

seeing an attorney this week to draft very important documents so our affairs are in order if something happens to us. I suggest that if you dont have a transfer-on-death affadavit, or survivorship deed, that you get one so your house doesnt go thru probate when you die. Also, assign someone power-of-attorney so that if you are in a coma or otherwise incapacitated, they can pay bills and make other financial decisions on your behalf (of course you must trust this person implicitly). If you have more than 2 cars, you need to put both your names on them with ROS (or you & your kids) so your vehicles arent stuck in probate and possibly confiscated to pay debts (2 cars cant be worth more than $40k together when doing spouse rights upon death) Quite a few important things to think about. And most important, If you have minor children, make sure there's a guardian appointed if both mother & father pass together... to handle finances and other affairs for them until they are 18.



AHHHH!! so happy!


Anybody up for a game of 40k, 5th edition?

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