hope they all hatch the same day. I hope they don't all end up with confused sibling identities or some other syndrome.


Chez Geek: Paul Sabourin, Storm DiCostanzo, and Andrew Hackard Join Wil on TableTop, episode 18
tabletop day


Say Anything: Josh A. Cagan, Matt Mira, and Jonah Ray join Wil on TableTop, episode 10
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Gotta say how well I think the first round of the British supermoto championships was run, from having a proper timetable through to pre grid organisation to proper race distances, whole thing felt very very professional. Well done to all concerned..


pete cam 36:international tabletop day
tabletop day


Played "Settlers of Catan" with son & grandkids today, all unaware that today was International Tabletop Day (with SoC as #1 game). Mystically attuned, or just lucky?


Freddie Wong Extended Interview from Zombie Dice, Get Bit!, and Tsuro TableTop Ep3
tabletop day


I bought a Wounded Warrior Project patch this week. Told the young men at the table that I appreciate their doing what they need to do to keep everyone safe, and that while I'm a pacifist to the extreme, I appreciate their service. I drew them a picture of Wonder Woman that said "Until the great day when Hestia rules instead of Aries, keep doing what you need to do."

Yet, when people come to me and think it will play off as clever or humorous to glorify the death of the "enemy," I will always be infuriated. Always. People are not a joke. Killing is not a joke. Even in circumstances where it's nigh-on unavoidable. Even when it's "them" and not "us."

Because kids? It's all us. People. We are people. We are ALL people. And even if you HAVE to hurt them to stop them from hurting you, it is not something to be laughed off.

Accept the fact that war should be seen as an undesirable last resort and not something to glorify. Just like abortion. Nobody WANTS either, nobody SHOULD want either, and neither makes a good joke.

So why did the chicken cross the road?


Rough day on the bike yesterday - took my first digger on the 450. Landed sideways off a big tabletop. Don't remember the crash - got knocked out & was laying in the middle of the track. Luckily Walt saw the crash & flagged the riders behind me, otherwise I would have been run over. Thank you Denise Cardaman for helping out last night & keeping on eye on me.


Basic Subject Centric Lighting - Tabletop Product Photography with Don Giannatti
tabletop day


Great video of our #TableTopDay by "@DiceAndNames: Clips from our Tabletop day event http://t.co/G6GtUTq9Kf"


GeekDad & TableTop Contest Winners!
tabletop day


G3 - Polt vs Morrow - King of the Beta - Grand Finals
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TableTop Team Trivia tonight at Lake Dora Sushi and Sake. Be warned.... I love April fools day!


Chris Hardwick extended interview from Dragon Age - TableTop ep. 19
tabletop day


Nerd Guides 1 - Tabletop Role-Playing Games
tabletop day


We got mentioned by one excited Tabletop Day fan on this tumblr post.... check it out! http://t.co/VTN8eOweHV


Spent International TableTop Day playing Fiasco at Card Kingdom then bought the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game and some Magic: The Gathering supplies for my own collection. Had a great time and Fiasco is a fun game. Not to mention met the guys from the NPC Cast! Another great local podcast on gaming.


TableTop day from @GeekandSundry meets burlesque in Seattle! http://t.co/mKS2ecOtG5


Haha organisation for games day tomorrow is underway. #tabletop #newpeoplecoming #yay


Tabletop Gardens: Plant it, pick it, eat it - gardening accessible to all
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tabletop at new wood jumps
tabletop day


Day 3 Pre-Show Banter - Tabletop Product Photography with Don Giannatti
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Rolling for Initiative--International TableTop Day Reflections http://ow.ly/2vRqSg


Tabletop to start the day off right!
tabletop day


Lake Elsinore Deconstruction: Blake Baggett Breaks Down the Giant Tabletop
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Kevin Sussman extended interview from Dragon Age - TableTop ep. 19
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Does anyone in Utah know of a bar that would allow a weekly/monthly Warhammer 40k / Beerhammer shindig?


Formula D: Grace Helbig, Greg Benson, and Hannah Hart join Wil on TableTop Season 2 Ep. 1
tabletop day


Missed TableTop day? http://t.co/XzqQd8CXQy


Featured game of the week: in celebration of our International Tabletop Game Day on Sunday (April 7th), we are featuring ALL our board games this week. ALL in-stock board games are 25% OFF regular price !

Join us for Tabletop Game Day this Sunday and try out games like Descent, Dixit, 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride, Munchkin and many others ! This is a FREE event and we will draw for multiple promotional items :)


TableTop Extended Interview: Hannah Hart
tabletop day


We kinda missed an opportunity to do an event for World Tabletop Day, but would anyone be interested if I started... http://t.co/4nMnhLfnMI


Have you seen this great video of Tabletop Day in Seattle with James Ernest of Cheapass Games? http://t.co/L5PVZ9KRTh

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