

@HauntedPlanetTV Jennie Wade house in Gettysburg



Had a great time this weekend with the Palmetto Military Academy at Gettysburg!!! But man am I tired!!!


Save The Dates: 5/14 Highly Selective Admissions w reps from Columbia &Gettysburg. 5/20 College Athletic Recruitment w/ DI II III Coaches


Remembering #Gettysburg - what Americans can still learn from this pivotal moment in history: http://t.co/HVUOBflQaP @euronews @StateDept


RARE 1988 Dodge Shadow Shelby (Gettysburg,Pa) $1700 http://t.co/YlAP53LaLP


Pool weather in Gettysburg: Above, Thomas Tesar, left, a Gettysburg College sophomore from Ohio, wa... http://t.co/oYQduBsR1B #lancaster


We had a great tour through gettysburg battlefield now we are on our way to the amish country yay!


Favorite Iced Earth song? Go!!


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/2zvS93Qz5b via @Heather_Curley


Throw a Gettysburg address without my parents finding out. Success


Box 1 Gettysburg Borough at Chambersburg st and franklin st meeting AC1 for a MVA only EMS response 6a responding from the hospital. (3)


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/CuZAi5gCjL via @Heather_Curley

Seven Key Competencies of Coordinated Care: A Free Executive ...: GETTYSBURG, Pa., April 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWI... http://t.co/KwuHqV6w0V


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/4rCr2zooFE via @Heather_Curley


@EdBaker3000 @BreitbartNews Thet r here 2 serve the people not themselves. read the Gettysburg Address. lincoln thought long & hard.


Soldiers National Cemetery. Gettysburg, PA w/ @griffikl #gettysburg #soldiersnationalcemetery… http://t.co/WSM7dARqWz

On the grounds of the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. Beautiful morning #FromWhereIStand #LLBDiscovery http://t.co/MgAkLUQhEF


Many people have been asking about how they can support RCC financially. Freedom Valley Church in Gettysburg has already set up an account for us. You can do one of 2 things. You could give me any checks that are made payable to Freedom Valley Church and clearly mark "RCC" or "Rescue Community Church" in the memo. I will then get them to FVC. Or you can send any checks or cash (that is clearly designated for RCC ) to Freedom Valley Church, 3185 York Rd.,Gettysburg, Pa. 17325. There may be an online giving option in the near future. Thanks so much for considering supporting RCC.


Expecting some big time numbers to be posted today at G-A/Gettysburg track meet. #fastweather #gogetit


Good morning everyone!!! Going to Gettysburg today :3


We watched the scariest movie everr in social studies today!


Gettysburg national park then wax museum and lunch. Lots of fun..


So cassidy is off on her tour. I call her this morning and she was in gettysburg, pa. What does she tell me? Im bored! Not what i wanted to hear! Lol


And it came from http://t.co/aXipD1DYky so it must be real


@CThomasHowell Also... dan dan dan butterfield butterfield butterfield! #Gettysburg


6 AM jog in Historic Gettysburg this morning


Accidental=I am sorry you were offended you thin-skinned, James McPherson-eating, Gettysburg-visiting, fried-chicken eating...oh, wait...


Voting casino gettysburg excess profits tax: .pHF 295019


just got home from a trip to Gettysburg. what a mind trip to actually see and be on the battle field!!!! also saw the train station that Lincoln was at.. the property at the time was owned by Grandma Merritts family.


Gettysburg football team to play in Division II http://t.co/AgcyuuOfTn


@ChristianKane01 One time you came to Gettysburg & my friend met you but I was sick & you left me a voicemail on my phone! I still have it:)


Today in history: The tombstone of Colonel John Wheeler who fought and died in the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2, 1863, Native American burial ground, and the Old Crown Point Jail where Public Enemy #1 John Dillinger escaped from in 1934. All of these sites are in Crown Point. Most people living in NWI don't even realize these historical sites are there!


View photos of a festive #FoundersWeekend http://t.co/WSIRg0KPIX


The third year in a row getting bent over by the 720 time slot, thanks gettysburg #notsogreat




Director of Nursing (Gettysburg) http://t.co/N1D2kVoNQY


Crews responding to a vehicle accident at Chambersburg and Franklin streets, #Gettysburg borough. #AdamsCountyPA


Well Spring Break is over. We had an enjoyable family week. We toured Gettysburg went on some ghost tours/hunts, visited Hershey Chocolate World and the Hershey Amusement Park, went to Indian Echo Caverns, and visited the Amish Country and ate a Amish Restaraunt. Now it is back to reality today and tomarrow. Everyone have an enjoyable evening and week.


battlefield Harley and Gettysburg Pennsylvania blessing of the bikes



Distinguished readers,

Yet again we find ourselves at the same place yet again, its time to argue and wrangle over the federal budget. Regardless of what side of the isle you stand or don't, this is a important issue. We are once again deluged with messages of fear-mongering by both political parties. This is when we must be critical thinkers and be able do our own research and make decisions based upon those rational facts we find.

I am by far not the most politically active within my circle of friends yet I understand all too well its impact upon our daily lives. Both sides of the congressional isles wants to cut spending on the other party's constituent programs or simply items as defense spending or social security depending upon orientation of view. Yet there is a 3rd group those whom are fed up with the partisan bickering and brazen behavior that our lawmakers act with the maturity of toddlers in a sand box.

I know of people whom without some form of governmental assistance would be homeless and starving. Yet we all know from our experiences in the real world that we cannot spend excessively without consequences. Screaming about how the poor are over paid in this country or that the rich get too many breaks is frankly tiresome and detracts from the real issues. Will there have to be a spending reduction of some sort or fashion likely so but that doesn't mean we throw anyone to the wolves just yet.

So yet again I implore you all, to read as much information on these proposes. DO NOT buy into the fear-mongering of interest groups or political parties. Be vocal, call, write, email all your congressional representation. But remember in the end we must find a middle path and balance within ourselves. Our first words in our constitution is "WE THE PEOPLE" not corporations, political interest groups, and for god's sake certainly not money are the arbiters of our own government.

Yet we mostly remain content to be sheep waiting to be lead to the next patch of grass. This cannot be permitted any longer, our Federal Republican form of government requires an educated, informed, and active citizenry. YOU get the leadership you DON'T demand and hold ACCOUNTABLE.

Yet we are a people that believes that while the majority rules, we will never permit the persecution or harm of a minority either through legal or illegal actions leveled at that minority. To permit that is to accept tyranny and that is not who we are as a free people. I hope that my words spur you to some action to research both sides of these issues. To find the facts and even if they contradict your personal views make a decision upon those facts.

We are one out of many and in that is our greatest strength. No force on earth can touch that strength. Let us set about shaping the rebirth and new growth of freedom; with malice towards none and charity for all (Lincon, 1863, Gettysburg address)


Jared Royka


Sorry, Gettysburg. Accidental Racist is officially the worst thing to happen as a result of the Civil War.


We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.


Book your Gettysburg tour call today 802-291-1327 Deadline is April 16th dont miss out come join us for the 150th ,sight see and See some ghosts :-)

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