
gettysburg address

On November 1st 1959, the population of New York City was 8,042,783. If you laid all these people end to end, figuring an average height of five feet six & a half inches, they would reach from Times Square to the outskirts of Karachi, Pakistan. I know facts like this because i worked for an insurance company..



A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/0Cei7zmerO via @stephenwoodfin


I just added "Gettysburg Address" to Kinetic Typography I Like: http://t.co/SUXFgLVPb0

Malik clan

I believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, just as much as I believe that George Washington was the first president or Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.


So proud of Logan. he has worked really really hard and passed off all 6 tasks for the Great American Challenge. Yea, I made him do all 6 but he had to do the work to make it happen. The challenge included, memorize the following:1. The Pledge 2. The Preamble 3. The US Presidents in order 4. The Gettysburg Address 5. The National Anthem and 6. The US States and Capitols. The hardest one? The Presidents.


finished Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln http://t.co/4EaNU2yvOU


Q284 Writing in the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln wrote, “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in ________ and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” (choose one): A new age. Justice. Liberty. Fire.

The Campaign For Biblical And Constitutional Literacy

John McCain


Several fourth graders just recited the Gettysburg Address from memory. Adorable.


A Little Perspective

Pythagorean Theorem: 24 words
The Lord’s Prayer: 66 words
Archimedes’ Principle: 67 words
The Ten Commandments: 179 words
The Gettysburg Address: 286 Words
Declaration of Independence : 1,300 words
U.S. Government regulations on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words

Enough said!

- via The Lantern, Highway church of Christ, Sullivan, IL Visit their website as www.highwaycofc.com


Delivering wine :)


Fuck the Gettysburg address


still trying to memorize the damn gettysburg address fml


Found this cute video of the Gettysburg Address



Homeland II/06 A Gettysburg Address (Fuori controllo) http://t.co/2NrQIBmRal


i dont want to memorize the Gettysburg Address


Only if the government never lost sight of the Gettysburg address...


Watching Lincoln and it struck a chord that my (amazing) farmer grandfather, who never had the luxury of going to college or barely even being educated to 12th grade level (taking care of the farm is first) could recite the Gettysburg address, perfectly, until the day he died. Truly something special.


A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/MHHo7CRiZY via @stephenwoodfin


I get so tired of folks wanting to Control My Gun, I can Control My Gun all by myself Thank you very much!


@GigiGiddings wanna tell me the Gettysburg Address? Two paragraphs are two too many


As we ponder upon the choices we will make this coming election, the words of Abraham Lincoln and his Gettysburg Address still ring true today. Let there be freedom, let there be light and let truth prevail as every Malaysian is created equal and should be treated as such.

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Abraham Lincoln

"...this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham Lincoln


Thanks to my history teacher I have to memorize the Gettysburg address :( Haha.. You have got to love history sometimes...


DVDs 3 dollars each or 5 for 10. Bulletproof monk (bluray), Fried Green Tomatoes collectors edition, double feature Deadly Trackers/Man in the Wilderness (Richard harris), Die hard, Yellowstone by Nature, Space Cowboys, Aeonflux, Rush Hour, Beverly Hills Ninja, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Gettysburg (Tom Berrenger, Sam Elliot), Benchwarmers, Ghostrider, Steve Martins Pink Panther, Alien VS Predator, John Waynes Mclintock, Red Eye, I Spy, Americas National Parks, True Lies, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, John Waynes Hondo, Spiderman Returns, the Golden Compass, Dinatopia, The Great American Western four pack, The Rocketeer, Eagle Eye, Men in Black Two, The Last Mimzy, Boogeyman, Dennis Quaids The Rookie, four pack/Special Forces/Navy Seals/Making Marines/Special Forces, Johnny Depps Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Die Another Day, House Bunny, Winter Stallion, Sharkboy and LavaGirl, The Abyss, When a Stranger Calls, Arachnaphobia, Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson four pack


A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/7cnay5EPWr via @stephenwoodfin


From a Close Friend...
We are in for two tickets!
These wines are worth taking a chance on...:)


Dear Family and Friends,
We are planning to participate in an amazing educational program to Washington, D.C., Yorktown, Charlottesville, Jamestown and Philadelphia March 2013 with our friends and classmates from West Park Elementary School! We’ll spend a total of 6 days together learning really cool things about our country. Here are some of the awesome activities that are planned for us on our visit:
• The Capitol: See the Rotunda and the Senate and House chambers where Congress meets.
• White House: Visit the most famous house in America - home to our president and the executive branch of our government.
• Lincoln Memorial: Pay tribute to our 16th president and reading his famous Gettysburg Address.
In order to take part in this totally unique adventure, we need to raise $3,374 EACH. We are having a fundraising raffle drawing for a case of Napa Valley wines.
1. Chiarello Family Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon, "Eileen", 2009, $85.00
2. Forman Cabernet Sauvignon, 2007, $70.00
3. Groth Vineyards & Winery Cabernet Sauvignon, 2009, $50.00
4. Pine Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon, Stag's Leap District , 2009, $85.00
5. Sequoia Grove Cabernet Sauvignon, 2009, $38.00
6. Faust Cabernet Sauvignon, 2009, $55.00
7. Paradigm Cabernet Sauvignon, 2006, $75.00
8. Frank Family Zinfandel, 2010, $37.00
9. SLWC "Fay", $95.00
10. Van Der Heyden Syrah, 2004, $60.00
11. Tamber Bey Rabicano, 2009, $53.00
12. Silverado Vineyards Sangiovese, 2007, $28.00

Case of wine Suggested Retail Value = $731
Tickets are $30 each, two for $50 or five for $100. Drawing will be held on tax day April 15th. Please help us by sponsoring a portion of the trip. Any contribution you can make would bring us that much closer to this once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you would like to talk to the trip organizer, please contact Principal Julie Herdell, West Park Elementary School, 707-253-3516. Thank you for your gift of education.

Teah and Christoph Horton


@ForeverJakers Gettysburg address n shit


The Gettysburg Address and Reader’s Digest have a 10th grade level in common. Make sure your #targetaudience can understand your content


" The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." - Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg address


Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

--Abraham Lincoln

The Gettysburg Address


High standards and attention to detail are commendable; they show you take pride in your work. However, dyed-in-the -wool perfectionists take an all-or-nothing approach by finding fault and obsessing over how they could have done better. Case in point: after delivering one of history's most memorable speeches, Abraham Lincoln described his Gettysburg Address as a "flat failure." We're all imperfect; get used to it! We only "know in part" (1Co 13:19). So: (1) Give yourself permission to fail, in order to succeed. Henry Ford said, "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again mire intelligently." (2) Though you're not likely to excel initially, don't be afraid to try. You won't get prefect results, but it will let you see that sometimes "average"can be progress. (3) Lighten up. Be forgiving of yourself, and extend grace to others. Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.' (4) Don't get bogged down n minutiae. Set a time limit, say, "I'm gong to give this thirty minutes." A well-known counselor says, "Have reasonable expectations do your best and encourage others to do the same. Flaws and imperfections determine your uniqueness. Relish them. Embrace them. You're human and God made you that way." The truth is, God doesn't judge our mistakes nearly as harshly as we do. He "remembers we are only dust." (Ps 103:14). He is the God of the second, third, fourth....chance. Live in His blessing and allow His favor to guide and direct you even through your mistakes.
Pastor Pete

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