

My professor put a page of equations on the board and said these are games to play......sir you need a life



G1 - Google está negociando a compra do aplicativo WhatsApp, diz site - notícias em Tecnologia e Games: http://t.co/FOHkKh0Mir undefined


Hey Wolverine fans big game tonight. Maybe the last time you see T Burke play for Michigan. The NBA is calling.


What a night of games.

Thank you, #FinalFour.


Mark Gorman u united/wigan faced fuck budgie how the bloody well are u mukka


If you want to be a PLAYER make sure ur not in a relationship" being TRUE to the one you love is being the MAN you should be.maybe u should have thought about that before you got into the relationship.Dont HATE the PLAYER HATE the GAME.


Big games not as important tonight!


My game was amazing tonight..


@Melanie_L18 Cubs all the way! Sox games suck lol


Well being bored has taken over everything today ....if only I had somewhere to go or something to do instead of looking at these four walls x


Dear residents of Sugar Grove, under my First Amendment Right I on my own without the pressure from any candidate give you my personal views on the upcoming Village Presidents Election in Sugar Grove based on each candidates statements and views. I have lived in Sugar Grove for over 20 years and have seen many Elections but I have never seen one that has been filled with such smoke and mirrors. The challenger to our current Village President Sean Michel's calls for an open and honest government. So lets look at the facts. The challenger says we need to change the time of our local government meeting and to video these meetings so that the public can be more informed. Lets look at Yorkville IL. who already video tapes their meetings. Their population is almost twice the size as Sugar Grove. At it's highest point when issues that the Yorkville residents where concerned about they had hits of 35 people or residents. On the average it is closer to 5 or 6. So Mr. Challenger what is this system going to cost me the tax payer since you have never given a cost associated with venture? Are we under FCC ruling? Do we need to make access for the hearing impaired? Do we have to have it in Spanish? Your time line in putting this system in seems to be quite aggressive. You first have to have it passed, that's one meeting. You then need to come up with a spec so all parties submitting bids are all bidding from the same book. That's a second meeting. You then need to go to bid and their always seems to be some sort questions on the spec. That's a third meeting and then you need to vote on the winning bid. I see this taking 2 to 3 months. Or Are you simply going to go with a local company who we both know is a friend of yours. I hear you plan to bring in more business to Sugar Grove to widen the tax base, just how do you plan to do this since you have never stated your game plan? Can I assume you plan to lower the impact fees and give tax breaks to these new businesses. By lowing impact fees the Village then has to use more money out of it's village funds, by giving tax we will not see any money from these businesses with tax breaks for 5 to 7 years. So how do you plan to keep the village funds full. The only way I know how is to raise taxes. Lets talk about being business friendly and also listening to residents. If the residents say no to video gambling then you hurt the American Legion who has only provided for our vets. If you help the American Legion you have then broken you promise to the residents. You can't have your cake and eat it too. As for your SWOT with fortune 100 and 500 companies, how do you plan to meet these executives, stand out at the airport with a sign that says I'm the Village President please help Sugar Grove. I have been told that that the current Village President Sean Michel's was offered the same help 4 years ago by Mr. Jerry Rich. But apparently they where to interested in golf than helping Sugar Grove, and now you have been offered the same deal. Isn't this the man who just donated $5000.00 to you campaign of the $8,300.00 you generated. So who would be running the village, Jerry Rich? So much for your open and honest government you can't even give credit for where credit is do. From what I can see and this is only my opinion from the facts given to me, your not even in office and your already cutting back room deals. I see some residents want "CHANGE". The last 2 times America wanted change we elected the now loved and admired President Jimmy Carter and the current President Barack Obama, hows that working out for the American people. Be careful what you ask for.

Village President Sean Michel's has a proven track record and has given of his time and energy to make this Village a better place to live. I ask all voter to look at the facts and not the smoke and mirrors. RE-ELECT SEAN MICHEL'S for PRESIDENT OF THE VILLAGE OF SUGAR GROVE.

Keith Koester


windows open--light cleaning-- getting ready for the game tonight ....


If the Christian life were a football game then Sunday would be the locker room and the game would be the rest of the week we get our game plan on Sunday and it's our job to use it the rest of the week




my new game system :p


Why Unecessary Swearing in Video Games Annoys Me: Although she has no problem with swearing, Laura thinks that... http://t.co/AsRfraIL1N undefined


Looking forward to our big game this week .... Wembley
Its a shitty place in London
Where United want to be


Monster Stunts: The Monster Stunts show is crashing into a town near you! Be amazed as you witness life threat... http://t.co/K48aF7wmNb undefined


"In China, You Can Pay Women To Play Video Games With You" #ok


10 games left in the season, still think the Flyers can make the playoffs? Use #PhillySportsTalk, see your take at 5:00 @MBarkannCSN


Conner: Therees only 170 tickets left for the game at Shrewsbury


Vikings/Game of thrones. love mondays


The Slender Games - HISHE


# Sports new tabletop games: Attachment 57013 (http://t.co/UFX98oe6Fm... http://t.co/7UxTz0nCkc #rpg undefined


“@Biaalixo: Only 34 spots for the biggest field trip of the year? May the odds be in your favor


Spencer 3-4, tight games but opp calmed down emotionally. Dog fight #ataresults


Cricket this weekend v Clare Cricket Club (Ireland)

Sat 13 April - game starts at 1pm
Sun 14 April - gam starts at 1.30pm

Bring on the cricket!


GGGGGGOOOODDDDD MORNIng San francisco........ Fresh start of a new week and new beginnings and another SF Giant game tonight woohooooooooooo Great day everyone


Watching a high stakes bingo game


Hi,my is prince kipz,i lov my girlfriend bt s/he pisses mi off a lot yesrDay,,,,love is a nem,sex is a game,so 4got the nem n play the game hard


Saints vs KR and London vs Featherstone will be the closest #ChallengeCup 4th round games. London are shit


Kaik Alag Tamari Ae Rit Mane Game
Tame Karo Cho Ae Tarkib Mane Game
Mitro To Che Ketlay Pan
Tame Nibhavo Cho Ae Dosti Ni Rit Mane
Game Che..


Game of thrones is stupidly good



Tonight, we have a great NCAA championship game between Louisville and Michigan, but the pall is still hanging around from the Rutgers mess. And it probably will until the house is completely clean. Once again, it's the people in charge deferring responsibility and I don’t mind telling you I’m way past fed up with it. I’ve had enough of watching some million-dollar executive stand there and explain why it was someone else’s fault.

Last week, my stance was I don’t see how the coach gets fired but everyone else in charge gets to stay. Then Friday, the Athletic Director resigned under pressure. And so the university president took the podium to begin his defense of his role in the whole mess. Maybe this week, he’ll be gone and Rutgers can start to heal from this.

But in the meantime, we’ll have to hear a lot about how great a guy he is and how this just wasn’t his responsibility. How the guy who has the biggest office on campus … likely one of the highest paid state employees in New Jersey … the guy who is ultimately responsible for everything on campus, isn’t responsible for this.

I’m sure you know about how the coach was physically and verbally abusive to his players, about how he regularly and effusively used homophobic slurs, about how the video was presented to the AD last summer and again in November, and how he chose to fine and suspend the coach rather than fire him then. He says the university lawyers and HR people told him he couldn’t fire the coach. But he wished he would have done it anyway.

Now the president says he didn’t watch the video until last week. He participated in a deliberation on whether to fire his basketball coach, and then signed off on a $50,000 fine and 3-day suspension instead, but never watched the video evidence. Really?

The guy that ran Enron was not responsible. The guy in charge of BP is not responsible. The guy that ran Penn State was not responsible. And the president of Rutgers University is not responsible for what is happening in his yard. My question is: If you’re not, who is?

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