
forge world

On way home from Forge World Open Day. Nice day out. Lots of great models and info :)



#BRICS Regimes Forge New World #Bank, Call for Global #Currency http://t.co/bFAc9aSclk #tcot #forex #USD #GLD #TeaParty #China #ANC #liberty


Bad Dice #Podcast: Forge World Open Day 2013 pictures http://t.co/fmoZx3AydM #WHFB #WFB #WMH

BRICS Regimes (some of the most brutal autocrats on earth) Forge New World Bank, Call For Global Currency http://t.co/lT3P23Y8qc


#about #contemporary Night - Night is Elie Wiesels candid, horrific, and poignant account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elies wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in the language and spirit truest to the authors original intent. And in a substantive new preface, Elie reflects on the enduring importance of Night and his lifelong, passionate dedication to ensuring that the world never forg... http://ow.ly/2vSmPe


@JaceErrata Smallest UNSC Frigate is 150 World Units long in Forge!


@porton i tell you this, i wish forge world had come out 6 weeks ago!


ding, ding, ding. "and in this corner...." http://t.co/bUpb1HRgqY


@souljacker1974 Horus Heresy? Novel (Horus Rising) or Forge World Book (Betrayal) ? #warmingers #warmongers


WHILE OBAMA TWIDDLES HIS FINGERS>>BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency http://t.co/Pe8h6tMha0 @patdollard


Новинки от форджи, подробности тут: http://t.co/W2uYYrO7j9 http://t.co/QbWWMzdZRv


元々Patrick Forgeの http://t.co/aCA9AdqAy0 聴いてたら勝手に連続再生されたのだけど、まあいいや、という。| http://t.co/fkI9kn9J4S


@breacher18 can we can we?
This Sunday Warhammer World plays host to the Forge World Open Day, and... http://t.co/XtUHAaeSbU”


Forge World Open weekend thing this past weekend, huh? How the hell did I miss that entirely? I could have spent hours drooling! Er, wait..


BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency - http://t.co/MrHqbrT8nf


This Italian weblog has a hell of a roundup of Forge World Open Day pics. That Pre-Heresy Land Speeder... yes Sir. http://t.co/Xab6vtArVb


Snuna head-canon (Suggested)

Luna was in her mid-fourties. She felt old, and that was probably true. She was married to the most perfect man she had ever known, and her children... she loved them even more than she loved Rolf. Her twins reminded her about Fred and George. But even though she had everything, she still remembered Hogwarts. She remembered the corridors, Neville, Hermione and Harry. But for some reason, the thing she remembered most clearly was Severus Snape. When she thought about it... she actually liked him. She wanted to meet him one last time, visit, maybe they could get a cup of tea together at Madam Puddifoot's, just something. She missed him more than anything on Hogwarts, even though he had been a Death Eater. And then she finally realized it. She would simply take a trip to Hogwarts again (she had a reason, Lysander was starting his third year). It was so simple really. But she still didn't know why she wanted to be with him. She had disliked him when she attended to Hogwarts. Maybe it had gone so far that she even missed Snape.

As Lysander and Luna ran into the brick wall together, Luna suddenly had a flash of nostalgy, doing this with her own father, Xenophilius. It had been one of the best feelings ever.
She saw the Potter's and Weasley's, and she waved, as the went on the train.
Lysander and Luna found a compartment, but when they had been sitting there for almost an hour, Luna suddenly stepped up, excused herself with a smile on her face.
Severus. She had to find him.
She walked through the compartments, looking in every single one she could find, until she found her goal.
Snape sat in a compartment, alone. Just like she had been.mThey had that in common, at least. She knocked on the door to the compartment, and she could see got shocked with excitement, as with a big grin on his face, waved her in.

"Luna Lovegood!" he almost yelled.
She wasn't sure how he remembered her. It had been thirty years. Maybe he was like Ollivander's, remembered every wand that he ever had sold. Did he still work on Hogwarts? He hadn't aged a day.
"Severus Snape", she smiled and had a seat.
He looked stunned. And... if she were to admit it... he looked stunning too.
She didn't want to think about it. They started talking, sharing everything they had experienced through the years, and the conversation became deeper.
"You're very attractive, Luna", he charmed her.
She could feel the butterflies in her stomach come back, as they had before. But that was a long time ago.
"Thank you, Severus. You look very handsome too, I might add."

He smiled.
"So, of course you're married, then?" he asked with a hopeful expression
She was curious. Why was he interested? And why was he hopeful?
"Yes, I am", she smiled. "Why are you asking?"
She could see the hopefulness go away as quickly as you could snap your fingers.
"Oh, no reason. I thought..."
He leaned over and kissed her cheek. It wasn't butterflies in her stomach now, it was angry bees.
"I had to do that. At least once. Please, forg..."
But she cut him off, with a soft kiss. She had never felt this way before,not even about Rolf. She had tried to deny it, not wanting to face the truth. She had children. But that didn't matter. Becsusd she knew.
She knew that she loved him.
They kept kissing deeper.

~TA Angelyn...



Forge World Open Day Snaps http://t.co/NzRzX7rVRg via @TheShellCase #40k


BRICS (=Brazil, Russia, India, China & S. Africa) — agreed to set up a new world bank http://t.co/Z1ak1JzTEp


Мясной скандал уходит под воду. Рыбу также подделывают во всем мире http://t.co/4LAksUHmTG


Evolution and Syncretism (COEXIST) and ecumenical movements are hard underway to forge a One World Religion... http://t.co/EhhR8Bxw57


BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency http://t.co/lm1TVjrg6v


US Secretary of State Kerry on fresh mission to forge new path forward in Middle East peace talks http://t.co/FWdCyBYG1d


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/eXvK0GpJmo Forge World Open Day 2013


BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency http://t.co/BpqwhJATy5


BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency … http://t.co/DNSkLXsknC


Hey @JoeyBerry89 - are you going to make it to the Forge World own day this weekend?


BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency http://t.co/xqJEpR37Gi #news


For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

God has great plans for your life! Send a prayer request and caring volunteers will pray for you on God's Plan for Your life.
Send Us Your Prayer Request


Enter a world where wandering adventurers forge the future. Beware the trolls and dragons. Beginning of a Hero. http://t.co/KTtYMRDs2d

I was ABUSED sexually as a CHILD, and many of you have been too. I'm praying for you that you FORGIVE the perpetrators. We are OVERCOMERS & have nothing to be ASHAMED of! I REFUSE to be in bondage by my PAST HURTS! I will NOT commit MURDER by talking NEGATIVE about them! I am a VICTOR and NOT a VICTIM! My past help shape who I am TODAY to help SOMEBODY ELSE!


If you guys enjoy Custom games & Forge world creations --

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El Descanso del Escriba: Fotos del Forge World Open Day(Parte IV y final) http://t.co/jNueIlvPp8


#Warmongers anyone interested in buying Forge world Great Unclean One. Pro painted. Base Done to buyers needs. Offers http://t.co/u2gbJ0X2oZ


Forge World Open Day high-res pics. http://t.co/4tkpsaQQQR


Financial firms that step forward long-term loan quittance loans chokey obtain forge widthwise world wide web.:


Não sei vocês, mas eu adoro RPG. E administrar League of Legends, Perfect World, Forge of Empires e Heroes of Newerth não tem sido fácil.

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