

Allow light in the middle of it all. :)



Clash of Clans!


Have customer service and management experience and looking to actually make a difference and make real money? I am sure you are tired of getting paid a lot less than you are worth - it devalues your experience. I am hiring customer service and management individuals for several positions available. Message me for details.


how many of my 40k followers actually work out?? ----> like this status if you work out :)


***Wedding March*** Things I learned this weekend: Nothing insulting actually this time, but I did learn paying for a wedding will have u panhandling from urself. U know that collection of coins in ur center console that just accumulates? U find urself collecting anything shiny in it, those jeans u kick over in the morning and hear change in them u usually leave there, now ur shaking them out. #Yup


The Mercedes Benz C230. Or, as it is known here, the $40K makeup mirror...


.... -_- ... sighs... HOPELESS... haha


Any1 Whats the price of iPhone 5 and 4 new and used???? in Al-bakistaniyah?


Power News Update: PSNH Retail Supplier Mass Transition Cost 40k http://ow.ly/2w1DaW


Sheila finished the taxes this weekend, there is another 40K down the shitter!


Just made an appointment my baby is getting tinted tomorrow;)


if you were wondering prices for our first team here they are
hazard 40k
if witsel 20k
sif fellaini 60k
if martens 20k
kompany 25k
our reserve team prices are here
suarez 10k
aguero 60k
nasri 15k
dadid silva 25k
toure 20k
kompany 25k


Maggie did not care about anyone.She and her government distroyed people.There was no give or take,she wanted to take all.She help me because I had no future in Liverpool.It was the dole or nothing,because she could not stand people who stand up for there rights.People remember what she really did.


I had this conversation/debate/argument over the weekend...please chime in...

Is it ok for a woman to make more money than her man if they are married or living together?


We are currently recruiting for a Real Estate Office Manager. Must have previous office management experience, along with some light accounting. Real Estate experience required. This is a direct hire position. Monday-Friday. $30-40k. For consideration, please email your resume to jessica.golian@expresspros.com. Include "Real Estate Office Manager" in the subject line.

Thank you!


FanPost: For those of you who like me are taking a hit during these hard times with this ammo shortage, while depressing, it doesn't mean your shooting has to take a major blow. Do not neglect one of the biggest training tools you have, dry fire, dry fire and dry fire some more. Also do not forget to practice draws and reloads, be it for competition or CCW. I've heard a lot of people complaining that their shooting abilities are taking a hit due to the lack of ammo. This is a poor excuse, while the down range feedback from shooting live ammo is great, most top level shooters in reality they dry fire just as much if not more than shooting. Lately I've neglected shooting practice to save my ammo for matches, spending much more time just practicing with dry fire, draws, reloads and various other things for matches. I've been seeing faster splits with more accurate shots. There is a trick however, when you draw and dryfire you HAVE to ensure that your sights are aligned and on target, if not you will only Hurt yourself. For more insight check out andersonshooting.com.


<< GUILD BATTLE >> New Rules (4/8/2013)
*Monday GB* = 35 weekly entry top35 players reset on Sun.
15 Low BR this is random must be level 50 + 25-30k. BR. to enter low BR. GB. this day.

*Wednesday GB* = 35 weekly entry top35 players reset on Sun.
15 Mid BR. same random must be level 55-60 + 31-40k. BR to enter the mid BR. GB. this day.

*Friday final GB* = All top50 BR. priorities blah blah blah we just nid to win on this GB.

So 24K BR below or level 49 below cant be participants on this GB not unless theres too many AFK/offline other than that Endure.


Power News Update: PSNH Retail Supplier Mass Transition Cost 40k http://ow.ly/2w1DaV


Monday Rally Call! What did you race and was it what you expected?


For sale tag heuer for women 40k orig price 75k no box n waranty check with authorized distributor for authenticity rush txt or call 09163033886


Just checked in. Baggage allowed 40K. Successfully checked-in 91K without paying a single cent for the 51K excess. Whewww! Thank you God for the provision. It really pays to be congenial... hahaha :-D Thank you Mr. Rasheed & Mr Sanjeev of Kuwait Airways!

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