

Pythagorean Theorem: 24 words
The Lords Prayer: 66 words
The 10 Commandments: 189 words
The Gettysburg Address: 286 words
The Declaration of Independence: 1458 words
The U.S. Government regulations on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words
The U.S. Federal Tax Code: 3,800,000 words

Have you done your taxes yet or are you still procrastinating?



I remember when I told Tyler I was gonna have a Gettysburg address and be was like "oh yeah you could all dress like presidents"


well, nico is off to Gettysburg for a week then to Texas to start his new job. he will be dropped off by helicopters 400 feet onto towers. I know we raise them to be independent, but he will always be my little boy


Sittin here watchin Gettysburg and wait for my wonderful husband to come home. I have missed him so. :-)


Gettysburg bound! #nerdpowercouplehistorytrip http://t.co/MQUMZk2h5z


@gravygravybaby The Gettysburg address will hold more water than Kiski ever will


Good morning Cohoes....Hard to believe this is civil..The Fact of the Day: Civil War End
The American Civil War (also called the War Between the States) ended in April 1865. About 1,556,000 soldiers served in the Federal armies, which suffered a total of 634,703 casualties (359,528 dead and 275,175 wounded). About 800,000 men served in the Confederate forces, which sustained approximately 483,000 casualties (about 258,000 dead and 225,000 wounded). General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Army of North Virginia, surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, commander-in-chief of the Union Army, ending four years of war. Grant drew up very unselfish terms of surrender. The Confederate soldiers were permitted to keep their horses and go free to their homes; the Confederate officers were allowed to retain their swords and sidearms.



1. Robbie Hohman 75.6
2. Josh Rinehart 74.4
T3. Rob Bowman 73.6
T3. Blake Sebring 73.6
5. Scott Sebring 73.2
T6. Darwin Lehew 72.8
T6. Mike Bryan 72.8
8. Craig Kay 71.2
9. Lou Maranto 69.2
10. Phil Bayliss 65.6

Who's got the best short game and putting around? Time will tell.....competition ends July 31.


Pitino had flashbacks of being at Gettysburg


I think gettysburg should add another thousand freshman next year and reserve ALL classes for them #pissedoff


@ForeverkoolChoo yo I watch those shows all the time. Def down to road trip there sometime. Gettysburg is EXTRA haunted


This morning I visit the US Consulate.. And yes I got my working visa. US here I come


Awesome day today. Aiden spent he day with Megan and went to the park. Kristie Plotner and I left early (her dang bike didn't want to start) rode with the Grove's Winchester Harley-Davidson HOG chapter to Battlefield Harley-Davidson, Gettysburg PA bike blessing event and back. Then to my mom n dads or dinner and to fix her garage door opener.


On south Washington street in #Gettysburg fire crews are responding to a house fire http://t.co/CvMXOuFaRs


Gettysburg Pa


Shahnice just said she work at the JcPenny on gettysburg lmao


Red Tiger Jazz and his brother Red Tiger Winner at Greyhounds In Gettysburg 2007


General Psychiatrist Opening (PA333-P) - Gettysburg, PA http://t.co/Nx6tzATINg


GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD 11 http://t.co/np9d8C8t8T via @TwitPic


Hate going anywhere there is nothing but negativity its very draining


Favorite dinner spot near Timonium, Md. Go!


Just got home from Washington DC, Amish Country (where yes, we did get stuck behind not just one, but a whole bunch of buggies),Gettysburg and Pittsburgh...So glad to be home; but such an amazing trip.


Where are you gonna be on 4.20? http://bit.ly/13iLypW


Can you answer this? Could the Confederates have done better at Gettysburg if they had put ... http://t.co/WVhvnJmwWg #americancivilwar


Worst sentence of 2day:For Rising African Leaders, Gettysburg Provides Laboratory for Decision-Making at the Operational-Strategic Interface


@maxcaulfield hey there, would you ever consider going to Gettysburg for the 150th Ann in July?



The 2013 LGBTQA Advising Summer Intern will assist LGBTQA Advising in the accomplishment of programmatic, educational, and outreach goals. The Summer Intern will have the opportunity to assist in improving institutional support offerings, as well as have the opportunity to plan an original, official LGBTQA Advising-funded event that combines their personal interests/passions with LGBTQA advocacy on the Gettysburg College campus.


Benchmarking LGBTQA support/retention services at Peer & Reach Institutions
Develop collaborative programming with other Summer Internship students for Fall 2013
Develop a student network for resource dissemination/programming collaboration
Participate in weekly dialogue/reading group with other College Life interns & Supervisors
Work to strengthen LGBTQA Advising/Library Partnership through cataloging ALLies House materials and resources
Research LGBTQA Activism and Advocacy on campus via archives & special collections
Create interactive record of institutional history for LGBTQA Advising Website
Development of resources that speak to LGBTQA support & climate on campus
Expansion of web presence, both with LGBTQA Advising website & Social Media
Assist in the development of a Fall Leadership retreat for ALLies
Develop an independent, LGBTQA Advising-funded program for the FALL 2013 semester
Other duties as assigned

o Must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and be in good standing with the College
o Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite
o Knowledge of CMS preferred
o Must be available to start on Monday, May 20th (this date may be negotiable)

TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Summer 2013 (May – August)
HOURS: 20 hours/ week
COMPENSATION: Summer Housing, 7.50/hr. 20 hr./wk.


This is what I have learned from posting pictures here..If it looks too good, its fake. If it looks bad , its fake. If it is sharp focus, its faked. If its blurry its faked. If it is shaped like a person, its faked. if its not shaped like a person, its faked. it seems that the only photos we believe are the ones that we ourselves take. I can understand it. So..where do we go from here?


Safe travels to the students, teachers and parents heading out on their big trip to Gettysburg tomorrow morning. Enjoy your trip.


President Janet Morgan Riggs of Gettysburg College just mentioned Sigma Chi in her speech at Journey to Remember. The mention was about our alliance with Campus Kitchens and Gettysburg CPS.


@sabby5874 watch a boring long movie. Works for me. #Gettysburg should do the trick


i have the best mom in the whole world! :) ... n heads up pple never say stuff bout my family, because your wrong.. n i wont let you go easy for trying to make my family seem so bad.


Part Time Office Assistant (Gettysburg) http://t.co/siWK6SXaBw


Arrrived home this evening from a wonderful 3+ day trip to Gettysburg. Made all the more special by sharing it with some family members! The most informative and interesting event was a 3 hour tour with the guide driving my car and giving a wealth of information about each aspect of the battle grounds.


Any history lovers wanna go to Gettysburg this summer with me? @dre_skiiiii ???


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/BSXv7fOK1C via @Heather_Curley


Gettysburg Museam. GrandDad is on Union side and GrandMom is on Confederation side.


What did your scouting weekend bring you?


Officially a Gettysburg College tour guide! :)


I just finished watching LINCOLN. Daniel Day Lewis has been called the "Greatest Living Actor" in the English Language. I might agree, but I just love Denzel. Anyway, the "Colored" troop who recited the end of the Gettysburg address to President Lincoln said "...and that government of the people, and by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth". I wonder if Rand Paul and Marco Rubio would have called him (Lincoln) a Socialist.

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