
gettysburg address

A new fan wearing a Cougar Chat shirt! Who is it? (2nd photo is a hint.)
gettysburg address



I just liked "Gettysburg Address" on Vimeo: http://t.co/WXcIoOhMP1


You know who has to memorize the Gettysburg Address? This girl :O


The Gettysburg address is just not happening


To: All Sitting Politician's,
Please Read, Memorize, and Retain in those THICK skulls of yours.
This nation under God shall have a new birth for freedom and that Gov't of the People, by the People, for the People shall not parish from the earth.
"Abraham Lincoln"
End Verse of The Gettysburg Address.


@MaxIsFancy I like it, I wish the Gettysburg Address was spoken in that fashion.


@awright55 Yes we will read Gettysburg address, but need ideas for writing poetry. :)


In The News of Late:

Being somewhat topical as I can, Abraham Lincoln began his Gettysburg Address by telling us: “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” — Abraham Lincoln

He was referring of course to the Deceleration Of Independence wherein was written: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” — Thomas Jefferson

Those framers of our government also established a rigid separation of church and state insuring us freedom from religious persecution. So why do we have clergy doing all the talking head interviews about the marriage conundrum? Those claiming to be Christian should check the textbook. Christ never disparaged or showed prejudice to anyone. He traveled with the outcasts of his time. He taught us to be responsible for what we do and not point fingers and judge others actions or inactivity. And he never assured anyone they would burn in Hell (shoutouts to Michelle Shocked and the Westboro Baptist Church lunatics – did God ask you to speak for him?). He also NEVER condemns homosexuals, but I digress.

With all these freedoms, and all men being equal and all, who the hell does anyone else think they are to tell any of us whom we can marry? They connote marriage to mean a man and a woman, but that’s more religious bullshit. Flavors marry and no one restricts those to only male and female. Marriage is a union of two or more to make a stronger one. That being said, to my seeing things, the only one who has anything to say about whom I or anyone can marry (if they’re able to consent) is the one they ask to marry them.

Making it a “Gay Marriage” debate is semantics. If anyone has the right to the benefits and protections of marriage, don’t we all have it?

If you’re not registered to vote do that please. Vote out anyone who thinks they can legislate whom we can marry. IT’S NOT THEIR CALL! We get to make that choice. We either are all equal or we aren’t and in that case, let’s outlaw marriage as an institution. I’d rather outlaw politicians who missed the day in Civics class where they should’ve learned America is a REPRESENTATIVE government and it’s not what they want, but what WE want.

It’s like high school where a small segment of the population made homecoming court nominations and we could only choose from their options. See above. They’re OUR options. Make a trip to the voting booth and make your choice.


Gettysburg address to the tune of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song, holy crap, hilarity ensues.


Having to memorize part of the Gettysburg address is so stupid.


I have the Gettysburg address stuck in my head


A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/IjSYluPJje via @stephenwoodfin


Sean got me bettybots every flavor beans and a reproduction document of the Gettysburg address as a gift :-)
Idk if I trust eating the beans...


For the love of god some one please find the Chicken an Waffles Lays and or the Cheesy Garlic Bread chips and send them to my wife before she freaks out. Thank you to everyone who can get this done, we cant find them here.

Oh and RUSH tickets with back stage passes if its not too much trouble.


A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/ewsAjUwBJ8 via @stephenwoodfin


Congress is debating whether or not to make it illegal to say the pledge in school, because it might "offend" someone. I'm sorry, but if the pledge or saying "under God" offends you, what the hell are you doing in the U.S ?


Just my bit of US history 101 tonight. Bet more people read a sports article today than one of these 3


Acaban de ponerme una grabación del Gettysburg Address y os juro que dos de las voces eran las de The Dean y Troy Barnes.


Question: what are the first 5 words of the Gettysburg Address? .........No googling


i just posted the gettysburg address on my other account #why


"The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position."

--George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796




Here is a weird request - I have been searching for Civil War reenactors - we already know of a military outfit but I am mostly looking for women and children and an Abe Lincoln to give the Gettysburg Address at a Civil War function for the Historical Society. Let me know if you know of any in the CT/NY area


"But let us not forget that it is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense." - H.L. Mencken on the Gettysburg Address http://t.co/mXvKZJW9Hr


From Haunted Salem:

Visitors to Gettysburg are immersed in history. On just three days in July 1863, more than 51,000 soldiers lost their lives, in and around the Pennsylvania town just north of the Mason-Dixon Line, in what was to become the Civil War’s bloodiest battle. Hundreds of original buildings and landmarks have been preserved as a result and many believe they aren’t the only remains of the past.

Countless well-documented books and documentaries recount personal experiences, real stories of hauntings, over the last century and a half since the infamous battle, in and around Gettysburg. Many visitors’ photographs capture orbs, ghosts, and other unexplained phenomenon, arousing further popularity in Gettysburg ghost hunts.

Most Gettysburg ghost tours are conducted at night by the light of candles or lamps, led by staff in traditional Civil War-era dress, both throughout the town and on the battlefield. Many tours are based on book series’ such as Ghosts of Gettysburg and Haunted Gettysburg. For the most part, tours are conducted year-round with special events scheduled during peak season. Reservations are recommended to avoid disappointment.

The center of Gettysburg contains a town square from which four primary routes extend. Although the town does not sit on the Gettysburg National Military Park battlefield, much of the fighting spilled over into its streets.

Baltimore Street sites of interest include the courthouse and church which both served, as hospitals for thousands of wounded and dying soldiers. Another favorite is the Jenny Wade House. There, Gettysburg’s only civilian casualty was claimed, the third day of battle, in the kitchen while baking bread for Union troops. Bullet holes can still be seen in the door.

Carlisle Street takes visitors on campus at Gettysburg College where elevator doors opened to show faculty the scene of a Civil War hospital, complete with the surgeon inviting them to help. Actors also frequently report seeing The General during theatre productions.

Robert E. Lee's headquarters can be found along Seminary Ridge where buildings of the Lutheran Seminary served as hospitals and the grounds were temporary burial plots.

Steinwehr Avenue is home to the National Cemetery, site of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and final resting place for more than 3,500 Union soldiers. Nearby, the Soldier’s National Museum is another spirit hot spot. Once an orphanage, it housed children whose fathers perished in battle. Just down the street, the oldest building in Gettysburg and a stop on the Underground Railroad, the Dobbin House, also boasts paranormal activity.

The adventurous can go to the site of Hospital Woods as well as the ill-fated field of Pickett's Charge on the Codori Farm, or visit nearby Sachs Covered Bridge, where three Confederate soldiers were hung. Other areas include Devil’s Den and the grove next to Culp’s Hill, considered two of the most haunted places on the battlefield.

Documented on A&E and Travel Channel, the Farnsworth House on Baltimore Street has a reputation for great food, hospitality, and a haunting or two. Their book documents 14 spirits over a period of 200 years including Civil War soldiers, a nurse, a mischievous little boy, and a curious calico cat.

Tours include nightly ghost hunts with high-tech night vision sensors, thermal digital recorders, and infrared viewers. Traditional candlelight walks also are available. A trip to the attic reveals where Confederate sharpshooters spent time during the battle, and continue to do so.

A unique attraction is the Mourning Theater in the basement of the Farnsworth House. The turn-of-the-century, Victorian viewing parlor presentation tells tales of 1863 by candlelight.

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