

Was wondering what to wear for Comic Con...Juggling ideas of one or two characters I can pull off with what I already have.

Log into Tumblr to find my Self shot Iris Shaw go from a few notes to almost 300 in 2 days...

I didn't even think about it...

Should I just go to Comic Con as Iris Shaw or is that lazy?



Question. What should i get. 6.8 V10 petro or 6.4 v8 diesel. Both with right around 100k. Both 08. Same price give or take 2 grand. Gas is just immaculate???/?


get your mobiles and laptops out.............. its in play time!!!!

Wow man, Chrysler tryina soak my dad for 0ver 600 to replace rear pads and rotors on a van that only has 28,000 km on it. Chrysler warrantee sux ass and is full of it. Rokkin is not happy.


PART TIME(10-40K ) / FULL TIME (50K-2 LAKHS per month)
Do you have 2-4Hrs to spare?
(only persons from Delhi , Noida , G Noida , Gaziabaad , Sahibabaad , Faridabaad , Ballabgarh , Bahudargarh , Gurgaon , Lucknow , Jaipur )

if you are planning to work for yourself, this message is for you.
Are you worth what you’re earning?
Fed up of 9-5 Job, Travel, and Stress?
Have you always wanted to be your own BOSS?

Then just proceed.
Money never sleeps - opportunity never waits.
Looking for serious and ambitious people..
Serious people call at ANIL-9968687272 or anil9968687272@gmail.com or
Serious People write here in reply so that we can contact u--------------


Keep liking and sharing our photos to increase awareness so we can reach our ultimate goal of 40k likes


(1) A CHALLENGE TACD. Lets see if we can go the remainder of today without posting anything about abortion or religion, there is much more to our nation than just these two beat to death topics right?


PART TIME(10-40K ) / FULL TIME (50K-2 LAKHS per month)
Do you have 2-4Hrs to spare?
(only persons from Delhi , Noida , G Noida , Gaziabaad , Sahibabaad , Faridabaad , Ballabgarh , Bahudargarh , Gurgaon , Lucknow , Jaipur )

if you are planning to work for yourself, this message is for you.
Are you worth what you’re earning?
Fed up of 9-5 Job, Travel, and Stress?
Have you always wanted to be your own BOSS?

Then just proceed.
Money never sleeps - opportunity never waits.
Looking for serious and ambitious people..
Serious people call at ANIL-9968687272 or anil9968687272@gmail.com or
Serious People write here in reply so that we can contact u


Looking for a job or know someone who is looking for a job?
I have a position open at my office. My partner and I are looking for an executive assistant/office manager. We handle many financial business transactions from taxes and estate planning to investment banking capital structure and raising money. The position requires a professional motivated and experienced in the areas of organizing the office and our time, computer (word, excel, outlook, and QuickBooks), a professional presentation both in person and over the phone are needed. Someone that can take a task and figure out how to do it the best way.
The position will be from 9-5 M-F Minimum 40 hours per week @ $40k per year paid weekly. Professional dress code and must have the ability to travel to work by car every day to Garden City NY (Long Island).
Email me at: paulp@3rdmillennium.net


USCIS just announced that it got 124k petitions for the 85k available H1B visas. This means that for the first time since 2008 there will be a lottery to determine who gets in. That's 40k talented people that won't be able to get hired in the US, many of them at Facebook!

How can you help? Sign a petition to congress here:

Spread the message!


#155 I am an Ex student. The time i have spent in AUS was priceless. Studied from kg1-A-level, enjoyed each and everyday at aus to the fullest. Sometimes i really open past school magazines and shed some tears of happiness. Whenever i recall memories of my high school i feel so nostalgic. Made a lot friends in aus but at the end of the day when i graduated from aus only few of them remember me now. Really glad to have such friends :D. My piece of advice to you guys is never blame or pin point school's performance or activities because they are trying to give you the best you deserve.


does anyone have a JUSTIN BIEBER page that needs admins? (:
I own a 1K 2K and 3K and i admin a 21K 22K, 27K, and a 40K(:


Can someone lend me 40k i will give them 60k next week


The US immigration system is hopelessly broken. That's not news to anyone. But its impact on the economy still seems to be. The USCIS announced today that the H1B visa cap has been met and then some within 5 days of opening the filing period. Over 124k applications were filed for just 85k available visas. So almost 40k eligible individuals, mostly in the technology and science sectors, will be denied entry to the US costing us millions in lost tax revenue and depressing the growth of the tech companies trying to hire.

When will congress wake up and realize that the economic strength of a country comes first and foremost from its people? And when you get a chance to attract some of the best people in the world you should embrace this opportunity and not shrug it off with some empty excuse on 'protecting American jobs'.

Read about it at http://1.usa.gov/10M0toq and sign a petition to Congress at http://bit.ly/12Axd96.


Just spent the last hour and a half talking to school people. It's probably official, I'm going to Le Cordon Bleu in Minneapolis this August. If anyone wants to give me money for school, I'll give you pastries.


Aaarrrggghhhh. Just found out that a house down the street sold for $124K last month. God damn it. Not as big or nice as mine, but still.


Nap or paint 40k? Days off must be used wisely...


Of the 45 houses in our subdivision, OURS had the HIGHEST real estate property tax increase for 2013.

25 went down, 5 were unchanged, 15 went up.

The biggest increase was 8.09%; the biggest decrease was 9.91%. Average change for all 45 houses was 0.69% decrease.

We have to wait until May 1st to file our appeal.


I know Thatcher did some awful things to this country but she was a Mother and her family must hate everyone celebrating...we should celebrate when the likes of Peter Sutcliffe and Ian Huntley and Mick Philpott die...now thats evil..


trying to get close to 40k tonight
post on our wall for shares or specials ❤


Working off site today.@ husky truck in Tukwila. Good thing its a 24 hour yard, I got 5 semi trucks to put back-up cameras in. let's see if I can get them all done today and it will be a $1250 Labor Day.


Some people must be really dumb, GUMTREE ADD 32INCH TV 140. So i go on ebay find same tv for 114.99 with 6months warranty and been looked at by professional and in perfect condition.

So i say to woman " what yours best price because i found the same model on ebay for 114.99 with warranty."

Woman " My lowest would be 130"

LOOOOOOL, right so what gives u the edge from the competition on ebay? Lmao she would need to be saying to me 80 if i was going to go with her tv for the sake of warranty. Her tv brand new is 180, Doesnt she know when leaves shop its worth half that, just like a car you buy merc at 40k, its worth 20k soon u drive off the court!


Yo guys new admin Scott I Admin a 23k And 40K+ Hope you like me

Sub to my youtube :) SUB TO https://www.youtube.com/user/BigheadAndGoofyTooth?feature=mhee

So first question who is the best player you have ever had in fifa?-Scott


I was going to ride my bike to my swim class today but gio told me it was really windy. I stepped outside and seriously almost fell over bc I wasn't expecting it to be that bad lol... not riding to school today now! Lol


40k Players!
Don't forget about this Saturdays Mondo Tourney! Seating is limited so if you are interested in attending please stop by the shop and pre-buy your seat!
See under EVENTS for more details!

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